
Frog in water

The group amphibian includes frogs, toads, and salamanders. The word amphibian was taken from the Greek “amphi” meaning “double” and “bios” meaning “life” which is quite fitting as these creatures do live a double life. Emerging from eggs that are usually laid in the water, most amphibians begin their life with gills. They soon lose these gills and metamorphose from a completely aquatic form into a more terrestrial form. Several small wetlands, riparian areas, and vernal pools within the Eisenhower National Historic Site provide breeding habitat for a variety of amphibian species.

Amphibian Species found at Eisenhower National Historic Site:
1. Grey tree frog
2. Spring peeper
3. American toad
4. Fowlers toad
5. Bull frog
6. Green frog
7. Pickerel frog
8. Wood frog
9. Red back salamander
10.Northern two-lined salamander

Last updated: January 16, 2018

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