Frequently Asked Questions about Visiting Yosemite in 2024

Do I need a reservation to visit Yosemite in 2024?

A reservation is required to drive into or through Yosemite National Park on weekends and holidays through October 27, 2024, for those driving into the park between 5 am and 3 pm: (The reservation system was weekends only in spring and early summer, seven days per week in July through August 16, and the end time was previously 4 pm, but is 3 pm as of September 21.)

Driving through the park also requires a reservation if entering between 5 am and 3 pm (on days a reservation is required).

If you are planning to visit after peak hours, please do not arrive before 3 pm; vehicles blocking roads will be cited. Camping or sleeping in a vehicle is only allowed in a campsite you have reserved via

Learn more about reservation requirements and read through frequently asked questions.

Through September 30, 2024, we are accepting public comments on a plan that could permanently require reservations. Before making a decision about summer 2025, we will consider both the results of this year's reservation pilot as well as public comments on the draft plan. We will announce details on a reservation system (if any) for summer 2025 later this fall.

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