Flood Update - May 2

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Date: May 2, 2011
Contact: Carol McBryant, 870-365-2746

Buffalo National River and its tributaries continue to receive rain from current storms requiring the National Park Service to temporarily close various areas of the park. New closure added today is Lost Valley. Lost Valley is closed at Highway 43 due to rising water levels and public hazards due to ongoing flooding.

With continued rain, the park is experiencing flash flood warnings and fluctuating water levels causing unpredictable water levels and damage to access points and infrastructure throughout the park. River hazards, such as fallen trees (“stringers” and “strainers”) and debris piles continue to impede safe navigation. Campgrounds are boggy and all roads are eroded to some extent.

Floaters are advised to make sure that their proposed take-out location is accessible before putting on the river. Gravel bars should be considered unstable with a greater than usual potential for getting vehicles stuck. Roads in low areas will likely have mud deposits that could be slippery or make areas impassible to low clearance vehicles. With a reduction in the number of available landing sites, visitors may anticipate worse than usual congestion.  

As of today, Sunday, May 1, the following conditions and temporary closures are in effect (upstream to downstream):


Lost Valley closed at Highway 43 – access closed due to rising water levels.

Please stay away from the pieces of the wrecked bridge

Clark Creek Footbridge washed out.

Parking area scoured and cobble exposed

Restrooms and water are operational

Steel Creek CLOSED
Steel Creek is closed until further notice due to slumping of road bed endangering vehicular traffic

Kyles Landing
Road hazards on the upper portion of Kyles Road before it reaches the park boundary

Campground and launch accessible by road but launch area access and campground roads scoured creating ruts

Six lower level campsites were covered with flood water and are not usable. Higher level sites are in good shape

Restrooms and water are operational

Erbie Campground
Access Road is passable with some erosion

Group sites and all walk-in sites were under water and are covered with silt and are closed to camping

Walk-in site vault toilet near landing is closed

Upper level RV sites are open

All other restrooms and vault toilets are open

Web Branch slab has erosion on each end but is passable in a high clearance vehicle

Erbie Horse Camp and Caver Camp CLOSED
Closed due to high water in river and Cecil Creek

Ozark Campground
Group camping area closed (lower level by the paths to the river)

Restrooms and water are operational

Lower Pruitt

Debris and sand and gravel washed into the launch access.

Access is rutted and parking area scoured. Walkway to river has much sand and gravel deposited.

Blue Hole

Silt deposits on campsites

Campground open but launch road has large deposits of sand and gravel

Mt. Hersey CLOSED
Inaccessible at this time due to high water and debris

Horse camp area open, no damage

Road to lower field area not passable

Launch area still covered with water

Baker Ford
Open, watch for mud and debris on road

Tyler Bend Campground
All facilities open except:
 Launch area restroom closed
 Launch Road silt covered and launch area is limited

Grinders Ferry
Open, potential for congestion at ramp

Shine Eye
Open with parking and camping area muddy from silt

Gilbert CLOSED
Access road muddy and still under water at the lower end

S. Maumee
Access road scoured at the bottom in the camping area (passable)

N. Maumee
Launch is covered with sand and gravel deposits

Spring Creek CLOSED
Closed due to road hazards

Dillards Ferry
Restrooms closed (no electricity) – May 2, 2011 OPEN (electricity restored)

Vault toilets open

Launch, water covered

Buffalo Point Campground
Site 25, 26 & 27 closed

Minor silt cleanup needed

All other facilities open

Buffalo Point Launch CLOSED

Consider using Dillards Ferry on Highway 14 as an alternative put-in


Not accessible due to high water

Updates for any changes in closures will be communicated as they occur: Visitors are advised to call Park Headquarters at 870/365-2700 on weekdays for current information on status. On weekends call Tyler Bend Visitor Center at 870-439-2502. To report hazardous conditions or any emergencies call Buffalo National River Dispatch at 888-692-1162.  

Last updated: April 10, 2015

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870 439-2502

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