January Monthly Themes

Three cross-country skiers in a snow-covered field

NPS Photo

January 2022 Monthly Theme: Start with an Idea

Our nation’s first national park—Yellowstone—was established by Congress in 1872. Now, 150 years later, national park idea has evolved, as has the National Park Service. Today the NPS plays an important role in communities across the country. And with the assistance of the NPS Office of International Affairs, which is celebrating its 60th, the park idea inspires communities around the world. In that spirit, how can your concept of the park idea cultivate new opportunities and inspire new audiences? What ideas do you have to share?

More information and resources coming soon.

More January Themes & Activities

Every month, the National Park Service celebrates different national holidays and initiatives that provide opportunities to share our mission through websites, social media, and other platforms. Find information on a related topic on NPS.gov, hashtags that national parks are using, and other messaging tools to use on these special days.

January 1: New Year's Day

January 5: National Bird Day

January 17: Kid Inventors Day / Benjamin Franklin's Birthday

January 17: Martin Luther King Jr. / Day of Service

The Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr is a federal holiday and commemorated as a National Day of Service.

Look Ahead

  • Illustrations of various NPS themes related to history and nature
    NPS Servicewide Themes

    Join us in discussing different themes or celebrating and commemorating important events throughout the year.

  • Park ranger standing next to his painting of a park ranger
    February Monthly Messages

    Join the conversation and celebration of Black History Month and more servicewide messaging themes throughout February.

  • Group of Girl Scouts and National Park Service staff near the Golden Gate Bridge
    March Monthly Themes

    Celebrate Women's History Month and other servicewide messaging themes with us during March.

Last updated: November 22, 2021