The Plains Depot

A small building next to train tracks. the building has a green sign that reads, "Jimmy Carter! For President".
The Plains Train Depot in 2023.

National Park Service

A Glimpse into the Past

Nestled in the heart of Plains, Georgia, the Plains Depot is a living testament to the town's rich history. Constructed in 1888, it stands proudly as the oldest building in Plains, having witnessed over a century of change and growth. Originally, the Plains Depot played a vital role in the community, serving as both a freight and passenger depot until 1951 when passenger service was discontinued.

The Carter Connection

In 1976, the Plains Depot took on a new and exciting role in the town's history. It became the center for Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign, marking a pivotal moment in both local and national politics. During this time, approximately 10,000 people a day flocked to Plains, eager to learn more about candidate Jimmy Carter. It was at the Plains Depot that many state primary victories and, ultimately, the historic presidential victory were celebrated, echoing with the jubilant cheers of supporters in the streets around the depot.

A Journey Through History

Today, the Plains Train Depot continues to be a cherished historical site. It houses a self-guided museum, offering visitors a unique opportunity to explore the life and political career of Jimmy Carter. The exhibits within the depot focus on Jimmy Carter's campaigns for state senator, governor of Georgia, and, of course, the iconic 1976 presidential campaign. As you step inside the Plains Depot, you'll be transported back in time, surrounded by the very essence of the campaigns that propelled Jimmy Carter into the national spotlight. The museum offers a glimpse into the political landscape of the era, the enthusiasm of Carter's supporters, and the milestones that led to his presidential victory.


General Information


Plan Your Visit

Last updated: October 20, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

300 North Bond Street
Plains, GA 31780


(229) 824 - 4104
The visitor information desk is staffed from 9 am until 5 pm daily, except for New Year's Day (January 1), Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day (December 25).

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