Trash Free Park

To Protect and Improve the Environment

Trash cans have been removed from all areas of the park except the Visitor Center entrances.

Please take your trash when you leave and dispose of it properly!

Fort Necessity National Battlefield, Friendship Hill National Historic Site, Flight 93 National Memorial, Johnstown Flood National Memorial, and Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site participate in the "Leave No Trace" program. This program is designed to encourage reuse and recycling practices. We all share the responsibility for managing solid waste and the park's environment.

The many benefits of this program include removing garbage and recycling containers and associated odors from within the park, reducing annoying pests and unsightly conditions. Eliminating the need for disposal services will also allow the parks an opportunity to make more productive use of available park resources.

Seven Principles of Leave No Trace
The Leave No Trace Seven Principles

Last updated: May 19, 2024

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Mailing Address:

c/o Fort Necessity NB
1 Washington Parkway

Farmington, PA 15437


724 329-2501

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