
River County Reach Length (miles) Description Potential Classification ORVs Watershed (HUC Code 8) Year Listed/ Updated Other State
Apple River Carroll, JoDaviess Wisconsin State line to Hanover (40 river miles); Hanover to mouth at Mississippi River (12 river miles) 50 A pleasant stretch of river flowing through extreme northwestern Illinois hill and farm country. Passes through Apple River Canyon State Park, an area of high limestone bluffs and hardwood forests. The river has a scenic natural setting and offers smallmouth bass and trout fishing. Moderate canoe use. Geologic, Recreational, Scenic Apple-Plum 1982
Bay Creek Johnson, Pope Headwaters to RM 18 at Reevesville 40 A small southern Illinois stream flowing for the most part in the Shawnee National Forest through very scenic hill and hollow country. Watershed mainly forested. Moderate to heavy fishing. Flows through sandstone bluffs, ridges, and valleys. Geologic, Recreational, Scenic Lower Ohio-Bay 1982/ 1993
Beaucoup Creek Jackson, Perry Rt 13-127 crossing to confluence with Big Muddy River 33 A meandering southern Illinois stream rising in relatively flat farm country. Lower portion flows through an area of scenic low hills. Fishing only in lower reaches. Canoeing fair to poor. Has fairly well wooded corridor. Scenic Big Muddy 1982
Beaver Creek Clinton, Bond Clinton/Bond county line to confluence with Shoal Creek 23 Within 50 miles of St. Louis SMSA. Flows through a generally flat heavily farmed watershed. Corridor fairly well wooded with some swamp. Receives moderate fishing use. Scenic Shoal 1982
Big Bureau Creek Bureau Epperson Run to West Bureau Creek 5 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams Recreational Fish, Other Lower Illinois-Senachwine Lake 1995
Big Creek Hardin From Highway 146 near Elizabethtown to confluence with Ohio River 1 Natural stream with challenging rapids; occasional bluffs and steep valley slopes that flow through an undeveloped corridor and Shawnee National Forest. Recreational, Scenic Lower Ohio-Bay 1982
Big Creek Hardin Headwaters west of town of Karbers Ridge to confluence with tributary in T11S,R8E,28NW 3 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Recreational, Other Lower Ohio-Bay 1995
Big Creek Hardin Confluence with tributary in T11S,R8E,28NW south to Highway 146 near Elizabethtown 10 Ripples and some minor rapids. Flows through sandstone bluffs, ridges, and valleys. Recreational Cultural, Fish, Geologic, Other Lower Ohio-Bay 1982/ 1993
Big Grand Pierre Creek Pope, Hardin From source to confluence with Ohio River 16 A very scenic small tributary of the Ohio River flowing through southern Illinois hill country and the Shawnee National Forest. Canoeable in lower reaches. Moderate fishing use. Some ripples and minor rapids. Flows through sandstone bluffs, low ridges, valleys, and floodplains. Recreational Fish, Recreational, Scenic, Wildlife Lower Ohio-Bay 1982/ 1993
Big Indian Creek LaSalle Earlville to confluence with Fox River at Wedron 23 A small stream flowing through north central Illinois farm country. Banks are well wooded with several large wooded areas along corridor. Water quality is generally good, but agricultural run-off does present a problem. Receives relatively low recreational use. Scenic Lower Fox 1982
Big Muddy River Jackson, Frankiln S.R. 14 south of Rend Lake to Southern Illinois Airport (U.S. 51) 52 A southern Illinois river with a well wooded corridor. Watershed fairly heavily farmed. Receives moderate recreational uses. Scenic Big Muddy 1982
Big Muddy River Jackson, Union Road bridge crossing in Sec. 15 approximately one mile east of town of Sand Ridge to confluence with Mississippi River 28 High limestone bluffs ascend several hundred feet above much of eastern bank of river as it flows toward Mississippi River. Several unique riffle areas such as Rattlesnake Ferry near Grand Tower, Illinois. This portion flows adjacent to exceptionally unique Pine Hill Swamp with luxuriant beds of aquatic vegetation and many cold springs. Scenic Cultural, Geologic, Recreational, Scenic, Wildlife Big Muddy 1982/ 1993
Big Muddy River Jackson Murphysboro (one-third mile downstream from bridge heading to 20th Street) to boundary of Sec.14a near Gorham 8 This portion is noted for its scenic beauty. Flows through a well wooded corridor in an area of moderately high hills of southern Illinois. Partially on Shawnee National Forest. Receives moderate canoe and fishing use. Portion above Murpysboro designated Big Muddy Canoe Trail. Recreational, Scenic Big Muddy 1982
Buck Creek LaSalle Headwaters to mouth at Fox River. 16 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Lower Fox 1995
Cache River Johnson US 57 bridge to county Highway 3 bridge northeast of Belknap 36 A unique stream consisting of cypress swamps and mud bottom sloughs in middle and lower portions. Flows through southern Illinois farm and forest country with a heavily wooded corridor. Receives moderate fishing and has canoeing potential. Passes through Little Black Slough State Natural Area and National Natural Landmark, a very large wild area. Recreational, Scenic Lower Ohio 1982
Cache River Pulaski, Union, Alexander Choate Mental Health Center north of the Village of Anna to US 57 bridge. Then County Highway 3 bridge northeast of Belknap to village of Ullin 31 Flows through rolling farm and forest country and receives a fair amount of recreational use. Lower segment flows through Buttonland Swamp National Natural Landmark. Recreational, Scenic Lower Ohio 1982
Crabapple Creek From E 1950th Rd in T15N, R11W, S12 to mouth at Brouilletts Creek. 6 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Middle Wabash-Busseron 1995
Crooked Creek Clinton Rt. 161 W. of Centralia to confluence with the Kaskaskia River 33 A slow moving, brushy stream, usable only during high water season. Significant habitat. Provides an unstable fishery. Not good canoeing. Significant wildlife habitat. Scenic, Wildlife Middle Kaskaskia 1982
Des Plaines River Lake, Cook Channelization near Wisconsin state line to point of several small dams near Melrose Park 55 A tributary of the Illinois River flowing through a very heavily populated part of the state completely within the Chicago SMSA. An interesting stream generally maintaining a wilderness character due to many parks, forest preserves and areas along its course. Heavily used for many recreational purposes. Recreational, Scenic Des Plaines 1982
Drummer Creek Ford, Champaign From headwaters south of Sibley to confluence with Sangamon River. 18 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams Recreational Other Upper Sangamon 1982
Eagle Creek La Salle, Livingston From headwaters just north of highway 18 to confluence with Vermilion River 11 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Other Vermilion 1982
Embarras River Jasper, Coles Lake Charleston to Ste. Marie 74 River has exceptionally fine sand and gravel bars bordering clear, fast riffles. Along floodplain and bluffs are woods containing tree species not commonly found in Illinois. Contains wide variety of aquatic habitats, fish and fauna. Fish, Recreational, Scenic, Wildlife Embarras 1982
Embarras River Jasper, Lawrence, Crawford From Jasper-Richland County line to confluence with Wabash River just south of Westport 38 Flows through highly agricultural watershed, but banks are fairly well wooded. River has many crooks and torturous bends. Low to moderate recreation use on this portion, although has possibilities. Recreational, Scenic Embarras 1982
Fox River LaSalle, Kendall Yorkville to Wedron 29 Located in north central Illinois near Chicago, Joliet and Aurora SMSA's. One of states better river segments. Has high bluffs and well wooded banks. Very good canoeing and fair fishing. Receives fairly heavy recreational use. A generally free flowing, quiet stream with many islands and outstanding scenic beauty. Geologic, Recreational, Scenic Lower Fox 1982
Fox River Kane, McHenry, Lake, Kenosha Wilmot WI to Algonquin (32 river miles); West Dundee dam to Elgin (6 river miles) 41 Flows through intensively farmed northern Illinois and several small cities. Completely within Chicago SMSA. Heavily used for fishing and canoeing. Recreational Lower Fox 1982 WI
Goose Creek Piatt From headwaters near Mansfield to confluence with Sangamon River 20 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Upper Sangamon 1995
Hadley Creek Pike From headwaters to McCraney Diversion Ditch 21 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other The Sny 1995
Henline Creek McLean, Ford From headwaters south of Cropsey and just east of the McLean/Ford county line to confluence with Mackinaw River. 18 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Mackinaw 1995
Hutchins Creek Union Hutchins Creek between Clear Springs and Bald Knob Wilderness 4 The stream has a relatively wide channel with a moderate gradient. Riffles and small pools are present. Good water quality. Recreational Cultural, Geologic, Recreational, Wildlife Upper Mississippi-Cape Girardeau 1995
Illinois River Peoria Chillicothe to Woodford-Tazewell Co. line (16 river miles) Kickapoo Creek to Pekin (11 river miles) 21 A broad central state river heavily used by commercial barge traffic. Many locks and dams. Poor water quality. Watershed heavily farmed. Receives considerable pollution from agricultural runoff and Chicago Sanitary Sewer District. Partly in Peoria SMSA. Receives moderate to heavy recreational use. Recreational Lower Illinois-Senachwine Lake 1982
Johnny Run Livingston, Grundy From headwaters south of IL highway 17 to confluence with Mazon River 30 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Recreational Fish, Other Upper Illinois 1995
Jordan Creek Vermilion From headwaters north of road 850 N (township 18N, range 13W, section 23) to confluence with Salt Fork 12 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Vermilion 1995
Kankakee River Kankakee Indiana State line to 12d boundary 21 An eastern Illinois stream flowing through an area of intensive agriculture. Has a generally wooded corridor, but is farmed to waters edge in some places. A good recreational stream used for canoeing and fishing. Flows through Kankakee River State Park. Recreational Kankakee 1982
Kaskaskia River St. Clair, Clinton Rt. 161 south of Carlyle to State Route 15 crossing at Fayetteville 49 This river segment has very little development and flows through a generally wide wooded corridor. The watershed, however, is mainly in agriculture. It provides some of the best wildlife habitat in Illinois. Receives considerable recreational use. Canoeing and fishing good. Recreational, Scenic, Wildlife Middle Kaskaskia 1982
Kaskaskia River Randolph, St. Clair Carlyle Lake to Carlyle (5 river miles); US 50 at Caryle to ILL. 161 (12 rm); Fayetteville to chan. (24 rm); channelization north of Evansville to mouth at Mississippi River (16 rm) 47 A popular boating and fishing stream. A large tributary of the Mississippi River. It flows through southwestern Illinois agricultural country and near the St. Louis SMSA. A quiet winding stream offering a good warm water fishery and canoeing. Recreational Middle Kaskaskia 1982
Kishwaukee River Boone, McHenry Illinois Highway 176 East of Marengo to Beaver Creek 31 Fish-Habitat or spawning ground for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Kishwaukee 1995
Kishwaukee River Boone, Winnebago Beaver Creek confluence to mouth at Rock River 17 A northern Illinois stream flowing through a heavily farmed watershed and Rockford SMSA. Generally wooded banks. Receives considerable recreation use. Lower portion flows through scenic Kishwaukee River Gorge. Much parkland along river. Recreational, Scenic Kishwaukee 1982
LaMoine River Schuyler lour Creek to Cedar Creek 15 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other La Moine 1995
Little Muddy River Jackson, Franklin 0.8 mi. upstream from Jackson-Franklin County line to confluence with the Big Muddy 25 A low gradient, brushy stream with little habitat variety, flowing through very well forested corridor. Some mine and oil field pollution and agricultural siltation. Hunting a major use. Light fishing pressure. Not a good canoeing stream. Recreational Big Muddy 1982
Little Vermillion River Vermilion Headwaters to upstream of Archie Creek near Sidell. Then from dam at Georgetown to state line 28 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Middle Wabash-Little Vermilion 1995
Little Wabash River White Carmi to confluence with Wabash River 32 Hunting, fishing, and canoeing are the primary recreational uses of this meandering central Illinois stream, these being only moderate. Extensive bottom land forests in corridor support a good variety of wildlife. Offers a scenic float trip. Recreational, Scenic Little Wabash 1982
Little Wabash River Wayne, Clay U.S. 50 east of Clay City to Edwards-Wayne Co. line 70 Hunting, fishing, and canoeing are the primary recreational uses of this meandering central Illinois stream, these being only moderate. Extensive bottom land forests in corridor support a good variety of wildlife. Offers a scenic float trip. Recreational, Scenic Little Wabash 1982
Lusk Creek Pope road in T12S, R6E, S3 to confluence with Copperous Branch 6 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Relatively narrow, with ripples and some minor rapids. Part of land in corridor is listed in National Register of Natural Landmarks. Recreational Cultural, Fish, Recreational, Scenic, Wildlife, Other Lower Ohio-Bay 1993/ 1995
Lusk Creek Pope R.M. 29 Headwaters to R.M.1, west of Golconda to (excluding from Copperous Branch up to road in T12S, R6E, S3) 26 Clear, highly scenic stream that flows through rock walled canyon over gravel and rubble; supports variety of aquatic habitat, unusual fauna and plant species. Recreational Geologic, Recreational, Scenic, Wildlife, Other Lower Ohio-Bay 1995
Mackinaw River Woodford, McLean Headwaters to upstream of Money Creek Rock Creek. Then tributary in T26N,R1E to cofluence with Rock Creek 65 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for state or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Mackinaw 1995
Mackinaw River Tazewell, McLean Colfax to confluence with Illinois River (excluding Rock Creek up to tributary in T26N,R1E,33) 65 Offers a high recreation potential. Little stream pollution. A central Illinois river with heavy farming in watershed. Banks are generally wooded. Recreational Mackinaw 1982
Manhattan Creek Will From headwaters NE of Manhattan (near the corner of Smith Road and South Cedar Road) to confluence with Jackson Creek. 8 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Des Plaines 1995
Mazon River Grundy East Fork of the Mazon River to confluence with West Fork 10 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Upper Illinois 1995
Mazon River Grundy, Livingston West Fork Mazon River to Mouth 19 Flows through central Illinois farm country. Offers fishing, canoeing, tubing and some white water kayaking. Has world renowned outcropping of carboniferous fossils which provided evidence for theory of continental drift. Geologic, Recreational Upper Illinois 1982
McKee Creek Adams, Brown Brown-Pike County Line to Siloam Springs State Park 31 A small western Illinois stream flowing through some rough hill terrain with a 50% farmed watershed. Fishing and hunting are major recreational activities. Generally good water quality with some agricultural runoff. Canoeing potential limited. Recreational, Scenic Lower Illinois 1982
Miller Creek Alexander From headwaters at the NW edge of T15S, R2W, S018 to confluence with Sexton Creek near the Mississippi River. 8 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Wildlife, Other Upper Mississippi-Cape Girardeau 1995
Ohio River Pope, Hardin, Gallatin, Alexander, Pulaski, Massac Confluence with Wabash River to Cave-in-Rock (45 rm), then from Cave-in-Rock to Cairo (95 river miles) 129 A very broad interstate river carrying a considerable amount of commercial barge traffic and has many locks and dams. Flows through mainly hill country with some high bluffs and much forest land along river. Very high recreation potential. Receives heavy fishing use. Geologic, Recreational, Scenic Lower Ohio-Bay 1982 KY
Otter Creek La Salle, Livington Headwaters south of Blackstone to confluence with Vermillion River 22 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Vermilion 1995
Panther Creek Woodford From headwaters just south of Minonk to confluence with Mackinaw River. 27 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Mackinaw 1995
Pecatonica River Stephenson, Winnebago McConnel Road to Sec. 23, T27N, R7E (18 river miles); Freeport to mouth (65 river miles) 79 A scenic northern Illinois stream flowing mainly through farm country with rolling hills. Fairly well wooded banks. Upper reaches have some rock outcroppings. Recreational use moderate. Fishing fair. Recreational, Scenic Lower Rock 1982
Piscasaw Creek McHenry Wisconsin state line to confluence with Little Beaver Creek 9 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Kishwaukee 1995
Plum Creek Will Goodnow to Dyer, IN 16 Flows east through northern Illinois farm country into Indiana. A small stream used for fishing and floating, but is somewhat limited due to size. Some archeological and historic value. Recreational Chicago 1982 IN
Ramsey Creek Fayette From confluence with Ceasar Creek to mouth at Kaskaskia River. 16 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Middle Kaskaskia 1995
Riley Creek Coles From headwaters north of Mattoon at N CR 500E to mouth at Kickapoo Creek. 15 Fish-Habitat of spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Embarras 1995
Rock River Ogle, Lee, Whiteside, Henry Oregon to Sterling (29 river miles); Sterling to Osborn (68 river miles) 90 A broad interstate river flowing out of Wisconsin and through a very intensively farmed portion of Illinois. Well wooded banks and slow current offer an interesting and leisurely canoe trip. Moderate fishing use. Recreational Lower Rock 1982
Rush Creek McHenry From headwaters SE of Harvard to mouth at Kishwaukee River. 16 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Kishwaukee 1995
Sangamon River McLean, Menard, Sangamon, Macon, Piatt, Champaign From Saybrook to upstream waters of Lake Decatur. Then from Decatur dam to confluence with Salt Creek. 183 A long meandering river segment through the heart of Illinois agricultural country. Banks and corridor well wooded in places. Some farming to water's edge. Flows for several miles through Allerton Park National Natural Landmark and Springfield SMSA. Several warm water fish species available. A good canoe stream. Segment between Decatur and New Salem dedicated as "Lincoln Heritage Canoe Trail". Recreational, Scenic Upper Sangamon 1982
Shoal Creek Clinton Confluence with Beaver Creek to mouth at Kaskaskia River 13 A low gradient stream flowing through a heavily farmed area of west central Illinois. Near St. Louis SMSA. Watershed is primarily farmed causing high turbidity and siltation problem. Moderate fishing and recreational use. Scenic Shoal 1982
Spoon River Champaign From headwaters at US 136 near Gifford to confluence with Salt Fork 14 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Lower Illinois-Lake Chautauqua 1995
Spoon River Fulton, Knox, Stark From headwaters N of the town of Wyoming and NE of Toulon to mouth at Illinois River. 147 A long river segment through central Illinois farm country having very few cultural intrusions. Unique in this respect for the area. Banks fairly well wooded with some large forested areas in corridor. Receives moderate recreational use. Recreational, Scenic Lower Illinois-Lake Chautauqua 1982
Spring Creek Iroquois 3 miles south of Onarga to mouth at Iroquois River 33 Flows through heavily farmed portion of eastern Illinois but has fairly well wooded corridor. Has cut into local moraine ridges causing many deep gullies. Receives moderate to heavy fishing pressure. Little canoeing use. Recreational Iroquois 1982
Sugar Creek Iroquois Upstream approximately 36 miles to where channelization begins to confluence with Iroquois River 36 Rises in Indiana and flows through an intensively farmed part of Illinois to the Iroquois River. Has water quality problem caused by agricultural runoff. A meandering stream with generally well wooded banks. Recreational use moderate. Recreational, Scenic Iroquois 1982
Sugar River Winnebago Wisconsin state line to confluence with Otter Creek 5 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Sugar 1995
Ten Mile Creek DeWitt From headwaters just N of Toad Hill Road in T 21N, R 3E, S 28 to confluence with Salt Creek. 19 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Salt 1995
Vermilion River Livingston, La Salle Pontiac to Long Point Creek. Then from to tributary in Sec. 8, T31N, R3E to confluence with Illinois River 45 A very good central Illinois river with good recreation potential. Especially popular for canoeing. A scenic stream flowing through intensively farmed region. Offers best white water canoeing in State. Banks generally forested and it has numerous bluffs. Geologic, Recreational, Scenic Lower Illinois-Senachwine Lake 1982
Vermilion River Livingston Long Point Creek to Tributary in Sec. 8, T31N, R3E 16 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic fractures; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Vermilion 1995
Vermilion River, Middle Fork Vermilion, Ford, Champaign From Ford-Champaign County line to conflunence with Knights Branch. 27 One of Illinois finest streams. Flows through central Illinois farm country, but maintains a well wooded corridor. Flows in part through Champaign-Urbana SMSA. Good water quality. Strip mining in lower reaches. Heavily used for recreational purposes. Endangered species, blue breasted darter present. Several archeological sites along river._x000D_ Recreational, Scenic Vermilion 1982
Vermilion River, Salt Fork Vermilion, Champaign Upstream 36 miles to where channelization begins in Champaign County to confluence with the Middle Fork 38 Offers a good variety of aquatic habitats. Flows through central Illinois. Flat agriculture country and Champaign-Urbana SMSA. A scenic free flowing segment of the Vermillion River system. Passes through Kickapoo State Park and has a fairly well wooded corridor. Receives moderate recreational use. Recreational, Scenic Vermilion 1982
Vermillion River, Middle Fork Vermilion Confluence with Knights Branch to river mile 46.9 near Collison. Then from river mile 29.8 at the Conrail Railroad crossing north of U.S. Highway 150 to mouth 4 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Vermilion 1995
Walnut Creek Woodford From headwaters to confluence with Mackinaw River 25 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Mackinaw 1995
West Branch Little Wabash River Shelby From headwaters to confluence with Little Wabash River 12 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Little Wabash 1995
West Okaw River Moultrie From confluence with Stringtown Branch to mouth at Lake Shelbyville 19 Fish-Habitat or spawning grounds for rare or ecologically significant fish species; habitat supports an unusually wide diversity of fish species. Other-Outstanding hydrologic features; one of the region's few remaining undeveloped, fully functioning high-order streams. Recreational Fish, Other Upper Kaskaskia 1995

Last updated: November 30, 2016