Everglades National Park

Everglades National Park

Working with Florida

By The Numbers

Almost every American city and town claims a little bit of the National Park Service. Communities invite us to help them. Together we build trails and playgrounds, return historic buildings to productive use, revitalize neighborhoods, expand affordable housing, protect watersheds, recognize and promote local history, and introduce the next generation to stewardship opportunities. When we combine our expertise and resources we can accomplish great things.

  • 11 National Parks
  • 14,471,710 Visitors to National Parks
  • $1,352,800,000 Economic Benefit from National Park Tourism
  • $175,225,407 of Land & Water Conservation Fund Appropriated for Projects (since 1965)
  • 83 Certified Local Governments
  • 66 Community Conservation and Recreation Projects (since 1987)
  • 1 National Heritage Areas
  • 2 Wild & Scenic Rivers Managed by NPS
  • 1,893 National Register of Historic Places Listings
  • 46 National Historic Landmarks
  • 18 National Natural Landmarks
  • 1 World Heritage Sites
  • 798 Places Recorded by Heritage Documentation Programs
  • 11,709,176 Objects in National Park Museum Collections
  • 1,192 Archeological Sites in National Parks
  • 8 Teaching with Historic Places Lesson Plans
  • 11 Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itineraries

These numbers are just a sample of the National Park Service's work. Figures are for the fiscal year that ended 9/30/2020.

The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage