Summer/Fall Trail Conditions


Season for Summer/Fall Trail Conditions is May - October

Last updated: 6/2/2024
You may need to reload page to see updates. Periodically updated starting in May as trails become snow-free.

View the Oversnow Route Conditions page from November through May.

NOTICE: Not all trailheads are currently accesible by vehicle due to road closures within the park since 12/7/2023 due to seasonal snowpack. Road clearing operations generally begin in March/April.

  • Pedestrians and bicycles are permitted on Lassen National Park Highway beyond closures to vehicles .

  • From the SW entrance, the road is closed to vehicles at Sulphur Works.

  • From the NW entrance, the road is closed to vehicles at the Devastated Area.

Trail conditions are updated when information is available. We welcome your trail reports to @LassenNPS or

Difficulty ratings: * Easy | ** Moderate | *** Moderately Strenuous | **** Strenuous
P - Parking limited | K - Good for kids | B - Busy/popular | N - Part of a National Trail | I - Self-guided interpretive trail



Miles (RT)



PCT (Pacific Crest Trail)




Partially snow-covered.

Affected by 2021 Dixie Fire, caution when travelling through burned areas. Standing dead trees can fall without warning. Learn more about burned area safety.

Lassen Volcanic National Park does not provide regular updates for the PCT.

Southwest Area | Elevation range: 6,700 feet -10,457 feet

Brokeoff Mountain





Climbing gear such as ice axe and crampons are necessary beyond Forest Lake. Snowshoes are necessary otherwise.

Not affected by the Dixie Fire. The use of trekking poles are highly advised to aid in stability due to steepness and loose rock. Upper half of trail is sun exposed. Trail has been cleared of fallen trees.

Bumpass Hell



P, K, B, N

Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.
CLOSED Due to Seasonal Snowpack

Trail typically re-opens in early July. See trail opening dates from previous years, which are largely affected by snowpack.

Minimally affected by the Dixie Fire. Partially sun exposed. Boardwalk is fully sun exposed.

Mill Creek Falls




90% snow-free. Areas of patchy snow. Microspikes are encouraged. Large fallen trees require climbing over.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Partially sun exposed.

Bridge and overlook have been repaired since Dixie Fire 2021.

Ridge Lakes



Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.

Not affected by the Dixie Fire. The use of hiking boots, and trekking poles are highly encouraged to aid in stability due to steepness and loose rock. Partially sun exposed.

Lassen Peak




Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.
Snow-covered. A summit requires a round-trip hike through snow and avalanche terrain from the southwest entrance. Climbing gear such as ice axe and crampons are necessary. Snowshoes are necessary otherwise.

When trail is free of snow, Protect the Lassen Peak Trail; do not cut switchbacks, doing so can cause hazardous rockfall.

The use of trekking poles are highly encouraged to aid in stability due to steepness and over snowy sections. Be on alert for loose or falling rock. Not affected by the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed.

Terrace, Shadow, and Cliff Lakes




Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.

Trekking poles are advised.

Not affected by the Dixie Fire. Trail is cleared of fallen trees. Partially sun exposed.

Cold Boiling and Crumbaugh Lakes




Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed.

Kings Creek Falls



P, K

Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Viewing overlook repaired and open. Mostly sun-exposed.

Sifford Lakes



P, K

Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed.

Manzanita Lake and Summit Lake Areas | Elevation range: 5,600 feet - 8,530 feet

Manzanita Lake



K, B

Clear of snow. Sun-exposed areas.

Not affected by the Dixie Fire.

Lily Pond Interpretive Trail



I, K, P

Clear of snow. Shady sections.

Not affected by the Dixie Fire.

Nobles Emigrant Trail




Clear of snow. Shady sections.

Trail along and east of Hat Creek affected by the Dixie Fire. Trailhead is located off of service road north of the Manzanita Lake Entrance Station.

Manzanita Creek



Last 1 mile is snow-covered. micro-spikes advised. Shady sections.

Not affected by the Dixie Fire. Trailhead is one mile from Loomis Plaza in the Manzanita Lake Campground D-Loop.

Crags Lake



Patchy snow on last half mile of the trail. Advised trekking poles to aid in stability. Water is currently in the basin of Crags Lake and there is snow around Crags Lake. Most of this trail is sun exposed.

Not affected by the Dixie Fire.

Devastated Area Trail



I, K

No snow

Trail not affected by the Dixie Fire.

Hat Lake to Paradise Meadow



K, P

Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.
Second half is snow-covered. Microspikes advised. Shady sections.

Not affected by the Dixie Fire.

Echo Lake




Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.
Snow-covered. Shady sections.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked. Mostly sun exposed.

Summit Lake to Cluster/Twin Lakes Loop




Trailhead not currently accessible by vehicle due to road closure.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked. Sun exposed.

Butte Lake Area | Elevation range:6,100 feet - 8,338 feet

Bathtub Lake Loop




No snow

Some evidence of the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed.

Cinder Cone



I, P

Sections of snow on the Cinder Cone portion of the hike. Microspikes and trekiking poles advised over steep and slick snow-covered areas. trail to Cinder Cone is clear of snow.

Some evidence of the Dixie Fire. Sun exposed.

Prospect Peak



Patchy snow

Some evidence of the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed.

Butte Lake to Widow Lake



Patchy snow

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed. Portions of trail are undefined or unmarked.

Snag Lake Loop



Patchy snow. Mostly sun exposed.

Grassy creek foot bridge is missing half the bridge.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked. East and West sides of trail from Butte Lake to Snag Lake is cleared of fallen trees.

Warner Valley Area | Elevation range: 5,600 feet - 7,408 feet Warner Valley Road closed to vehicles due to seasonal snowpack. Pedestrian travel is permitted year-round. Once free of snow, bicycles are permitted.

Boiling Springs Lake



K, N

Trailhead not accessible by vehicle.

Patchy snow

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.

Devils Kitchen *



K, N

Trailhead not accessible by vehicle.

Mostly free of snow. Footbridge in thermal area is burned from the 2021 Dixie Fire.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked. Footbridge at entrance of hydrothermal area was damaged by the fire. Fallen trees cleared.

Drake Lake



Trailhead not accessible by vehicle.

Patchy snow.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.

Dream Lake Basin



K, N

Trailhead not accessible by vehicle.

Patchy snow.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.

Terminal Geyser




Trailhead not accessible by vehicle.

Patchy snow.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.

Little Willow Lake to Terminal Geyser



N, K

Patchy snow.

Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.

Warner Valley Road to Juniper Lake (a.k.a. Heart Rate Hill)



Trailhead not accessible by vehicle.


Affected by the Dixie Fire. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.

Juniper Lake Area | Elevation range: 6,700 feet - 8,048 feet: Juniper Lake Road closed to vehicles due to seasonal snowpack. Pedestrian travel is permitted year-round. Once free of snow, bicycles are permitted.

Horseshoe Lake




Trailhead not accessible by vehicle for Dixie Fire repair and snowpack.


Affected by the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.

Inspiration Point




Trailhead not accessible by vehicle for Dixie Fire repair and snowpack.


Affected by the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.

Mount Harkness



Trailhead not accessible by vehicle for Dixie Fire repair and snowpack.


Trail affected by the Dixie Fire. Remnants of destroyed fire lookout closed. Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked..

Crystal Lake



K, P

Trailhead not accessible by vehicle for Dixie Fire repair and snowpack.


Affected by the Dixie Fire. Mostly sun exposed.Portions of trail through high-severity effects can be undefined or unmarked.


Last updated: June 2, 2024

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