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Interpretive Media Development 311
Leaning Interpreters 330
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Planning Park Interpretation Curriculum-based Program Interpretive Writing Interp. Demonstration Conducted Activity Interpretive Talk Informal Visitor Contacts Fulfilling NPS Mission IDP Homepage Interp. Media Development Leading Interpreters Interp. Research Interpretive Writing Curriculum-based Program Planning Park Interpretation Interp. Media Development Leading Interpreters Interpretive Research Interp. Demonstration Conducted Activity Interpretive Talk Informal Visitor Contacts Fulfilling NPS Mission IDP Homepage





About the Module The Curriculum Certification Standard About Submission More Resources Anchor Products

Preparing Your Submission: What You Need to Know

Module 340: Interpretive Research and Resource Liaison

To demonstrate certification standards, the interpreter must compile an annotated bibliography on a single resource subject and complete three essays about specific subject-matter content and audiences for each of three interpretive products.

What you will submit:

1) Submission Cover Sheet and Essay Questionnaire which provides the instructions and templates for the following:

  • An annotated bibliography comprehensive of the foundational sources that inform your subject matter AND a description of how each source is useful for interpretation (see an annotated bibliography example).

  • A total of three "Interpretive Product Essay(s)," one from each audience category listed on the questoinnaire (see essay examples).

2) A "Product Submission Registration Form" (Download in a Word format (43KB).

Be sure to check your work against the assessment rubric. Remember: Each element must be individually effective and work with the other elements in the project to achieve certification.

Note: At the Full Performance level you have the option to develop one competency project to be reviewed against all four sets of standards separately. Keep in mind that the requirements on the "How to Submit" page for every competency you couple with your project must be met (i.e., you must prepare an essay, and a facsimile, and a questionnaire if you choose to combine Planning, Media, and Training/Coaching in one submission). Likewise, you have the option to develop a separate project for each Full Performance competency, and submit them separately. If you choose to combine the reviews and address more than one competency with a single project, be sure to INDICATE CLEARLY on your project label which competencies you wish to have the project reviewed against.

Certification in this competency serves the overall development of employees in Ranger Careers positions, and meets the NPS national standard for interpretation in interpretive research and resource liaison. Certification is a point-in-time assessment. Long-term performance is measured at the park level. Eligibility for promotion is determined solely by the supervisor and park.

What to do when your submission is ready:
Review your essay answers with your supervisor. When you and your supervisor concur that the submission is complete, the project should be sent to the office of Training Manager, Interpretation, Mather Training Center by e-mail. If e-mail is not available, send a disk with the requested files in WORD format to: Training Manager, Interpretation, P.O. Box 77, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425, Attn: Product submission.


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Last module update: September, 2008
Editor: STMA Training Manager Interpretation

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