Deer Poached at Monocacy ... Please Help

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Date: December 14, 2011
Contact: Ranger Courtney Murphy, (301) 698-6247 x225  or  (301) 331-9343
Contact: Park Dispatch, (866) 677-6677

On Monday, December 12, 2011 Park Rangers at Monocacy National Battlefield discovered a 12-point whitetail deer dead on the Thomas Farm section of the battlefield. It is believed that the deer was killed illegally sometime around the week of December 4, 2011. Rangers discovered the deer while patrolling a section of the park that is accessible to visitors.

Hunting is not permitted at any time within the boundaries of Monocacy National Battlefield. Shooting and taking of wildlife inside the park area is a criminal offense. Poachers are prosecuted to the full extent of the law and potentially face heavy fines, restitution costs, jail time, and forfeiture of crime-associated personal property, including weapons, and loss of hunting privileges.

Persons convicted of the federal poaching statute known as the Lacey Act and 36 Code of Federal Regulations can be fined up to $15,000 and sentenced up to one and a half years in jail. Rangers are asking for assistance in identifying the person or persons responsible.

A reward is being offered to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and successful conviction of the violator/s. Anyone who has information regarding this violation and/or poaching in Monocacy is encouraged to contact Ranger Courtney Murphy (301) 698-6247 ext. 225.

Last updated: April 10, 2015

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