Glacier Bay


Park Ranger smiles during a guided walk through a forest.
There is a lot to do and see in Glacier Bay!

NPS Photo / Boomer


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Weekly Program Topics

Nightly in the Glacier Bay Lodge Theater at 6 PM!

June 12 - 19, 2024

Program topics are updated weekly, check this page close to the time of your visit!

Programs take place in the Glacier Bay Lodge Theater. It is located upstairs in the Glacier Bay Lodge. Program begins at 6:00 PM and lasts approximately 30 minutes. The Park Ranger will remain present until 7:30 PM to answer questions or provide additional information.

Wednesday, June 12

A Whale of a Tale

A look into man’s connection with whales throughout the years and the lessons we can learn from each other. Join Ranger Dan to hear a tale about a whale.

Thursday, June 13

Killer Whales: The Ocean’s Apex Predator

Join Ranger Angie on a captivating journey through the waters of Glacier Bay to learn more about the marine mammal known as the orca, or killer whale. Discover the majestic beauty and mysterious allure of these creatures as we delve deep into their fascinating behaviors to learn what makes them one of the ocean’s top predators.

Friday, June 14

The Wonders of Glacier Bay

Glacier Bay National Park is an expansive wilderness with lush rainforests, towering peaks, deep waters, and hidden stories. Join Ranger Akasha for a dive into the wonders of Glacier Bay.

Saturday, June 15

Ice to Oasis: Glacial Evolution of Wildlife Havens

Curious how wildlife is able to thrive in this Southeast Alaskan environment? Join Ranger Dani as she virtually explores the bay and takes a closer look at three of Glacier Bay National Park’s charismatic marine mammals.

Sunday, June 16

Glacier Bay in Motion

Glacier Bay is constantly in motion; from fast motions, like the push and pull of the tides moving water through the bay, to the slower motions, like the advance and retreat of the glaciers. Join Ranger Eli to learn more about some of the movements happening in Glacier Bay and how they help to piece together the story of this dynamic landscape.

Monday, June 17

Life and Logic After the Little Ice Age

Glacier Bay was never the same after a cataclysmic glacial advance covered the land with ice over 250 years ago. When the ice receded, life and logic succeeded, displaying the flexibility of humans and wildlife as they adapt to changes from the Little Ice Age event. Join Ranger Emily to discover Glacier Bay’s ever-evolving cycle and the resulting scientific questions that are still asked and answered.

Tuesday, June 18

Killer Whales: The Ocean’s Apex Predator

Join Ranger Angie on a captivating journey through the waters of Glacier Bay to learn more about the marine mammal known as the orca, or killer whale. Discover the majestic beauty and mysterious allure of these creatures as we delve deep into their fascinating behaviors to learn what makes them one of the ocean’s top predators.

Wednesday, June 19

Who Is Doing the Work in Glacier Bay’s Marine Ecosystems?

Join Ranger Jerry in exploring the marine food web of Glacier Bay, its key players, and what we might miss by only paying attention to animals that are cute and spectacular.

Last updated: June 12, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
PO Box 140

Gustavus, AK 99826


907 697-2230

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