
Western National Parks Association

The bookstore within the Fort Bowie National Historic Site visitor center is operated by the Western National Parks Association (WNPA). WNPA was founded in 1938 to aid and promote the educational and scientific activities of the National Park Service. As a nonprofit organization authorized by Congress, they operate visitor center bookstores, produce publications, and support research and educational programs at more than 65 parks in 12 western states.

Become a member of WNPA and receive a 15% discount on bookstore or website purchases. Ask at the visitor center or complete the online form.

National Park Foundation

The mission of the National Park Foundation is to strengthen the enduring connection between the American people and their national parks. The Foundation accomplishes its mission by making strategic grants, creating innovative partnerships and establishing special funds that enhance the national parks.

Working closely with the National Park Service, the National Park Foundation makes grants that establish and enrich the connection that our children, our communities and all Americans have with their national parks. The National Park Foundation is the only organization engaged in national grant making to support parks through programs and projects that meet the priorities and critical needs across our National Park System.

U.S. Forest Service

Congress established the U.S. Forest Service in 1905 to provide quality water and timber for the Nation's benefit. Over the years, the public has expanded the list of what they want from national forests and grasslands. Congress responded by directing the Forest Service to manage national forests for additional multiple uses and benefits and for the sustained yield of renewable resources such as water, forage, wildlife, wood, and recreation. Multiple use means managing resources under the best combination of uses to benefit the American people while ensuring the productivity of the land and protecting the quality of the environment. National forests are America's great outdoors. They encompass 193 million acres (aprox. 78 million hectares) of land, which is an area equivalent to the size of Texas. National forests provide opportunities for recreation in open spaces and natural environments. With more and more people living in urban areas, national forests are becoming more important and valuable to Americans. People enjoy a wide variety of activities on national forests, including backpacking in remote, unroaded wilderness areas, mastering an all-terrain vehicle over a challenging trail, enjoying the views along a scenic byway, or fishing in a great trout stream, to mention just a few.

Last updated: March 18, 2015

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P.O. Box 158
Bowie, AZ 85605



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