Olympic Fires 2015-2019

To report a fire in the park, call Olympic National Park dispatch at (360)565-3115.

If you have questions and/or comments about fires in the park call the Olympic National Park fire office at (360)565-3125.

National Fire InciWeb page



Currently, there are no active wildfires within the park.

The small Mount Dana fire burned for awhile during late summer, 2019. It has been declared out. See the information below.

Wildfire at Mt. Dana
The Mt. Dana fire, September 2019

NPS photo

Mt. Dana Fire Continues to Burn in Olympic National Park (9/8/2019)

Activity on the Mt. Dana Fire increased over the last few days due to warm dry weather. The fire generated considerable smoke visible from Hurricane Ridge and Obstruction Point Road within Olympic National Park.

The Mt. Dana Fire is located about 21 miles south of Port Angeles in a remote area of the Daniel J. Evans Wilderness and does not pose an immediate threat to human life or structures. During a reconnaissance flight of the area on Friday evening park staff estimated the fire grew to approximately ten acres, up-slope towards the peak of Mt. Dana.The fire behavior is smoldering and creeping with some isolated torching at an elevation of 4,400 feet in predominately Sub-alpine Fir trees.

The fire was reported on August 31 after there was a series of lightning strikes on the Olympic Peninsula recorded from August, 28 - 31.

The weather forecast after Saturday is calling for an increase in precipitation and a decrease in temperature. Smoke from the Mt. Dana Fire may still be visible in the coming week depending on weather conditions.

The National Park Service is mandated to preserve resources such as plants and animals, along with the natural processes that sustain them; including fire. Naturally occurring wildfire is an integral part of the forested ecosystems in Olympic National Park.
There are no trail or area closures at this time. Additional information will be provided as the situation dictates.



Currently, there are no active wildfires within the park.

The Maple Fire was burning in the neighboring Hamma Hamma area of Olympic National Forest. Smoke was evident in areas of the park due to some major fires burning elsewhere.



Currently, there are no active wildfires within the park. Smoke may be evident in areas of the park due to some major fires burning in the Canadian interior and a few in eastern Washington.

Please be advised that our area is entering into a critical fire weather pattern with very hot, dry, and unstable conditions. These conditions promote active fire behavior with rapid rates of spread and high resistance to control. A fire weather watch/warming is likely to be issued within the next few days. [8/1/2017]

Campfire Safety:
Campground sites and Picnic areas provide for a safe and enjoyable campfire experience if you follow a few basic guidelines.

  • Make fires only in designated fire areas and keep the fire size small with flames less than 2 feet high.

  • Attend your fire at all times.

  • Extinguish your fire before you leave.To put a fire out, apply water and stir the coals to ensure water penetrates all fuels. The fire should be cold when feeling with the back of your hand.

With your cooperation, campfires can continue to be allowed for your enjoyment. Thank You.

Cox Valley Fire, Olympic NP, Aug 2016
Cox Valley Fire, Olympic NP, August 2016

NPS photo


September 2016 Update

This will be the final update unless significant activity occurs.

Cooler weather and higher humidity has dampened the fires to light activity. All four fires will continue to be actively monitored by Olympic National Park fire officials. Equipment for structure protection remains in place on structures near the fires. These fires remain active and are not out. Depending on the weather and fire activity, smoke may be seen at times throughout the surrounding valleys within the Olympic Peninsula. All trail closures remain the same until further notice. Visitors near the fire areas should be cautious of their surroundings. When hiking, please stay near the trail, and know that walking through recently burnt areas is not safe. White ash may indicate deep pockets of heat where roots and group vegetation continues to burn below ground level.

Below are the trails affected by the fires:

● The 8-mile section of the Elwha River trail remains closed from Hayes River Ranger Station south to Chicago Camp.

● The Hayden Pass Trail also remains closed from Dose Meadows at the east to the junction with the Elwha River Trail at the west.

● Please use caution when hiking on the Quinault River Trail in the vicinity of the Ignar Creek Fire.

Smoke Effects to Continue within the Park

The Olympic National Park fires are located deep in remote wilderness. We are aware of the fires, please do not report them. Areas throughout the park may be impacted by smoke settling into surrounding valleys due to large quantities of fuel and burnable materials.

Paradise Fire (2015)
The Paradise Fire was located well within Olympic National Park in the Queets Valley wilderness. The fire was caused by a lightning strike in late May 2015 but smoldered undetected until June 14. It was declared out on November 18.
Paradise Fire 7-31-15
Paradise Fire in Queets Valley, July 2015

NPS photo

Ariel view of smoke rising from the forest along the edge of Queets River.
Paradise Fire in Queets Valley, June 16

NPS Photo

Last updated: February 1, 2024

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600 E. Park Avenue
Port Angeles, WA 98362


360 565-3130

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