
Please note: The timeline is undergoing revisions.

This timeline includes events that have happened in the United States since the establishment of Jamestown, Virginia, to events that are happening in the present day. The timeline has been separated into different time periods to reflect changing attitudes in America.

Review the time periods below for more information regarding transpired events since the establishment of Jamestown, Virginia.

Columbus to Emancipation (1492-1865)
The Road to 'Separate But Equal' (1861 - 1896)
Plessy in the Making (1868-1896)
13th to 19th Amendments and Beyond (1865-1924)
Breakthroughs (1924-1955)
Sit In, Stand Up, Speak Out (1955-1969)
Expanding Horizons (1970-present)

Last updated: May 24, 2023

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