¡Si, Se Puede!

Yes, we can!

Widely recognized as the most important Latino leader in the United States during the twentieth century, César E. Chávez led farm workers and supporters in the establishment of the country's first permanent agricultural union. His leadership brought sustained international attention to the plight of U.S. farm workers, and secured for them higher wages and safer working conditions. Read More

A black and white photo of Cesar Chavez pointing to a hand-drawn map of a route to Sacramento.
A History of Change

The UFW grew from its roots as a farm workers union to become a national voice for the disenfranchised. Learn more about this history here.

Dancers perform in front of a large water fountain.
Plan Your Visit

Make the most of your day exploring the legacy of César E. Chávez at the monument named for him.

A fountain stands in the middle of a courtyard and garden.
Virtual Tours

Use one of our virtual photo tours to explore the monument and the Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz site.

Last updated: August 7, 2024

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