Historic Structure Report
Historical and Archeological Data Sections

A History of the Building and Structures of Faraway Ranch
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1 Mouth of Bonita Canyon, floodplain Small rock ring 65 cm diameter; no charcoal present but probably historic/modern hearth
2 Mouth of Bonita Canyon, floodplain Igneous secondary flake
3 Mouth of Bonita Canyon, floodplain 2 igneous primary flakes 1 w/intermittent retouch
4 Slope N of Bonita Creek above Faraway west pasture 4 igneous secondary flakes; 2 igneous cores
5 Faraway Meadow Small boulder with shallow mortar hole Located at east end of large trash dump (CHIR 83A-1:F20)
6 Faraway Meadow Very light lithic scatter (n=10) Crosscut by Hwy. 181; heavily disturbed
7 Between Faraway Meadow and west pasture 5 unretouched flakes
8 Ridge slope north of Faraway west pasture 1 obsidian corner-notched projectile point; 1 igneous secondary flake Projectile point collected. Probably Late Archaic.
9 Ridge slope north of Faraway west pasture 2 brownware sherds; 2 igneous primary flakes; 1 igneous retouched flake 20-50 m below small cave
10 Ridge slope north of Faraway west pasture Unifacial cobble chopper
11 Floodplain north of Bonita Creek opposite Faraway west pasture 2 igneous secondary flakes
12 Faraway west pasture 2 igneous secondary flakes In Hwy. 181 roadbed
13 Ridge slope south of Faraway west pasture 2 igneous cores
14 Saddle between two peaks of Erickson ridge 1 chert retouched flake
15 Faraway west pasture, south slope 1 igneous secondary flake
16 Faraway west pasture 2 igneous secondary flakes; 1 igneous primary flake
17 Faraway west pasture 1 igneous core tool
18 Faraway Ranch area 5 igneous flakes; 2 igneous cores; 1 quartz flake Heavily disturbed area
19 Faraway Ranch area Boulder mortar Not in situ; on front porch
20 Faraway Ranch area Basin metate Not in situ; part of path border stones
21 Faraway Ranch area 1 chert core; 4 igneous secondary flakes; 1 igneous shatter; 1 igneous retouched flake Heavily disturbed area cut by Faraway dirt road
22 Stafford orchard 1 black-on-red sherd; 2 brownware sherds Possibly part of site CHIR 83A-14
23 West of Stafford orchard Large boulder w/2 mortar cups In situ
24 North side of Bonita Creek opposite orchard 3 primary and 3 secondary igneous flakes Heavily disturbed area
25 Ridge slope north of Faraway west pasture 1 igneous core tool
26 Ridge slope north of Faraway west pasture Very light lithic scatter (n=10); 1 brownware sherd Overlaps locus CHIR 83A-1:F64
27 Ridge slope north of Faraway Ranch area 1 igneous secondary flake
28 Ridge slope north of Stafford orchard 2 igneous cores
29 Faraway Ranch area Trough metate Not in situ; built into wall around ranch house




2 Mouth of Bonita Canyon, south slope 58710

3 Mouth of Bonita Canyon, north slope 48367 336 41 110 1 1 Mibres B/W Collected: 1 obsidian projectile point base; 1 Mimbres B/W sherd

(only a sample of artifacts inventoried; less than 25%)
4 North slope above Faraway Meadow 2393
5 Faraway Meadow floodplain
6 South slope above Faraway Meadow4 413
1 unidentified R/W; 1 Encinas R/Br Collected: 1 obsidian drill base; 1 Encinas R/Br sherd
7 Faraway Meadow, floodplain1 15
1 Encinas R/Br Collected: 1 Encinas R/Br sherd
8 North slope west of Faraway west pasture 46 225 12 1 1
1 unidentified R/Br; 1 obliterated corrugated Also 1 polishing pebble
9 South slope west of Faraway west pasture 7 108 4
2 unidentified R/Br; 3 Gila polychrome Possible structure foundation
10 South slope above Faraway west pasture 5 56 1
32 1 1 unidentified R/Br; 1 incised BrW Collected: 1 incised BrW sherd
11 South slope south of Faraway Ranch and Hwy. 181 2 41 2
12 South slope south of Faraway Ranch and Hwy. 181 4 31 2 1
Collected: 1 obsidian biface fragment
13 Along drainage between rocky outcrops south of Stafford orchard x x ?
Lithic quarry. No inventory.
14 Stafford orchard 13 121 11 2
15 North slope between Stafford cabin and Superintendent's house x x x
x x 1 Ramos polychrome No quantitative inventory. Collected: 1 Ramos polychrome
16 South slope above Stafford orchard xxx
No quantitative inventory


x = present

CHIPPED STONE: COR = Core or Tested Cobble
DEB = Debitage (Primary Flakes, Secondary Flakes, Shatter)
RET = Retouched Piece
MT= Metate
BRM = Boulder or Bedrock Mortar
P = Pestle
CERAMICS: BrW = Brownware
RdW = Redware
Rd/W = Red-on-white
R/Br = Red-on-brown
B/W = Black-on-white

Table 3. Historic and 20th Century Loci: Isolated Artifacts


1 Mouth of Bonita Canyon, south slope Broken clear glass bottle: 10 fragments; probably liquor Manufacturer: Owens Illinois Glass Co. 1929-1954
2 Mouth of Bonita Canyon, south slope Galvanized metal water trough, in situ; 15'6" x 1'3" Possibly part of Ethel Erickson's ranch
3 Mouth of Bonita Canyon, north slope Broken dark blue glass cup: ca. 25 fragments Hand-blown Mexican glass; part of Faraway Ranch glassware set
4 Faraway Meadow Small, unknown desiccated rubber(?) object Collected for analysis
5 Faraway Meadow .45-55 caliber cartridge case, center fire, internally primed Dated headstamp: 1878. Collected
6 Faraway West Pasture Rusted and crushed hole-in-top tin can Height 4-11/16"; diameter 4-5/16"; probably 1880-1910
7 Faraway West Pasture Glass telephone wire insulator, aquamarine Embossed: "PATENTED MAY 2, 1893/HEMINGRAY No. 9"
8 Faraway West Pasture Soldered seam tin can; poss. hole-in-top Probably 1880-1910
9 Faraway West Pasture Hole-in-top tin can Probably 1880-1910; may be associated with F25
10 Faraway West Pasture Bent metal pipe w/"O" ring at one end Length = 21'6"; diameter = 1"
11 Faraway West Pasture Glass telephone wire insulator fragments, aquamarine Embossed: "———TED" "——1903"
12 Faraway West Pasture Animal steel spring leg trap Victor Brand, Oneida Community (Limited), Size No. 1 (?)
13 Faraway West Pasture Horseshoe Height 5-3/4"; maximum width 5-1/4"
14 Faraway West Pasture Horseshoe Height 5-1/4;"; maximum width 4-5/8"
15 Faraway West Pasture Olive green glass bottle base fragment, embossed "BR——" Probable manufacturer: H. Heye, Bremen and Hamburg; ca. 1880-1936
16 Faraway West Pasture Metal tool, probably posthole auger
17 Faraway West Pasture Rifle cartridge case center fire Headstamp: Winchester Repeating Arms Co.; unknown caliber
18 Faraway Ranch Area 2 3"-diameter metal pipes, semiburied Wire nails hammered into pipe; possibly used in fencing
19 Faraway Ranch Area Small 7-can scatter Includes 3 pre-1932 condensed milk cans
20 Faraway Ranch Area Riding disc harrow/plow Double lever, 12 16" discs
21 Faraway Ranch Area Concrete slab reinforced w/pipe and rebar 3'7" x 3'9" x 5"; probably not in situ
22 Faraway Ranch Area Flatbed farm wagon Collapsed and decayed
23 Faraway Ranch Area Unknown lapped sheet metal nailed on wood frame construction Possibly part of former structure, not in situ
24 Faraway Ranch Area Small pipe stock pile 3—1/2"-diameter pipes, variable length, laid on sawed timber rests
25 Faraway Ranch Area Stove topProbably wood/coal burning
26 Faraway Ranch Area Galvanized metal water heater Height 4'; diameter 1'
27 Faraway Ranch Area Small 3-can scatter Includes homemade feedbucket
28 Faraway Ranch Area Metal pipe set in round, 9" thick, concrete pedestal 11' tall; flat cross-bar at top w/2 drill holes
29 Faraway Ranch Area Galvanized metal animal trough 5' long, 8" wide, 5" deep. Not in situ. Embossed "BROWER"
30 Faraway Ranch Area Metal pipe 2 sections joined by collar. Total length = 26'3"
31 Faraway Ranch Area Round point shovel blade and pump (?) handle
32 Faraway Ranch Area 5 cut-out tire walls and sections of 1-1/2" diameter rubber hoses Rubber stockpile?
33 Faraway Ranch Area Heavy wood frame construction consisting of 9' timbers joined by metal and wooden rungsPossibly framing for building or a drag sled
34 Faraway Ranch Area Bottle binContains fragments of glass dating back to ca. 1920 or earlier
35 Faraway Ranch Area Arched, wooden slatsPossible wagon cover frame?
36 Faraway Ranch Area Small glass scatter Includes fragments of embossed purple glass (pre-1917)
37 Faraway Ranch Area Tripod w/suspended "O" ring on link chain Legs manufactured w/ 10' long narrow gauge railroad track embossed "THYSSEN 28"
38 Faraway Ranch Area Pipe stock pile 10 pipes of variable lengths and diameters; 1 pipe set in cement
39 Faraway Ranch Area Bathtub "planter" Enameled metal oval (5' x 2') bathtub reused as flower planter
40 Faraway Ranch Area Boulder with drill holes Holes probably drilled by power drill
41 Faraway Ranch Area Trash barrel Reused oil drum
42 Faraway Ranch Area Pipe stock pile 5 pipes of variable lengths and diameters
43 Faraway Ranch Area Probable walking plow part Part of brace?
44 Faraway Ranch Area Wooden gate or fencing section ca. 6' x 4'; fallen to ground
45 Faraway Ranch Area 7" sledge Minus handle; engraved: "——WERK"
46 Faraway Ranch Area Hand-engraved block of rhyolite "CCS FAULKNER"; probably part of original Garfield Monument (1886)
47 Faraway Ranch Area Unidentified heavy cast metal round object w/"O" ring attached to top Diameter = 18-1/2"; lid shaped with 24 1/2-inch holes around edge
48 Faraway Ranch Area Name scratched on cement rim of pool "CLAUDE NOLAND 5-24-47"
49 Faraway Ranch Area 2 glass telephone wire insulators attached to tree, 8' and 10' high 1 aquamarine; 1 clear; both embossed, "HEMINGRAY"
50 Stafford Orchard Hole-in-top tin can w/wire handle Reused as a small bucket for transporting tar asphalt into orchard
51 Stafford Cabin Area .45—70 caliber cartridge case, center fire, externally primed Dated headstamp: 1887. Collected.
52 Stafford Cabin Area .44 caliber cartridge case, rimfire .44 Henry flat; Collected. ca. 1860-1935 (popular in 19th century
53 Stafford Cabin Area .40-65 caliber cartridge case, center fire Headstamp: Winches ter Repeating Arms Co. WCF; collected. 1887-ca. 1935
54 Stafford Cabin Area .38 caliber rifle cartridge case, center fire Headstamp: Reining ton Union Metallic Cartridge Co. WCF
55 Stafford Cabin Area Metal-framed, wheeled pushcart 2 tiers, U-shaped handle; overall height 37"; width 14-1/2;"; depth 17"
56 Stafford Cabin Area Glass marble Candy-stripe type of spiral marble, probably handmade; pre-1920. Collected
57 Stafford Cabin Area 2 wood timbers w/inset rollers Timbers: 55" x 3-1/2" x 3-1/2;"; unknown function: possibly a skid
58 Stafford Cabin Area Bottle finish Brown glass beer bottle finish w/wire attachment scars; turn-of-the-century
59 Stafford Cabin Area Metal barrel/oil drum recessed upright into ground, fully buried Possibly adapted for use as a water sump/filter
60 N of Faraway Ranch Strap buckle Accommodates 7/8-inch strap, with sliding toothed crossbar.
61 N of Faraway Ranch Hole-in-top can lid fragment Associated with one piece of purple glass; about 1880-1910
62 N of Faraway Ranch Metal surveyors' tripod Leg length = 4'5 3/8"
63 Stafford Cabin Area Wooden gate remains
64 North slope above Faraway West Pasture 14 small (2-1/4" diameter) metal disks w/ wire nails Nails are hammered through center of disks into ground
65 Faraway Ranch Area Broken wood trough Plank board and wire nail construction ca. 10' long
66 Faraway Ranch Area Galvanized metal rain gauge ID# "USWB5176"
67 Stafford Cabin Area Cast iron furnace or stove door plate 9-3/4" x 4-3/4" w/ oval swivel viewing hole; not in situ

Table 4. Historic and 20th Century Loci: Features
CHIR 83A-1:F


1Mouth of Bonita Canyon, south slope Erickson cemeteryGravesites of Neil, Emma, and Ben Erickson, as well as Louis Prue
2Mouth of Bonita Canyon, S floodplain Glass and can scatterMid-Late 20th century
3Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Small trash dumpMid-Late 20th century
4Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Glass and can scatter with decaying wood and metal constructionMid-Late 20th century
5Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Small can scatter20th century
6Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present
7Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Small trash dumpLate 20th century
8Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present; recent
9Mouth of Bonita Canyon, S floodplain Small rock pileAbout 16 x 15' x 6' high
10Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present; recent
11Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present; recent
12Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present; recent
13Mouth of Bonita Canyon, N floodplain Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present; recent
14Faraway Meadow floodplain Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present; recent
15Faraway Meadow north slope Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present; recent
16Faraway Meadow floodplain Small trash scatterMid-Late 20th century
17Faraway Meadow floodplain Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present but partially filled in
18Faraway Meadow floodplain Small trash scatterMid-Late 20th century
19Faraway Meadow floodplain Small trash scatterMid-Late 20th century
20Faraway Meadow floodplain Large trash dumpEarly(?)—Late 20th century
21Faraway Meadow floodplain Hand-dug pitCa. 9' diameter; 14" deep
22Faraway Meadow south slope Borrow pit cut into slopeCa. 25' x 25'Charcoal present; recent
23Faraway West Pasture south slope Two rock-ringed hearth'sPossibly structural
24Faraway West Pasture floodplain Series of rock alignments and clustersLate 19th century. Probable location of part of military camp at Bonita Canyon.
25South slope above Faraway West Pasture Predominantly hole-in-top can and glass scatter in association w/rock features and alignments, including Garfield Monument site
26Faraway West Pasture south slope Rock-ringed hearthCharcoal present; recent
27S slope S of Faraway Ranch and Hwy. 181 Rock cluster and rock alignment
28S slope S of Faraway Ranch and Hwy. 181 Predominantly glass scatter in association w/some metal & several rock features Late 19th century; probably related to F25 (military camp at Bonita Canyon)
29 Faraway West Pasture Rock cluster 7' diameter
30 Faraway West Pasture Large rock pile 60' x 10'
31 Faraway West Pasture Glass and metal scatter Late 19th century(?)
32 Faraway West Pasture Linear rock pile 125' x 15'; fence line(?)
33 Faraway Ranch area Windmill accessories and well fittings
34 Faraway Ranch area Industrial/farm equipment trash scatterEarly-Late 20th century
35 Faraway Ranch area Small trash pileMid-Late 20th century
36 Faraway Ranch area Work area and hardware/equipment stock pileSurrounds tool shed; 20th century
37 Faraway Ranch area Work bench areaAttached to NE end of barn
38 Faraway Ranch area Work table area and stock pile of wood framesAdjacent to storage shed; 20th century
39 Faraway Ranch area Small trash dumpMid-Late 20th century
40 Faraway Ranch area Trash and equipment scatterNorth of generator house; 20th century
41 Faraway Ranch area Cement platform11' x 7'6"
42 Faraway Ranch area Stone-lined trash pit (reused?)Late 20th century; ca 10' diameter
43 Faraway Ranch area Ash and trash filled depressionPit greater than 3' deep
44 Faraway Ranch area Salvaged board and corrugated sheet metal stock pileSome boards burned
45 Faraway Ranch area Hen house and animal troughs Within stone-walled animal enclosure
46 Faraway Ranch area Cement septic tank
47 Faraway Ranch area Rock cluster Oblong 3' x 2'; possible grave site(?)
48 Faraway Ranch area Cement septic tank
49 Faraway Ranch area Bridge abuttments (rock) On both sides of Newton Wash
50 Faraway Ranch area Rock pile 7-1/2;' x 7'
51 Faraway Ranch area Rock pile Oblong 5'5" x 2'; possible grave site
52 Faraway Ranch area Rock alignment and ash dump In an old drainage channel
53 Faraway Ranch area Stone foundation (single course) Roughly square 9' x 7-1/2'
54 Faraway Ranch area Rock semi-circle Possible hearth
55 Faraway Ranch area Glass, ceramic, and metal scatter (disturbed) Late 19th(?)—20th century
56 Faraway Ranch area Salvaged board stock pile and hydraulic ram
62 Faraway Ranch area Fenced enclosure and burned structure
63 Faraway Ranch area Small trash scatter Late 19th(?)—Late 20th century
64 Stafford Orchard Partial foundation and burned remains of "Martha Stark cottage" Burned in 1968. Debris removed by NPS.
65 Stafford Orchard Pile of wood posts Probably fence posts
66 Slope above NPS bunkhouse Broken bottle glass scatter Mid-Late 20th century
67 Stafford Orchard, E of NPS bunkhouse Glass, ceramic, and metal surface scatter 20th century
68 Stafford Orchard 3 rock piles Possibly related to field clearing
69 Stafford Orchard Gravesite w/headstone "R. Stafford"; Revelie Stafford, died about 1880?
70 Stafford Orchard Small, ashy burned area w/2 cans 1 can contains asphalt or tar
71 Stafford Orchard Two rock piles One rock pile with 5 cans containing asphalt or tar
72 Stafford Orchard Rock pile of large boulders 8' diameter
73 N side of Bonita Creek opposite Stafford Orchard Large coal ash dump w/surface trash 20th century; coal accumulation measures 45' x 12' x 3' thick
74 N side of Bonita Ck opposite Stafford Orchard Trash scatter w/coal ash Mid—Late 20th century
75 N side of Bonita Ck opposite Stafford orchard Small coal ash and trash scatter 20th century
76 Stafford Cabin area Depression and metal scatterPoss. former structure location
77 Stafford Cabin area Trash scatter or dumpMid—Late 20th century
78 Stafford Cabin area Buried concrete slabOnly partially exposed
79 Stafford Cabin area Surface metal, glass, and ceramic scatterLate 19th—20th century
80 Stafford Cabin area Rock clusterOblong 6' x 3'; possible gravesite
81 Stafford Cabin area Rock alignment/enclosureSingle course; fence line?
82 Stafford Cabin area Metal, glass, and ceramic scatterLate 19th—20th century; poss. former structure location
83 Stafford Cabin area Rock alignment
84 Stafford Cabin area Rock-ringed hearth & scatter (mostly nails and metal) Late 19th—20th century; poss. former structure location
85 Stafford Cabin area Fence post bases Probable gate
86 Faraway Ranch area Glass, ceramic, and metal scatter Late 19th-20th century; poss. not in situ
87 Stafford Orchard Cinder block alignment 3 blocks in a row, partially buried
88 Faraway Ranch area Adobe brick pileMostly melted
89 N side of Bonita Ck opp. Stafford Orchard Large trash/coal ash dumpMid-20th century; prob. joint CCC camp & Faraway Ranch dump
90 N of Faraway Ranch Lookout post atop rocky outcropProb. late 19th century; assoc. w/military camp at Bonita Canyon
91 N of Faraway Ranch area Stone foundation Roughly square 10' x 11'; poss. only 3-sided
92 N of Faraway Ranch area along Newton Wash Rock alignments Assoc. w/some Late 19th—Early 20th century artifacts
93 N of Faraway Ranch area Rock-ringed hearth Charcoal present but hearth silted in
94 N of Faraway Ranch area along Newton Wash Glass scatter Some glass possibly turn-of-the-century
95 N of Faraway Ranch area along Newton Wash Glass bottle and hole-in-top can scatter Late 19th century; prob. part of military camp at Bonita Canyon
96 N of Faraway Ranch area along Newton Wash Glass and crimp-seam can scatter Early 20th century?
97 Faraway Ranch area Small rock pile Poss. set-in depression
98 Faraway Ranch area Semi-circular rock boulder cluster Thought to be in vicinity of turn-of-the-century privy
99 E of Stafford Cabin Concrete dam across Bonita Creek Reported to have been constructed by Ed Riggs for a swim ming hole; ca. 1925-1950
100 E of Stafford Cabin Well sump/spring box ca. 1920s
101 Stafford Orchard Concentration of burned wood boards Unfinished lumber?

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Last Updated: 27-May-2008