Pike Ridge Access Public Workshops

Pike Ridge Trail
A trail on Pike Ridge provides local residents with access to subsistence resources and recreational opportunities.

NPS/M. Fitz

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News Release Date: July 23, 2015

Contact: Molly Cobbs, (907)644-3535

Contact: Troy Hamon, (907)246-2121

The Pike Ridge trail, in western Katmai National Park, provides King Salmon and Naknek residents important access to subsistence resources and use areas, yet motorized vehicle use and subsistence activities are not allowed within the park boundary.  

The park needs to resolve long-standing access questions and use concerns on the Pike Ridge trail while upholding subsistence and access provisions of applicable law.  Ultimately, NPS intends to resolve unauthorized use and associated resource and law enforcement issues in the Pike Ridge area.

NPS will host two open house-style workshops in the affected communities, King Salmon and Naknek (details below). 

Maps and descriptions of the options being considered will be provided.  The public is invited to comment on the existing options or to present new ideas for possible access resolution options.   Additionally, NPS would like to hear your concerns and questions related to the project.  These will be considered in an Environmental Assessment to be prepared later this summer. An Anchorage meeting may be scheduled at a later date.

Naknek Workshop

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Dolly’s Hall
Naknek Tribal Council Office

King Salmon Workshop

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

NPS Katmai National Park Office
King Salmon AFB, 1000 Silver St.
Bldg 603 (across from SAVEC)

Last updated: September 30, 2016

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PO Box 7
1000 Silver Street, Building 603

King Salmon, AK 99613


907 246-3305

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