The North Cascades are Calling: Celebrate National Park Week

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Date: April 16, 2009
Contact: Charles Beall, 360-854-7302
Contact: Mike Brondi, 360-854-7275

North Cascades National Park Complex celebrates National Park Week with an invitation to explore, learn, and care for your national park through stewardship programs. Experience the natural splendor of the North Cascades, meet interesting people, and contribute to the well being of the park next week and throughout the summer with opportunities that blend recreation, education, and restoration. "Caring for your park is a great way to celebrate National Park Week,” said Chip Jenkins, Superintendent North Cascades National Park Complex. “And, we also have many other stewardship opportunities for you throughout the summer.”

April 21: North Cascades Highway (State Route 20) Litter Pickup
Mosey along the scenic highway through the park and pick up litter before the summer crowds begin whizzing by. Enjoy camaraderie, tranquility, scenery, and wildlife.
Call Joyce Brown at 360-854-7301 to join the carpool and meet at 8:00. at the Park and Forest Information Center in Sedro-Woolley.

April 22 (Earth Day):
Newhalem Creek Campground Spring Cleaning
Celebrate Earth Day by helping to prepare the NewhalemCreek Campground for the busy season ahead. Landscape with native plants, maintain campsites, and improve trails.
Call Joyce Brown at 360-854-7301 to join the carpool and meet at 7:45 a.m. at the Park and Forest Information Center in Sedro-Woolley or meet at the Newhalem Creek Campground at 9:00 a.m. Please bring a potluck item to share at lunch.

May 1-3: Hands to Work –
Learning Center Stewardship Weekend

Join park and North Cascades Institute staff
tending to the native flora and the habitat surrounding the North Cascades Environmental Learning Center. There will be projects for all
abilities and interests, from thinning, weeding, and trail maintenance to cataloging projects
in the Wild Ginger Library. Your hard work will be rewarded when our talented kitchen crew serves up delicious, meals using locally grown food, and local experts share evening presentations and campfire discussions. $40
per person (includes two nights lodging and six meals). Register at or by calling 360-856-5700 x.209.

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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