Get Involved


Looking for opportunities to volunteer at Parashant National Monument? Whether you have a day, a week or an entire season, opportunities exist for volunteers at the monument in both the summer and winter.

Scientific Research and Collecting Permits

A Scientific Research and Collecting Permit is required for activities pertaining to natural resources or social science studies conducted on Parashant National Monument that involve fieldwork, specimen collection and/or have the potential to disturb resources or visitors. Thus, social science surveys, monitoring and collecting activities all require a Research Permit, as does traditional, hypothesis-driven, research. To discuss your particular situation, please e-mail the monument's research staff.

To apply for a scientific research and collecting permit on Parashant's "Research Permit and Reporting System" website, visit The RPRS website has information on the necessary procedures and requirements.

Last updated: June 23, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Public Lands Visitor Center
345 East Riverside Drive

Saint George, UT 84790


(435) 688-3200
This federal interagency office is staffed by employees from the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S National Forest Service, and by dedicated volunteers from the local community. Phones are answered Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The visitor center is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and all federal holidays.

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