Pu'ukohola Heiau has no camping, lodging, or dining facilities at this time. For more information, visit the County of Hawai'i website for camping and the Hawaii Tourism Authority or dial 1-800-Go Hawaii for hospitality information. Picnics Picnic tables and charcoal grills are available for everyone at County of Hawai'i parks nearby, including Spencer Beach Park. Nearby Campgrounds Although camping is not permitted within the park, the County of Hawai'i operates several parks with camping facilities, including Spencer Beach Park, which is adjacent to Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site. For more information, visit the County of Hawai'i website for camping. Restaurants There are several convenient restaurants, a deli, and roadside eateries located at Kawaihae (only 1 mile north) Waimea (15 miles east) and the Waikoloa Resorts (15 miles south) have both upscale and fast food restaurants. |
Last updated: June 17, 2022