Celebrate National Park Week: Picture Yourself at Congaree

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Date: April 18, 2012
Contact: Lauren Gurniewicz, 803-647-3969

Congaree National Park Superintendent Tracy Swartout invites you to picture yourself at Congaree National Park during National Park Week, April 21-29.National Park Week is celebrated throughout the almost 400 units of the national park system.This year's theme is "Picture Yourself in a Park".During National Park Week, visitors are invited to join park rangers and volunteers for a variety of guided programs at Congaree.Young visitors can become Junior Rangers any day, but Saturday, April 28 is a day just for them.Complete the Junior Ranger book, attend Junior Birding Ranger activities or a Junior Firefighter hike and earn special Junior Ranger badges and patches on National Junior Ranger Day.

 April 21   9:30 am Nature Discovery Hike
Meet a park volunteer at the Visitor Center to take a hike into Congaree's floodplain forest.
1:00 pm Surviving Scorch
Meet at park ranger at the Visitor Center to take a hike to learn about fire in National Parks and recent prescribed burns at Congaree.
8:00 pm Owl Prowl
Meet at the Visitor Center to join park staff on a nighttime trek into the forest
(reservations required by calling 803 776-4396).

 April 22    2:00 pm Surviving Scorch
Meet a park ranger at the Visitor Center to take a hike to learn about fire in National Parks and recent prescribed burns at Congaree.

April 28   National Junior Ranger Day!
  9:00 am-7:00 pm Junior Ranger book activities available
  9:30 am Nature Discovery Hike
Meet a park volunteer at the Visitor Center to take a hike into Congaree's floodplain forest.
10:00 am-12:00 pm Junior Birding Ranger Activities
Fly into the Visitor Center breezeway for fun activities about Congaree's winged residents and visitors. Participants will earn a Junior Ranger patch or badge.
              3:00 pm Surviving Scorch:Junior Firefighter
Meet at park ranger at the Visitor Center to take a hike to learn about fire in National Parks and recent prescribed burns at Congaree. Participants will earn a special Junior Firefighter patch.
                 8:00 pm Owl Prowl
Meet at the Visitor Center to join park staff on a nighttime trek into the forest
(reservations required by calling 803 776-4396).

An international biosphere reserve and federally-designated Wilderness area, Congaree National Park serves as a classroom and laboratory for visitors, students, and scientists from around the world. Visitors can explore 26 miles of hiking trails, 2.5 miles of boardwalk, a wilderness canoe trail, campground, and visitor center, each providing unique experiences.

Join Congaree National Park on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CongareeNP) or Twitter (@congareenp), to share your National Park Week experiences.For more information about National Park Week visit https://www.nps.gov/npweek/.

Last updated: April 14, 2015

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