
Blue, green, and tan rocks eroding into spire shapes with a dark gray-black sky above.
The rocks of John Day Fossil Beds are mostly volcanic in origin, including the blue-green claystones of Blue Basin.

NPS Photo

John Day Fossil Beds National Monument protects one of the longest and most continuous records of evolutionary change and biotic relationships in North America.

Here, scientists have unearthed fossils of land plants and animals dating back from 44 million to 5 million years old, as well as evidence of dramatic climatic changes.

The monument includes over 14,000 acres found in 3 widely separated units, the Sheep Rock Unit, Painted Hills Unit, and Clarno Unit. All 3 units are in the John Day River Basin. The John Day River is the longest undammed tributary into the Columbia River.

Deep ravines eroding fossil-bearing formations bisect the steep mountainous terrain. Elevations range from 2,000 to 4,500 feet within the John Day Fossil Beds. The monument lies within the Blue Mountain physiographic province in northeast Oregon. With average rainfall ranging from 9-16 inches, it is categorized as a semi-arid climate. Much of the precipitation for the area falls in the winter.

The river and streams are vital to the survival of many of the wildlife species inhabiting the monument. Over 50 species of birds, 40 species of mammals, 14 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians, and 10 species of fish inhabit the monument. Over 240 plants and flowers have adapted to the growing conditions found here.

Two Research Natural Areas are located in the Sheep Rock Unit and protect nearly pristine vegetative communities. Seventy-five acres of agricultural land is irrigated and maintained to preserve the cultural landscape of the Cant Ranch National Historic District.

A lizard resting on a rock. The lizard is tan with black and white spots.

Explore the animals that call the park home.

A cluster of low-growing, five-petaled, white flowers with moss-like leaves.

Discover the plants that are in the park.

A rock outcrop with a dark brown layer at top, and two slightly lighter layers below.
Natural Features and Ecosystems

Learn about the geologic features, rivers and streams, soils, and different units of the park.

A picnic area with a burned hillside lacking any vegetation behind it.
Environmental Factors

Learn about the environmental factors that impact the park.

Last updated: September 9, 2024

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Kimberly, OR 97848


541 987-2333

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