USFS Logo The North Cascades Study Report
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Letter of Transmittal



The North Cascades in Pictures

I Introduction

Origin and Purpose
Procedures and Collaboration
Previous Studies
Summary of Recommendations

II The North Cascades—Resource Highlights

Historical Highlights
Population and Employment    Population
Natural Resources
   Timber Resources
      Forest Description
      Commercial Timber Values and Output
      Some Timber Policy Questions
      High Mountain Policy
   Recreation Resources
      Lands Dedicated to Recreation
      Recreation Use and Facilities
      Land Classification
      Transportation and Access
   Fish and Wildlife Resources
   Mineral Resources
      Mining Exploration and Activity
      Limitations on Mining
   Water and Power
      Water Supply
      Water Quality
      Water Needs
      Power Needs and Supply
      Power Transmission
   Range Resources

III Recommendations

Agency Recommendations
   National Park Service
   Forest Service
Hearing Record
Team Recommendations
   Wilderness Areas
   North Cascades National Park
      Description of Area
      Agency Plans for the Area
         Forest Service
         National Park Service
      Major Considerations in Recommending a National Park
   Mount Rainier National Park
   Other Recreation Areas
   Scenic Roads and Trails
   Timber Management
   Other Recommendations
Economic Impact of Recommendations
   Effect of Recreation Dedications on Timberland and Volumes
   Glacier Peak Wilderness Area
   North Cascades National Park
   Scenic Roads

IV Individual Views of Study Team Members

V Appendices

A Letters Initiating the Study

B Position Statement by Forest Service

C Position Statement by National Park Service

D Highlights in the History of the North Cascades, Including Selected Key Events, Acts of Congress, Legislative Proposals, and Administrative Decisions

E Selected Bibliography


Department of Agriculture

Dr. George A. Selke
Consultant to the Secretary

Arthur W. Greeley
Deputy Chief—Forest Service

Department of the Interior

Dr. Owen S. Stratton
Consultant to the Secretary

George B. Hartzog, Jr.
Director—National Park Service


Edward C. Crafts
Director—Bureau of Outdoor Recreation



1MapVicinity of the North Cascades Study Area.
2MapNorth Cascades Study Area topography.
3TableLand area of the State of Washington, by major land classes, as of January 1, 1963.
4TableRelation of the land and water area of the North Cascades Study Area to State of Washington, by Federal and non-Federal ownership.
5MapFederal land ownership and management areas in the Study Area.
6Chart & tableGross area within the exterior boundary of the North Cascades Study Area, by land and water areas, by ownership classes.
7Chart & tableFederal lands in the North Cascades Study Area, by area in National Parks, Wilderness and Primitive areas, and other National Forest lands by resource associations.
8MapPopulation distribution, 1961, State of Washington.
9MapPopulation distribution, 1960, western United States and British Columbia.
10TablePopulation of the United States, three-State area, Washington, British Columbia, and 11-county North Cascades Area, and Gross National Product for the United States, 1940 and 1960, and projection for 2000.
11TableEmployment in the North Cascades Area, annual average, 1961.
12Chart & tableForest land area and other land area in Federal ownership in the North Cascades Study Area, by commercial forest land area and sawtimber volume, and other land area, by area open or closed to commercial timber cutting.
13TableAcreage, sawtimber volume, and sawtimber stand per acre in the stocked portion of the commercial forest area of the North Cascades Study Area open to commercial timber cutting, by broad species groups.
14TableRelation of the timber resource in the North Cascades Study Area to the timber resource of the State of Washington and to the Nation in terms of available commercial forest area and sawtimber volume, allowable annual cut, and lumber, plywood, and pulp production or plant capacity.
15MapAvailable and reserved commercial forest lands in the Study Area.
16MapForest resource associations and Landscape Management Areas in the Study Area.
17Chart & tableAcreage and year of establishment of existing Federal areas in the North Cascades Study Area managed wholly or primarily for recreation purposes or where recreation is a key management purpose, by type of area.
18Chart & tablePast, current, and projected public recreation use of the North Cascades Study Area, selected years, by primary purpose of visit.
19TableRecreation facilities existing in 1962-63 in the North Cascades Study Area.
20MapOutdoor recreation resource management classification of the Study Area by the National Park Service according to ORRRC criteria.
21MapOutdoor recreation resource management classification of the Study Area by the Forest Service according to ORRRC criteria.
22Chart & tableOutdoor recreation resources of the North Cascades Study Area as separately classified by the National Park Service and the Forest Service according to management classes recommended by the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission.
23TableMiles of existing and planned forest highways and forest development roads and trails in the National Forests of the North Cascades Study Area.
24MapMajor hunting areas in Study Area.
25TableNon-metal mineral production in the North Cascades area.
26TableMetal production from mines in the Washington portion of the North Cascades Area, 1904-1962.
27MapExisting and potential water resource development projects in the Study Area.
28MapRange and forage allotments in the Study Area.
29MapProposed management areas recommended by the National Park Service.
30MapEldorado Peaks High Country development plan prepared by the Forest Service.
31MapProposed management areas recommended by the Forest Service.
32TableSummary of testimony, both oral and written statements, including petitions, submitted for the record during and after the public hearings of October 7-11, 1963, relating to the North Cascades Study Area.
33MapRecommended management areas.
34MapProposed scenic roads and trails recommended for the Study Area.
35MapProposed North Cascades National Park boundary.
36Chart & tableArea of the proposed North Cascades National Park, by land and water areas, by National Forest, by county, by present land status.
37Chart & tableArea of proposed North Cascades National Park, by ORRRC outdoor recreation resource management classes, Forest Service Landscape Management classes, and forest and non-forest areas.
38MapProposed North Cascades National Park, recreation resource management classification by the National Park Service.
39MapProposed North Cascades National Park, recreation resource management classification by the Forest Service.
40MapProposed North Cascades National Park forest resource associations and Landscape Management Areas.
41MapProposed North Cascades National Park forest and non-forest lands.
42MapProposed North Cascades National Park grazing allotments.
43MapProposed North Cascades National Park water resource development projects, existing and potential.
44MapMajor hunting areas in relation to proposed North Cascades National Park.
45Chart & tableRelation of the proposed North Cascades National Park to the North Cascades Study Area, by total land area, available commercial forest area and sawtimber, ORRRC recreation resource classes, area dedicated primarily to recreation, and existing and potential water resource development projects.
46MapProposed development plan for a Mount Baker National Park as recommended by National Park Service.
47TableProposals for scenic roads and parkways in the North Cascades Study Area, by agencies.
48TableNet difference within the North Cascades Study Area between existing and proposed areas managed wholly or primarily for recreation, by total area, sawtimber volume and area of available commercial forest land, by kind of area.
49TableRelation of all proposed areas dedicated wholly or primarily to recreation and the proposed North Cascades National Park to the existing Study Area, in terms of total land area, available and reserved commercial forest area and sawtimber volume.
50TableEstimated annual expenditures, wages, and employment which would be generated by visitors to and development of recreation facilities in the proposed North Cascades National Park, and by visitor use and development of scenic roads in the North Cascades Study Area.
Appendix B
1MapNorth Cascades Mountains Study Area.
2MapEldorado Peaks High Country.
Appendix C
1MapMajor Scenic, Scientific and Recreation Target Areas.
2MapFlow Patterns of Recreation Use Today.
3MapScenic Road and Parkway Possibilities.
4MapManagement Proposals.

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Last Updated: 26-Mar-2010