History of Scotts Bluff National Monument
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Appendix A


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By The President of The United States of America


Whereas Scotts Bluff is the highest known point within the State of Nebraska, affording a view for miles over the surrounding country; Whereas Mitchell Pass, lying to the south of said bluff, was traversed by the Old Oregon Trail and said bluff was used as a landmark and rendezvous by thousands of immigrants and frontiersmen travelling said trail enroute for new homes in the Northwest; and

Whereas, in view of these facts, as well as of the scientific interest the region possesses from a geological standpoint, it appears that the public interests will be promoted by reserving the lands upon which the said bluff and the said pass are located as a national monument:

Now, Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested by section two of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act for the preservation of American antiquities," approved June 8, 1906 (34 Stat., 225), o proclaim that there are hereby reserved from all forms of appropriation under the public-land laws, and set apart as the Scotts Bluff National Monument, the following described lands, to-wit: the northwest quarter, north half of the southwest quarter, southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section four, township twenty-one north, range fifty-five west; lots one, two and three, south half of the northeast quarter, north half of the southeast quarter, southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section five, township twenty-one north, range fifty-five west; the northeast quarter of section nine, township twenty-one north, range fifty-five west; lots six and seven, section twenty-seven, township twenty-two north, range fifty-five west; lot four, southeast quarter, and said township and range; the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, said township and range; the east half of the east half of section thirty-two, said township and range; and the north half, southwest quarter, north half of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-three, township twenty-two north, range fifty-five, all west of the Sixth Principal Meridian in the State of Nebraska, and that the boundaries of the said Scotts Bluff National Monument are as shown on the diagram hereto attached and made a part hereof.

Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate or injure any natural feature of this Monument, or to occupy, exploit, settle or locate upon any of the lands reserved by this proclamation.

The Director of the National Park Service, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, shall have the supervision, management and control of this Monument, as provided in the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to establish a National Park Service and for other purposes," approved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat., 535).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.


Done in the District of Columbia This 12th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-fourth.


By the President:
     Robert Lansing,
     Secretary of State.


History of Scotts Bluff National Monument
©1962, Oregon Trail Museum Association
history/appa.htm — 26-Jan-2003