Park Asks for Public Assistance with Pet Regulations

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Date: April 15, 2013
Contact: Robin Snyder, 304-640-0724

Glen Jean, WV, April 15, 2013 - The National Park Service is asking for the public's assistance and cooperation with regard to pet regulations within the parks. Park regulations require that all pets be crated, caged, or restrained on a leash no longer than six feet. Pets may not be left unattended and tied to an object. Please keep your pets leashed at all times within park boundaries including the trails, campgrounds, and other public areas. 
The park is experiencing daily occurrences of unrestrained dogs on trails, in campgrounds, and in other public areas. Allowing pets to be unrestrained is a violation of park regulations; threatens wildlife and other park features; threatens, and intimidates other people trying to recreate; and can pose a safety issue for your pet. Park employees are receiving numerous citizen complaints about dogs off leash, and in some cases employees were threatened and charged by unleashed dogs. Citizens also reported being chased by loose dogs on trails. Pet violations can result in a citation, fine, court appearance, and/or the confiscation of the animal.

Now that spring is finally here, park staff encourages you to get outside and enjoy the trails in the gorge, but please be a responsible pet owner when you visit the park. For more information on park trails, check out the trails newspaper at For questions, please contact Robin Snyder at 304-640-0724.

Last updated: November 14, 2017

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P.O. Box 246, 104 Main Street
Glen Jean, WV 25846



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