Education Videos

General Education Videos


Hands-On Activities

In these videos, presenters explain and then demonstrate hands-on activities. The park may be able to provide these materials free of charge to classrooms in certain parts of North and South Carolina. For more information, please contact the park.


Battlefield Tour

Take a virtual walk along the Battlefield Trail at Kings Mountain National Military Park. In addition to sharing the story of Kings Mountain and the Southern Campaign, these videos include activities that will require students to use their creativity, critical thinking skills, and more. Videos are geared to 4th- to 8th-graders, and have been designed so that teachers can show all seven videos in sequence (38 minutes in total), or choose only a selection of topics. Some activities may require additional time, but can easily be skipped if necessary.

Last updated: May 4, 2021

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2625 Park Road
Blacksburg, SC 29702


864 936-7921 x3

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