Historic Resource Study
The History of the Construction of the Road System in Yellowstone National Park, 1872-1966
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Part One: The History of the Construction of the Road System in Yellowstone National Park, 1827-1966 and the History of the Grand Loop and the Entrance Roads


362. C.F. Capes, "Progress Report Season of 1941 on Public Roads Administration Activities on the Yellowstone National Park Highway System, Yellowstone Park Wyoming," February 2, 1942.

363. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1942." Sanford Hill, "Report of the Associate Landscape Architect for February 25 to March 25, 1942," File Box: Monthly Narrative Reports for 1942, Yellowstone National Park, National Archives and Records Center, Denver, Colorado.

364. Sanford Hill, "Monthly Report of the Associate Landscape Architect for March 26 to April 25, 1942." "Monthly Report of the Associate Landscape Architect for July, 1942." "Monthly Report of the Associate Landscape Architect for August, 1942," File Box: Monthly Narrative Reports for 1942, Yellowstone National Park, National Archives and Records, Denver, Colorado.

365. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal year Ended June 1941 (Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1941), 276, 279, 282, and 299.

366. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year Ended June 1942 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1942), 161, 163, 168, and 169.

367. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1943," 16. Report of the Director of The National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June, 1943 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1943).

368. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1943," 1.

369. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended 1943 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1943), 215.

370. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1944," 7 and 9. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1945," 7.

371. Memorandum to Regional Director, Region Two from Acting Chief Engineer A. W. Burney, April 2, 1945. Record Group 79, Entry 7, File Box: 1741, National Archives, Washington D.C.

372. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1946," 1, 2, and 11.

373. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal year Ended June 39, 1946 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1946), 330.

374. Ibid., 310.

375. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1947." Newton Drury, Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1947 (Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1947), 326, 327, and 330.

376. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1948," 2, 12, 13, and 15. Many times asphalt or concrete were poured over thermal spots as a maintenance measure, however, this method caused resource problems in the thermal areas in later years.

377. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1949," 2, 4, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 22.

378. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of the interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1949 (Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1949), 302, 303, 304, and 306.

379. Memorandum to Regional Director, Region Two, National Park Service from Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park, March 17, 1950, File Box: 25, Yellowstone National Park, Folder: 630-01 Major Road Progress, National Archives and Records Center, Denver, Colorado.

380. "Annual Report of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park for 1950," 17, 18, 19, and 20. Sheep Creek, Lizard Creek, Fox Creek, Teepee Creek, and Index Creek are all outside of Yellowstone National Park.

381. Frank Mattson, "Report July 1951 Road Cross Section Design, Construction Standards and Maintenance in Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park, July 1951." Record Group 79, Yellowstone National Park, Box 25, File: Construction Projects. National Archives and Records Center, Denver, Colorado. Mattson's report gives a good summary of the changes in the road standards revealing the results of decades of changes.

382. "Report on Yellowstone Park Maintenance, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, June 19 to 23, 1952," Record Group 79, Yellowstone National Park, Box 25, File: Roads, General, National Archives and Records Center, Denver, Colorado.

383. In 1955, a list of roads and trails cost estimates was submitted to the Regional Director.

384. Memorandum to Superintendent, Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park from Regional Director, National Park Service, Region Two, March 3, 1955, Record Group 79, Yellowstone National Park, Box 10, National Archives and Records Center, Denver, Colorado.

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Last Updated: 01-Dec-2005