OR 87:769

Before Richmond, Va., October 3, 1864.

CAPTAIN In accordance with circular dated headquarters Second Division, Tenth Army Corps, before Richmond, Va., October 3, 1864, I have the honor to report the operations of this command from the 28th day of September to October 1, 1864.

The Third Brigade, Second Division, Tenth Army Corps, left position near Petersburg September 28, at 3 p.m., and reached Deep Bottom at 3 a.m. September 29. At 5 a.m. same day followed Second Brigade on the New Market road. At about 9 a.m. formed brigade line of battle and followed Second Brigade in an assault on a section of the enemy's artillery and the supporting troops. This force having been scattered, I moved to the left and formed line at right angles, to the line of our previous advance. At 3 p.m. received an order to assault a work in our front, moving on the left of First Brigade. The distance to the fort was over half a mile, across three ravines, filled with fallen trees. Along the whole distance two works of the enemy on our right enfiladed our line with artillery. When we had nearly reached the fort we received so severe and continuous a fire of musketry and canister shot that we were driven back about 200 yards. A colored regiment joining us, I advanced my force again and was again repulsed. I moved back to my position before the assault, sending out skirmishers to cover the parties bringing off the wounded. Casualties, 11 officers and 132 enlisted men. At dark I moved back to the right of the position the brigade now occupies. September 30, I moved to my present position. Since then have been employed in strengthening the works along my front. During the day I advanced my picket-line. Casualties, 4.

I have the honor to be, captain, most respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, Commanding Brigade.

Capt. B. B. KEELER,

Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen, Second Division, Tenth Army Corps.

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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