Parks, Politics, and the People
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It is with deep appreciation that we dedicate this book to those who have made possible the opportunities that have been ours down through the years:

Our Parents
Professor Frank A. Waugh
General U. S. Grant III
Mr. Horace M. Albright
Secretary Oscar L. Chapman
Mr. Laurance S. Rockefeller
Dr. Melville Bell Grosvenor


The National Park Service employees for their loyalty, hard work and devotion to the national park concept.

Conrad L. and Helen O. Wirth

Mr. and Mrs. Conrad L. Wirth


Parks, Politics, and the People
©1980, University of Oklahama Press
wirth2/dedication.htm — 21-Sep-2004

Copyright © 1980 University of Oklahoma Press, returned to the author in 1984. Offset rights University of Oklahoma Press. Material from this edition may not be reproduced in any manner without the written consent of the heir(s) of the Conrad L. Wirth estate and the University of Oklahoma Press.