War in the Pacific
Cultural Resources Inventory
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Analysis and Evaluation
Natural Systems and Features

The natural systems and features that influenced the tactical planning and field logistics of the U.S. Military effort to capture the Asan and Agat beach heads were the coral reefs that surrounded the beach heads, the flat coastal plains, and the five coral outcrop points (Adelup, Asan, Apaca, Ga'an and Bangi).

The transport of troops, supplies and equipment to the beaches was difficult because of the coral reefs. Asan and Agat beaches were ideal locations to land because of the open terrain beyond the beach. Upon landing on the beaches, the troops continued inland towards higher ground east of the beachheads. Today, the coral reefs surrounding the beachheads are still intact and are contributing to the historic scene.

As the troops moved inland, the flat coastal agricultural fields became another obstacle in their drive towards higher ground. Historically, the flat coastal plains of Asan and Agat beaches overall character mostly consisted of coconut groves, limestone forest and rice paddies. Today, the rice paddies no longer exist, however, in several areas on both beach units, flat coastal areas have been replaced with tall grass and lawns which slightly resembles the character of rice paddies. Coconut trees and strands of limestone forests are still present on the landscape but not as dense as they were prior to the pre-invasion bombing by the U.S. Military.

Defensive positions were established by the Japanese troops in the coral outcrops known as Adelup, Asan, Apaca, Ga'an and Bangi points located along the Asan and Agat coast. The Japanese defensive positions strategically built into the coral outcrops included gun emplacements, caves, pillboxes and tunnels. As U.S. troops secured these five points, they moved inland towards higher ground. Today, these five points are still present and intact on the landscape and are considered contributing to the historic scene.

The coral reefs surrounding Asan and Agat beaches presently are still intact and contribute to the historic scene. Today, overall character of the flat coastal plains is also considered a contributing feature. The five points, Adelup, Asan, Apaca, Ga'an and Bangi remain intact and are also considered a contributing feature. Overall, natural systems and features contribute to the period of significance and are considered a significant characteristic of the War in the Pacific National Historical Park.

Type Of
LCS Structure

Adelup, Asan, Apaca, Ga'an and Bangi Points Contributing

Coral Reefs Surrounding Asan and Agat Beach Head Contributing

Flat Coastal Plains of Asan and Agat Beach Units Contributing

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Last Updated: 03-may-2004