Trail Maps


Hiking the trails at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is an awesome way to learn about the battles that occurred here during the Civil War. Trail distances are listed below to help you plan your day. Please note: any other trails that are not listed below or are not shown in the park area of the map are NOT legal trails. Do not hike on those paths.

Trail Distances in miles
East Trail
West Trail
Visitor Center to Mountain Top
Visitor Center to Burnt Hickory Road
2.7 2.8
Burnt Hickory Road to Dallas Hwy.
1.5 2.2
Dallas Hwy. to Cheatham Hill lot
0.7 0.7
Cheatham Hill to Kolb Farm
2.5 2.8

Loop Trails (using both East & West Trails)
Visitor Center to Mountain Top
Visitor Center to Pigeon Hill
Visitor Center to Cheatham Hill
Visitor Center to Kolb Farm
Burnt Hickory to Dallas Hwy.
Cheatham Hill to Kolb Farm

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Last updated: August 19, 2024

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Mailing Address:

900 Kennesaw Mountain Dr
Kennesaw, GA 30152


770-427-4686 x0

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