SRO Update for March 21, 2017

March 23, 2017 Posted by: Riley Tingue, Road Crew Supervisor
Though plowing occurs in early March to get the road open to Mountain Vista (Mile 13.5), regular Spring Road Opening updates typically begin on March 21 each year.

a snowy forest with tire tracks from a large plow

Current Plow Crew Work Locations: Some of the crew made it to mile 18 today trying get a glimpse at the ice in Upper Hogan but feel short due to heavy snow drifts. The rest of the crew stayed at mile 16.5 dealing with a 300 yard long and four feet thick ice flow over the road. About half of the ice will be removed by the end of today.

While we do regularly get ice over the road in this are we have yet to see this much in this particular area. This ice coupled with temperatures as cold as -30 Sunday morning and -20 Monday morning have slowed us down a little. The equipment was reluctant to start those mornings but today was only -8 so we were off and running without delay. This ice does not necessarily indicate that the entire SRO will be like this but it will be slower than the last thee years.

Steam Crew Locations: 4, 5, 7, and 16.5 mile

Snow Depths: 1'-2' Deepest encountered was 3 feet in the ditch

Aufeis Depths: 4 feet across the road and 6 feet in the ditch

Road Open to: Savage Cabin

Equipment Status: All is well. Thanks Auto Shop

Current Weather Forecast

Current Weather at HQ: 18 above and sunny

Wildlife Sightings: 20 Caribou at Savage River on Sunday and 11 more yesterday at 12 mile

Notes/Observations/Comments: Travelers hiking/skiing/biking beyond Mountain Vista: Please be aware that there are mushers returning from their trips over the next few weeks. Remember to always yield the trail to dog teams!

Last updated: March 23, 2017

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