Park Produces Walking Tour Brochure

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Date: October 12, 2005
Contact: Jill Burkland, IRNHA Executive Director, 906-482-7860
Contact: Kathleen Harter, Chief of Interpretation, 906-337-1104, ext. 230

Images of the front cover of the Industrial Calumet brochure.
A historic photo of the Calumet & hecla Public Library graces the front cove of the Industrial Calumet brochure.
The Isle Royale Natural History Association has released its newest publication for Keweenaw National Historical Park. The walking tour brochure, entitled "Industrial Calumet" is a guide to the former surface operations of the Calumet & Hecla Copper Mining Company. It describes the history of the Calumet and Hecla and assists visitors in walking around the site by providing descriptions of the remaining structures and their past functions. According to KNHP Interpretive Specialist, Dan Johnson, "We have tried to take a very rich and complicated story about C&H and make it accessible to many different types of visitors with a variety of interests. Hopefully, it will also help visitors explore the industrial core of C&H so that they can personally connect with this nationally significant story."

The brochure was written and designed by staff at Keweenaw National Historical Park. The Isle Royale Natural History Association provided funding for the project and will be in charge of distribution.

This is the first in a series of walking tour guides and booklets that park staff will develop and release. Work has begun on a similar guide for downtown Calumet with plans to have it published and available for the 2006 summer season.

Copies of "Industrial Calumet" are available now at the Keweenaw National Historical Park Headquarters in Calumet, at the Isle Royale National Park Visitor Center in Houghton, and on-line at

Last updated: April 10, 2015

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