Mancos, Colo., October 9, 1909.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report
on the management of the Mesa Verde National Park for the season of
By act of Congress approved June 29, 1906 (34 Stat.,
616), certain tracts of land in Montezuma County, Colo., adjacent to the
Southern Ute Indian Reservation, were reserved and withdrawn from settlement,
entry, sale, or other disposal, and set apart as a public reservation
to be known as the "Mesa Verde National Park." The area of this
tract is 66.2 square miles, or 42,376 acres, and the altitude of the
highest point, Point Lookout, is 8,700 feet above sea level and 2,000
feet above the Montezuma Valley, the southern rim of which follows the
park boundary line on the north for miles.
The park is placed under the exclusive control of the
Secretary of the Interior, who is authorized to prescribe such rules and
regulations and establish such service as he may deem necessary for the
care and management of the park, and for the preservation from injury or
spoliation of the ruins and other works and relics of prehistoric or
primitive man within the limits of the reservation, and to grant permits
for the examination, excavation, and other gathering of objects of
antiquity by any person or persons deemed properly qualified to conduct
the same, provided they are undertaken only for the benefit of some
reputable museum, university, college, or other recognized scientific or
educational institution, with a view to increasing the knowledge of such
objects and aiding the general advancement of archaeological
The act also provides that all prehistoric ruins
situated within 5 miles of the boundaries of the park, on Indian and
public lands not alienated by patent from the ownership of the United
States, shall be under the custodianship of the Secretary of the
Interior, to be administered by the same service established for the
custodianship of the park. The area of this 5-mile strip is about 274
square miles, or 175,360 acres.
The Rio Mancos cuts through the park and abutting
5-mile strip from northeast to southwest, forming a canyon 1,000 to
2,000 feet deep. On both sides of this gorge, more especially to the
west, narrow lateral canyons of like depth and even more picturesque
beauty cut the mesa into shreds, producing successions of huge
promontories, sculptured ledges, and bold, jagged cliffs. The Navaho,
Cliff, Moccasin, and Ute are the principal canyons which enter the
Mancos from the north. These, with their numerous branches,
furnish the labyrinth of cliffs in the high and almost inaccessible
recesses of which we find the abandoned homes of the ancient
inhabitants. The Fort Lewis, Grass, and Webber canyons, running into
Mancos Canyon from the east, contain many ancient ruins, but are rather
less picturesque than those on the west.
Within the park jurisdiction are many notable
prehistoric ruins, the cliff dwellings comprising a group of great
importance to the study of American archaeology.
The principal and most accessible ruins are the
Spruce Tree House,a located near the head of a draw of Navaho Canyon,
originally containing about 130 rooms, but now reduced to 114 rooms and
8 kivas, or ceremonial rooms; the Cliff Palace,b located about 2 miles
east of the Spruce Tree House, in a left branch of the Cliff Canyon,
consisting of a group of houses with ruins of about 200 rooms, including
23 kivas of various shapes, and a tapering loopholed tower, forming a
crescent of about 100 yards from horn to horn, which is reputed to be
one of the most famous works of prehistoric man in existence; the
Balcony House, a mile east of the Cliff House, in Cliff Canyon, containing
about 25 rooms, some of which are in almost perfect condition.
In each of these villages is an elaborate system of fortifications, in
some cases walls 2 feet 3 inches thick and 20 feet high, watchtowers 30
feet high, and blockhouses pierced with small loopholes for arrows.
aA description of spruce Tree House is given in the
report of Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, Smithsonian Institution, accompanying
the 1908 report of the superintendent of the Mesa Verde National Park. A
more detailed account of the ruins and descriptions of the antiquities
are given in Bulletin No. 41 of the Bureau of American Ethnology,
published as House Document No. 1530, Sixtieth Congress, second
bThe report of Dr. J. Walter Fewkes on excavation
and repair of cliff House during the summer of 1909 is hereto
These villages and other important ruins,
particularly the Spring House, Long House, and Mug House, are located on
the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, within the 5-mile strip surrounding
the park, where the park jurisdiction is not exclusive, and when tourist
travel increases the preservation and protection of such objects of
antiquity will no doubt be more difficult than for the ruins on park
The headquarters of the superintendent were
maintained in the Bauer Block, Mancos, Colo., until May 1, 1909, at
which time larger quarters were obtained in a building detached from the
business houses. The work of the year has consisted in the protection of
the ruins in the park from vandalism, the preservation of order, general
oversight over tourists travel, the building of roads and improvement
of trails and water supply, and cooperation in the work of
excavation and repair of ruins. As yet no permanent buildings have been
erected in the reservation.
No vandalism has been committed on the ruins during
the past season, or unlawful excavations attempted. No violations of the
game laws have been detected, and it was not found necessary to remove
any persons for disorderly conduct or violation of the park
About 600 head of cattle were moved across the park
in November, 1908, destined for the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, and
the same number were drifted back north in the spring to the Montezuma
Entrance to the park can still be effected only on
horseback; the carriage road ends at the foot of the mesa, 15 miles from
Mancos, the nearest railroad station, and from the foot of the mesa
horses are taken for the remainder of the distance. The expense of
conducting the excavations and improvements of every kind is very great
because of this lack of a suitable highway. All supplies, tools, and
material have to be transported by means of pack animals at present, and
this expense could be materially lessened by a good road.
The Mills survey, made in the spring of 1908,
provided for a wagon road from the northern boundary of the park to the
Spruce Tree House on the south, estimated to cost about $15,000. The
less expensive part of the work, extending from Spruce Tree House to
station 663, on the line of survey, was performed last fall, as far as
the funds would permit, at a total cost of $1,700. This lies entirely
upon the top of the mesa. There was also constructed a trail system
connecting Spruce Tree House, Cliff Palace, Peabody House, and Balcony
Nearly all of the $2,000 allotted for road
construction from the appropriation for the current fiscal year has been
expended this summer, and the road from station 0 to 17, which is a very
difficult piece of construction, was completed, and from station 17 to
27 it is partially completed. From station 27 to 53, at the head of
Morefield Canyon, the cost will be about $1,000, but from that point
to station 663 it will probably not exceed six or seven hundred dollars
per mile. The first mile of road now constructed at the northern
boundary is of the greatest importance in getting to the top of the
mesa, and next year the work should progress more rapidly. The wagon
road from station 0 to 53 will be one of the finest scenic roads in the
country, offering a view into Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.
As the park was created for the purpose of making the
ancient ruins therein accessible to the traveling public, there should
be another carriage road constructed wholly upon the mesa, touching the
points of greatest scenic and historic interest. The most favorable
route would probably be from Spruce Tree House along the rim of Navaho
Canyon, touching Alcove House, Navaho Point, the Swallows' Nest, Peabody
House, and Casa Colorado; thence across the mesa to Cliff Canyon, at a
point overlooking the ruins of Cliff Palace, Cedar House, and the Fewkes
Canyon group; thence around to Cliff Palace and across to Balcony House
on Ruin Canyon, from which point it should return in a direct line to
Spruce Tree House. This road would be about 8 miles in length, and the
cost of construction comparatively small.
Because of the great depth of the canyons, cutting
the mesa from north to south, the expense of building a road to some of
the most interesting ruins in the western part of the park is too great
for it to be undertaken at present, although trails could be built for
$500 from Spruce Tree House to the important ruins of
Garfield Canyon and its tributaries and bring them within four hours'
ride of the former ruin.
The springs and cisterns in Spruce Tree House Canyon
having proven adequate for the use of travelers and stock, no further
expenditures were made on the water supply at the ruins. In order to
provide water in the northern part of the park, near the road leading
to the ruins, a well was sunk 30 feet at the head of Navaho Canyon, at a
small cost, and a good supply of water obtained.
The sum of $2,000 was set aside for the purpose of
excavating and repairing ruins during the past fiscal year, as well as a
similar sum from the appropriation for the current fiscal year,
practically all of which was expended between May 12 and August 31,
1909, under the direction of Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, of the Smithsonian
Institution, on the Cliff Palace ruin. This ruin was completely cleared
of all loose stones dirt and other debris. Walls that were found to be
in a dangerous condition were properly repaired and strengthened and
such restoration effected as seemed necessary for the preservation of
the buildings. Such antiquities as were found were forwarded to the
National Museum at Washington.
As predicted in last year's report, no marked
increase of travel to the park occurred, because of the lack of a wagon
road; until this obstacle is overcome only those capable of a rather
trying horseback trip will visit the park. The number registered for the
year was 165. These were mostly regular travelers and
tourists, who stayed from one to three days.
I desire to repeat what was said in last year's
report concerning privileges. The act setting aside the Mesa Verde
National Park is defective in that no provision was made for the
granting of privileges or leasing of sites for the entertainment and
accommodation of tourists.
House bill 19861 (60th Cong., 1st sess.), introduced
by Hon. Warren A. Haggott, was designed to empower the Secretary of the
Interior, upon terms and conditions to be fixed by him, to grant leases
and permits for the use of the lands or development of the resources
thereof, in the Mesa Verde National Park and 5-mile strip, and the use
of the revenues derived therefrom in the administration of the
reservation Mr. Guggenheim reintroduced a similar bill (S. 1751 61st
Cong., 1st sess.), but it has not yet become a law. Such legislation
would incidentally include the right to lease lands for coal mining and
grazing, and should provide a good revenue to help maintain the
reservation, especially as coal is known to underlie a large portion
thereof, and there is a local demand for the opening of mines heretofore
operated before the mining claims were invalidated by the reservation of
the lands for park purposes.
At the time of the creation of this park there were
240 acres of patented lands, 800 acres in unperfected entries, and
school sections 16 and 36, aggregating 2,080 acres, within the
reservation. During the year unperfected homestead entry No. 2528, of
William U. Michaels, covering 160 acres, was canceled for expiration of
the statutory period in which to submit final proof. Under date of
January 8, 1909, all of the school sections were eliminated by the
certification to the State of Colorado of certain lieu selections
contained in Denver lists Nos. 405, 407, 408, and 409, and these tracts
are now available for general park purposes.
The patented holdings in the park are now as
Final homestead entry 915, Albert Prater, for SE.
1/4, SE. 1/4, sec. 18, E. 1/2, NE. 1/4 and NE. 1/4, SE. 1/4, sec. 19, T.
35 N., R. 14 W., New Mexico meridian, 160 acres, patented November 14,
Final homestead entry 1021, William F. Prater, for
SE. 1/4, SE. 1/4, sec. 19, E. 1/3, NE. 1/4 and NE. 1/4, SE. 1/4, sec.
30, same township, 160 acres, patented August 10, 1906.
Preemption cash entry 395, George Comfort, for NE.
1/4, NW. 1/4, sec. 26, same township, 40 acres, patented July 14,
Preemption cash entry 339, Frederick Richards, for
NE. 1/4, SW. 1/4, sec. 26, same township, 40 acres, patented July 14,
This gives a total of 400 acres in patented lands and
480 acres in unperfected entries.
In the 5-mile strip surrounding the park there are
patented lands aggregating 31,535.98 acres, unperfected entries
aggregating 13,890.16 acres, and lands granted to the State aggregating
4,920 acres. The Indian Office reports that there are no allotted lands
in that portion of the Southern Ute Reservation lying within the 5-mile
During the past year my attention was called to the
desire of the Ute Indians to secure the Ute Mountain tract, situated at
the far end of the Montezuma National Forest, and their willingness to
relinquish therefor, for inclusion in the Mesa Verde National Park,
the portion of the 5-mile strip surrounding the park and lying within
the Southern Ute Indian Reservation. After conference with the
superintendent of the Fort Lewis Indian School as to the feeling of the
Ute Indians and the supervisor of the Montezuma National Forest, I
have ascertained that the Ute Mountain contains no merchantable
timber, that it is isolated from the remainder of the forest, and
expensive to administer, and the supervisor recommends the elimination
of the entire Ute Mountain division; the land within the "strip" is
rough, arid, and of little benefit to the Indians, and practically
inaccessible from the west side of the reservation, where most of them
live but this tract contains the largest and most important cliff
dwellings, which could be administered to far greater advantage by their
inclusion within the park proper. This strip which the Indians are
willing to relinquish is worth something for pasture, but is not used by
them for that purpose. They care a great deal for the Ute Mountain
country, which is easy of access to all and is much used
as a summer range, and the Indians claim they never
agreed to the relinquishment of this tract.
Legislation which will effectuate the above changes
will be most satisfactory to all concerned, and will greatly facilitate
the administration of the various services having jurisdiction.
1. Road building.The most pressing
necessity in the development of the park is that of road building. The
cost of excavating and repairing of ruins and of all other development
work is made excessive by having to use pack animals for transportation,
and the use of the park by visitors is greatly reduced on this account.
The carriage road should be completed at the earliest possible moment so
as to permit driving to all the principal ruins.
2. Ruin work.The work of Doctor Fewkes
in the excavation and repair of Spruce Tree House and Cliff Palace has
greatly increased the interest in the park. It is now important that
Balcony House and Peabody House should be similarly treated so as to
prevent further decay. These houses have suffered considerable
deterioration through the natural action of the weather during the year
and are in a dangerous condition at the present time. On account of the
urgent necessity for completing the roads, the recommendation for the
building of the custodian's house and telephone line formerly made are
withdrawn for the present.
3. Park rangers.On account of the large
amount of money that has been spent on the excavation and repair of
ruins, it is now necessary that there be a resident custodian in the
park during all except the coldest winter months. It is therefore
recommended that the head ranger be provided with a suitable cabin and
required to live at Spruce Tree House for nine months in the year until
the carriage road is completed, after which he should remain there all
the year around. Such ranger should be paid not less than $90 per month.
There should be another regular ranger at a salary of $75 per month to
look after stock, guard the ruins from vandalism, and to serve as a
guide for travelers.
4. Legislation.The private holdings in
the park should be eliminated, provision made for the inclusion, of the
Ute Indian Reservation lands within the strip in the park proper by
exchanging the Ute Mountain tract therefor, and for the granting of
privileges and use of revenues derived therefrom.
The following estimates of appropriation required for
the ensuing fiscal year have been submitted: Salaries of superintendent,
regular park ranger, temporary rangers, and clerk during the tourist
season, 3,600; incidental office expenses, telephone service,
and office rent, $467.20; continuation of wagon road construction,
$12,500; excavation and repair of ruins, $6,000; total, $22,567.20.
Respectfully submitted.
Pursuant to authority conferred by the act of
Congress approved June 29, 1906, the following rules and regulations for
the government of the Mesa Verde National Park, in Colorado, are hereby
established and made public and extended as far as applicable to all
prehistoric ruins situated within 5 miles of the boundaries thereof on
Indian and public lands not alienated by patent from the ownership of
the United States:
1. It is forbidden to injure or disturb, except as
herein provided, any of the mineral deposits, natural curiosities,
wonders, ruins, and other works and relics of prehistoric or primitive
man, on government lands within the park or the ruins and other works or
relics of prehistoric man on government lands within 5 miles of the
boundaries of the park.
2. Permits for the examination of ruins, the
excavation of archaeological sites, and the gathering of objects of
antiquity, will, upon application to the Secretary of the Interior
through the superintendent of the park, be granted to accredited
representatives of reputable museums, universities, colleges, or other
recognized scientific or educational institutions, with a view to
increasing the knowledge of such objects and aiding the general
advancement of archaeological science, under the conditions and
restrictions contained in present or future regulations promulgated by
the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the provisions of the act of
Congress approved June 8, 1906, entitled "An act for the preservation of
American antiquities."
3. Persons bearing archaeological permits from the
department may be permitted to enter the ruins unaccompanied after
presenting their credentials to the superintendent or other park
officer. Persons without archaeological permits who wish to visit and
enter the ruins shall in all cases be accompanied by a park ranger, or
other person duly authorized by the superintendent.
4. The superintendent is authorized, in his
discretion, to close any ruin on government lands within the park or the
5-mile limit, to visitors when it shall appear to him that entrance
thereto would be dangerous to visitors or might result in injury to
walls or other insecure portions thereof, or during repairs.
5. The superintendent is authorized, in his
discretion, to designate the place or places to be used by campers in
the park, and where firewood can be obtained by them. All garbage and
refuse must be deposited in places where it will not be offensive to the
eye or contaminate any water supply on the park lands.
6. It is forbidden to cut or injure any timber
growing on the park lands, except as provided in paragraph 5 of these
regulations; but dead or fallen timber may be taken by campers for fuel
without obtaining permission therefor.
7. Fires should be lighted only when necessary and
completely extinguished when not longer required. The utmost care must
be taken at all times to avoid setting fire to the timber and grass.
8. Hunting or killing, wounding or capturing any bird
or wild animal on the park lands, except dangerous animals when
necessary to prevent them from destroying life or inflicting an injury,
is prohibited. The outfits, including guns, traps, teams, horses, or
means of transportation used by persons engaged in hunting, killing,
trapping, ensnaring, or capturing such birds or wild animals, or in
possession of game killed on the park lands under other circumstances
than those prescribed above, will be taken up by the superintendent and
held subject to the order of the Secretary of the Interior, except in
cases where it is shown by satisfactory evidence that the outfit is not
the property of the person or persons violating this regulation and the
actual owner thereof was not a party to such violation. Firearms will be
permitted in the park only on written permission from the
9. No person shall be permitted to reside permanently
or to engage in any business on the government lands in the park without
permission, in writing, from the Secretary of the Interior. The
superintendent may grant authority to competent persons to act as guides
and revoke the same in his discretion, and no pack trains will be
allowed in the park unless in charge of a duly registered guide.
10. Owners of patented lands within the park limits
are entitled to the full use and enjoyment thereof; such lands, however,
shall have the metes and bounds thereof so marked and defined as to be
readily distinguished from the park lands. Stock may be taken over the
park lands to patented lands with the written permission and under the
supervision of the superintendent.
11. The herding or grazing of loose stock or cattle
of any kind on the government lands within the park, as well as the
driving of such stock or cattle over the same, is strictly forbidden,
except in such cases where authority therefor is granted by the
12. The sale of intoxicating liquors on the
government lands in the park is strictly forbidden.
13. Private notices or advertisements shall not be
posted or displayed on the government lands within the park, nor upon or
about ruins on government lands within the 5-mile strip surrounding the
same, except such as may be necessary for the convenience and guidance
of the public.
14. Persons who render themselves obnoxious by
disorderly conduct or bad behavior, or who may violate any of the
foregoing rules, will be summarily removed from the park and will not be
allowed to return without permission, in writing, from the Secretary of
the Interior or the superintendent of the park.
15. The act creating the park provides that any
person or persons who may, without having secured proper permission from
the Secretary of the Interior, willfully remove, disturb, destroy, or
molest any of the ruins, mounds, buildings, graves, relics, or other
evidences of an ancient civilization or other property in said park,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before any
court having jurisdiction of such offenses shall be fined not more than
$1,000 or imprisoned not more than twelve months, or such person or
persons may be fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court, and
shall be required to restore the property destroyed if possible.
Any person or persons guilty of such vandalism upon
government lands within the 5-mile strip will be liable to a penalty of
$500 or imprisonment of not more than ninety days, or both, in the
discretion of the court, as provided in the act of Congress approved
June 8, 1906, entitled "An act for the preservation of American
16. The superintendent designated by the Secretary of
the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to remove all trespassers
from time government lands in the park and to enforce these rules and
regulations and all the provisions of the act of Congress creating the
The Indian police and field employees of the General
Land Office are required to cooperate with the superintendent in the
enforcement of these regulations as regards the 5-mile strip surrounding
the park.
Horses, cattle, or other domestic live stock running
at large or being herded or grazed on the government lands in the Mesa
Verde National Park without authority from the superintendent of the
park will be taken up and impounded by the superintendent, who will at
once give notice thereof to the owner, if known. If the owner is not
known, notices of such impounding, giving a description of the animal or
animals, with the brands thereon, will be posted in six public places
inside the park and in two public places outside the park. Any owner of
an animal thus impounded may, at any time before the sale thereof,
reclaim the same upon proving ownership and paying the cost of notice
and all expenses incident to the taking up and detention of such animal,
including the cost of feeding and caring for the same. If any animal
thus impounded should not be reclaimed within thirty days from notice to
the owner or from the date of posting notices, it shall be sold at
public auction at such time and place as may be fixed by the
superintendent after ten days' notice, to be given by posting notices in
six public places in the park and two public places outside the park and
by mailing to the owner, if known, a copy thereof.
All money received from the sale of such animals and
remaining after the payment of all expenses incident to the taking up,
impounding, and selling thereof, shall be carefully retained by the
superintendent in a separate fund for a period of six months, during
which time the net proceeds from the sale of any animal may be claimed
by and paid to the owner upon the presentation of satisfactory proof of
ownership; and if not so claimed within six months from the date of
sale, such proceeds shall be turned into the Mesa Verde National Park
The superintendent shall keep a record in which shall
be set down a description of all animals impounded, giving the brands
found on them, the date and locality of the taking up, the date of all
notices and manner in which they were given, the date of sale, and the
name and address of the purchaser, the amount for which each animal was
sold, and the cost incurred in connection therewith, and the disposition
of the proceeds.
The superintendent shall in each instance make every
reasonable effort to ascertain the owner of animals impounded and give
actual notice thereof to such owner.
SIR: In accordance with your request, and by the
direction of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the
excavation and repair of ruins in the Mesa Verde National Park were
continued under my charge from May to August, 1909. This work was a
continuance of the plan of operations at Spruce Tree House in 1908, and
was limited to the largest and one of the most picturesque prehistoric
ruins, known as "Cliff Palace."a The rooms, courts, and terraces were
completely excavated and the walls carefully repaired in such a manner
that they will resist the destructive action of the elements for several
years without additional expenditures.
aThe sum of $4,360 was allotted for this
work, my salary and traveling expenses being paid by an additional
allotment by the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian
Cliff Palace lies in an eastern spur of Cliff Canyon,
under the roof of an enormous cave which arches 50 or 100 feet above it.
The floor of this cavern is elevated several hundred feet above the
bottom of the canyon. The entrance faces the west, looking across the
canyon to the opposite side, in full view of a great promontory, on top
of which stands the ruin of an ancient pueblo, now a pile of fallen
stones, partially concealed by a thick growth of cedar trees. The floor
of the recess in which Cliff Palace is built is practically covered with
buildings, some of which, specially those at each end, extend beyond the
shelter of the cave roof. The total length of the Cliff Palace is
approximately 300 feet.
About two-thirds of Cliff Palace is situated under
the sheltering cave roof and is thus protected from rain or from water
dripping from the rim of the canyon above. Whenever there is a heavy
downpour on the mesa top the water falls over the cliff in a stream of
considerable size, which precipitates itself into the trees a few feet
in front of the outmost retaining wall of the central part of the ruin.
While the greater portion of the drainage of the surface of the mesa in
this neighborhood is thus thrown beyond the outer walls, smaller
rivulets fall directly on the tops of the exposed southern and western
extremities, working great injury to the aboriginal adobe masonry. To
these rivulets, whose erosive power is much increased by the height of
the fall, may be ascribed the almost complete destruction of walls at
the western extension of the northern end and the burial of
subterranean chambers in the southern quarter. The streams also bring
from above much earth and large stones, which have broken down walls
and in places have buried them many feet deep.
The underside of the roof of rock arching over Cliff
Palace is comparatively smooth, exhibiting horizontal cleavage and
plane surfaces. A break in this cleavage extends approximately north
and south, forming a ledge a few feet in breadth. On its edge the
ancients constructed a long wall, thus making a passageway between it
and the solid cliff. Although now inaccessible from the ruin below, in
ancient times this passageway could have been entered from the roof of
one of the houses (66) through a doorway which is still visible. Similar
ledge rooms are common features in Mesa Verde ruins.
The floor of the cave in which Cliff Palace was built
had practically one level, determined no doubt by a layer of
comparatively hard rock which resisted erosion more successfully than
the softer strata above it. This floor was strewn with great angular bowlders
that in the process of formation of the cave had fallen from the roof.
These are too large to be moved by primitive man and must have presented
to the ancient builders uninviting foundations upon which to erect their
structures. The spaces between these rocks were better suited for their
purpose. These were filled with smaller stones that could be removed,
leaving cavities which could be utilized for the construction of
subterranean rooms. The upper surfaces of the large rocks, even those
which are angular, served as foundations for houses above ground and
determined the levels of the plazas. From the bases of these rocks,
which formed the outer edge of the level cave floor, a talus extended
down the canyon side to the bottom. The rooms forming the front of the
ancient village were constructed in this talus, and as their site was
sloping, they were necessarily situated at lower levels on terraces
bounded by retaining walls which are marked features in this part of
Cliff Palace. At least three different terraces indicating as many
levels are recognized. These levels are indicated by the rows of kivas,
or ceremonial rooms, which skirt the southern and middle sections of the
ancient village. At the southern end, where the talus is less
precipitous and where, on account of the absence of a cave roof, the
fallen rocks are smaller, the terrace with its subterranean rooms is on
the level of the floor of the cave, having the same height as the
foundations built thereon. At the western extremity the buildings were
erected on the tops of huge rocks fallen from the roof of the cave. Here
the talus is narrow or wanting and no rooms were constructed in front of
these rocks. Thus the terrace rooms on the lowest level are found along
the middle section of the cave, where the floor is highest and where the
great fallen rocks still remain in sheltered places.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
When the excavation and repair work began these
terraces and the rooms built in or above them were covered and
concealed by stones that had fallen down the hill from walls of
rooms above.a The mass of fallen material was so great that its surface
sloped uniformly down the side of the precipice from the foundations of
the rooms on the cave floor to the canyon below, and the huge rocks on
which the rooms in the cave stood barely projected above the surface.
The walls of subterranean rooms in the terraces were concealed by this
mass of debris, their position being indicated only by slight
depressions or by fragments of the tops of low walls. No sign of the main
passageway or entrance into Cliff Palace was visible. It was difficult
to walk along the front of the ruin over this accumulation of fallen
stones 5 or 6 feet deep. The debris from former excavations had been
thrown on the stones covering the terraces, through embrasures made in
the walls for the purpose, thus increasing the amount of accumulated
material. The sight of the work to be done was discouraging, as it
seemed almost impossible to bring order out of the chaos of fallen
stones and broken-down walls covered with debris in front of the ruin.
It was difficult to tell where to begin work or how to discover
foundations of rooms under the mass. A study of the situation soon
revealed that the least difficulties presented themselves at the
southern end and here excavation was begun, being gradually carried
northward until the terraces and retaining walls of Cliff Palace were
brought to light. The appearance of the rooms in the rear of the cave
farther back under the roof was not so discouraging; here the ruin was
in a better state of preservation, but even here were piles of stone and
debris concealing subterranean rooms and covering floors of those above
ground. Many walls had fallen and others were tottering. Great holes had
been blasted in their sides and foundations were so undermined that in
some instances they could be swayed back and forth by the pressure of
the hand. Moreover, in many places it was dangerous for workmen to
begin excavations, for buried foundations of sandstone, not very hard
at best, had disintegrated. The process had gone so far in the
subterranean rooms, especially on the lowest terrace, that the stones
were practically softer than the mortar between them, being merely
crumbling sand.
aThe copyrighted photographs used in the preparation of Plate II, fig.
1, and Plate IV were furnished for publication by Mr. Frederick K.
Vreeland. Plate V is from a photograph by Mr. R. G. Fuller
of walls at the western extension of the northern end
and the burial of subterranean chambers in the southern quarter. The
streams also bring from above much earth and large stones, which have
broken down walls and in places have buried them many feet deep.
The first work undertaken was to make the ruin more
easily accessible from the mesa above, where camp was necessarily
established. To do this a new trail was constructed a short distance
from the southern end of Cliff Palace, following a rift between a huge
detached rock and the side of the cliff. Near a series of foot holes
(an ancient stairway) four ladders were placed one above another, firmly
attached to the rock. These ladders were used throughout the summer by
the workmen and now furnish visitors a means of easy descent from the
mesa rim to the level of the ruin, many feet below. Incidentally, it
may be said that the view of the western end of Cliff Palace from the
head of this trail is superb. From its base an easy path way, revealing
attractive and picturesque outlooks on all sides, leads through the
woods to the main entrance on a level with the lowest terrace. The steep
part of the old trail, facetiously called "Fat Man's Misery," has been
used ever since the discovery of Cliff Palace to descend to the ruin;
this trail likewise follows an old Indian line of foot holes in the
cliff and was not changed. From its lower end a pathway leads along the
base of the western end of the cliff to the
ancient entrance to Cliff Palace. This part of the
trail was improved by cutting down bushes, removing logs, and grading.
Visitors descending this trail to the level of the ruin can, by
following a comparatively level path to the main entrance, inspect the
terraces and front walls from picturesque points.
The view of Cliff Palace from a point opposite its
main entrance gives a striking impression of its great size. Ladders
designed to facilitate progress through the ruin have been placed near
the round tower, at the northern termination of the street, and at the
western end. A ladder was also conveniently placed not far from the
square tower. By means of a notched log placed in room six one can
ascend the high wall in front of kiva D, one of the best known examples
of cliff-house masonry, and from this elevation an outlook to the west
may be enjoyed which embraces the most striking features of Cliff
A roof was constructed over the last room at the
western end, in which are four well-preserved corn-grinding mills. This
construction was necessary for their preservation, as they lie directly
under a cleft in the cliff through which there is a downpour of water
whenever it rains.
When I arrived at Cliff Palace one of the first
difficulties to be overcome was the total absence of water in the
neighborhood. For the camp of 22 men about 20 to 30 gallons of potable
water were needed daily, and for use in the masonry on the ruin below 50
gallons would barely suffice. The nearest source of water for camp
purposes was Spruce Tree House, more than 2 miles away, and throughout the
summer water was brought that distance daily on pack animals. For the
water used in repair work a reservoir 15 feet deep was blasted in solid
rock. In this was collected enough water for masonry during May and
June. In July the supply failed, and it was necessary to construct
another reservoir about a quarter of a mile from the ruin in a
neighboring canyon. To transport this water a trail had to be made along
the side of the canyonnot an easy task considering the precipice
along which it was built. This source of water also failed in July and a
large pothole on top of the mesa was cemented and walled in, the
intention being to catch the rain and bring the water down the cliff
through a hose. For several days the water for masonry work had to be
brought from Spruce Tree House on pack animals. During August water was
abundant everywhere on account of heavy rains.
Fig. 1.Before repairing. (top)
Fig. 2.After repairing. (bottom) CLIFF PALACE FROM THE
Probably no cliff dwelling in the southwest has been
more thoroughly dug over in search of pottery and other objects for
commercial purposes than Cliff Palace. Parties of "curio seekers"
camped in the ruin for several winters, and it is reported that many
hundred specimens therefrom have been carried down the mesa and sold to
private individuals. Some of these objects are now in museums, but many
are forever lost to science. In order to secure this valuable
archaeological material. walls were broken down with giant powder, often
simply to let light into the darker rooms; floors were invariably
opened and buried kivas mutilated. To facilitate this
work and get rid of the debris, great openings were broken through the
fine walls which form the front of the ruin. Beams were used for
firewood to so great an extent that not a single roof now remains. This
work of destruction, added to that resulting from the erosion due to
torrents of rain, left Cliff Palace in a sad condition.
In the rear of the buildingsthat is, in the
deeper part of the cavethere is a dark recess filled with refuse
that has never been removed, although pretty thoroughly dug over before
systematic excavation and repair began. This refuse contains ashes,
birdlime, cobs, stalks and leaves of corn, and many other rejects of the
ancient population. The roof of the cave is badly smoked, as if great
fires had once been kindled beneath. This recess is said to have been
used as a cemetery, and it is reported that several human mummies have
been found in it. Desiccated bodies of small animals, such as lizards,
snakes, rats, and chipmunks, were unearthed from this refuse heap, but
all human mummies had been removed.
In a walled inclosure at one end of this section was
found a quantity of calcined human bones accompanied by mortuary
objects, as dippers, vases, and small food bowls. From the smoke on the
roof and the presence of burnt bones it appears that cremation was practiced
at Cliff Palace. As a rule the cliff dwellers inhumated their
dead, returning them to "Mother Earth" in the posture they had before
death. Mummification resulted from the action of natural agencies in the
dry soil in which the bodies were interred.
It was found, as was to be expected, that the repair
work on Cliff Palace was of much greater manuitude than that on Spruce
Tree House last year. Cliff Palace is three times as large as the latter
ruin, and the problem of its preservation was much complicated by the
terraced front.
The method of treatment was essentially the same as
that followed at Spruce Tree House. No attempt was made to restore the
buildings, the rooms being merely cleaned out and their broken
foundations repaired in order to preserve the original lines as far as
possible. Repair work was devoted principally to the walls to prevent
their further destruction. In some instances it was found necessary to
construct buttresses to hold up tottering walls or strengthen
One corner and more than half of the two adjacent
sides of the four-storied building had to be reconstructed from the
level of the floor of the adjoining kiva, in order to prevent the fall
of the two upper stories, on one of which are preserved the finest
examples of mural paintings in Cliff Palace. This building undoubtedly
would have fallen within six months but for this work.
As far as possible I endeavored to increase the
educational value of Cliff Palace and to develop it into a type ruin.
It is well adapted for this purpose, being the largest cliff
house known and containing most of the architectural features of this
type of prehistoric buildings. It has circular kivas of two kinds,
round and square towers, circular and rectangular secular rooms of all
kinds, terraces, and retaining walls. The kivas present all the variety
of detail characteristic of cliff-houses. Anyone familiar with the Cliff
Palace as now repaired has a type for interpretation of all other cliff
ruins in the Mesa Verde National Park, and for comparison with those
situated outside this area.
Fortunately the configuration of the cliffs above the
ruin makes it possible to get a fine bird's-eye view of Cliff Palace
from the rim of the mesa. Views obtained from the heads of the two
trails are most striking and should be enjoyed before closer examination
and detailed study of the rooms in Cliff Palace. To obtain the best
general view of the whole ruin from the front one may cross the canyon
and climb a promontory whence Cliff Palace appears to be set among trees
in a rocky frame, the lower side being the precipice beneath and the
upper the roof above.a
aJust opposite Cliff Palace there stands on
or near the point of the mesa a pueblo ruin which, but for the thick
grove of cedars, could plainly be seen from the opposite canyon rim. The
site of this pueblo, except for the trees, recalls sites of Hopi
pueblos. Its walls where dug out are in good condition, although
formerly covered with rocks. If it were excavated and repaired it would
present an instructive object lesson in comparative studies of cliff
dwellings and pueblos situated in the open mesa tops, a type well
represented in the Mesa verde National Park.
Deep under the debris which covered the lower terrace
of Cliff Palace there was brought to light by excavation an ancient way,
hitherto unknown, which leads by a gradual slope to the center of the
village. This pathway extends parallel with the high front wall of kiva
O, and, passing to a large rock in which foot rests were cut, enters
Cliff Palace through a narrow court between high walls. From this court
ascent to the level of the cave floor was accomplished by means of a
ladder, which could be drawn in when danger necessitated. The floor of
the main entrance was hardened adobe, the outer edge of which was held
by a roughly laid retaining wall resting at the lower end on logs still
well preserved. This main entrance may have led formerly to the village
spring in the canyon below, now dry, and along it no doubt in ancient
times toiled the weary women with jars of water on their heads.
Fig. 1.Front walls, after
repairing. (top) Fig. 2.Main entrance, after repairing.
An examination of the correct ground plan of Cliff
Palace, here for the first time published, shows that the houses were
arranged in a crescent, the northern extension of rooms corresponding
roughly to one point. The curve of the village follows, generally
speaking, that of the rear of the cave in which it was constructed.
There is little regularity in the arrangement of the rooms, which, as a
rule, are not crowded together; most of the subterranean chambers are
situated on terraces in front of the secular rooms. There is one
passageway that may be designated a street; this is bordered by high
walls over which a passer-by could not look. No open space of
considerable size is destitute of a ceremonial chamber, and the largest
court contains five of these rooms. It is not possible to count the
exact number of rooms that Cliff Palace formerly had, as many upper
stories have fallen and a considerable number of terraced rooms along
the front are indicated only by fragments of walls. Roughly speaking,
200 is a fair estimate.
It is instructive to note that although Cliff Palace
is about three times as large as Spruce Tree House, judging from
ceremonial chambers, it has no more than double the number of secular
aThis is explained on the theory that cliff Palace is
more ancient than Spruce Tree House, the kivas being the older rooms and probably
more strictly limited to the use of clans, while at Spruce Tree House
they are more in the nature of fraternity rooms, the membership of the
priesthood occupying them being drawn from several clans.
The most striking addition to our knowledge revealed
by the excavations at Cliff Palace is a more accurate ground plan of
this village. This enlarged knowledge is effectually shown by a
comparison of my plateb with that given by Nordenskiöld. The
most important discoveries were made in the course of excavations at
the southern and northern ends and on the terraces, where great
accumulations of debris had concealed existing walls from former
students. In place of 17 ceremonial rooms ("estufas") represented by
Nordenskiöld in his ground plan 23 may now be counted. He makes no
reference to the kiva situated a short distance from the western end of
the ruin and missed the series on the terraces at the south end.
bThe sketch ground plan here published was
made under my direction by a voluntary assistant, Mr. R. G. Fuller, who served as
photographer of the party.
In order to facilitate description of the Cliff
Palace as repaired, it is here arbitrarily divided into certain quarters
or sections. The front entrance, being situated about midway of the
length of the village, is naturally a point of division of the ruin
into halves.c
cThe quarters into which cliff Palace is divided
were possibly socioiogically different.
Four different regions may be distinguished in the
ruin, two north of a line drawn from the front entrance to the rear of
the cave and two south of that line. While structurally there appear to
be no essential differences in these quarters, they present certain
characteristic archaeological features which are worthy of
The part of Cliff Palace extending northward from the
main entrance to the point where the ruin turns westward lies in the
deepest part of the cave and may be called the "Old Quarter." Its
northern end is formed by a castellated building three stories high,
constructed of the finest masonry and perched on a huge fallen rock.
This building contains several rooms, story above story, the uppermost
reaching to the roof of the cave. It may be called the "Speaker Chief's
House" from a banquette on one side overlooking the whole southern end
of the ruin.
The extension of Cliff Palace westward from the
Speaker Chief's House to the end of the ruin may be designated the
"Northern Quarter." About 50 feet beyond the extreme western end stands
above ground a solitary building, or ceremonial room, of singular
construction.a The part of the ruin from the main entrance to
the Round Tower contains five ceremonial rooms huddled together. Their
roofs and the intervening spaces formerly constituted the most extensive
plaza in the village, and it seems appropriate to call this the Plaza
aProbably belonging to the second type of ceremonial rooms later
The part of the ruin from the Round Tower to the
extreme southern end is divided into halves by the Square Tower, a
four-storied room with painted walls.
To recapitulate, there are here recognized in Cliff
Palace the following quarters:
1. Northern Quarter, from Speaker Chief's House to
west end.
2. Old Quarter, from Speaker Chief's House to
entrance to ruin.
3. Plaza Quarter, from village entrance to Round
4. Tower Quarter, from Round Tower to southern
This quarter contains four ceremonial rooms and
accompanying secular inclosures. On the western end it has a room fitted
up with four corn-grinding bins (metakis), a second room with one
metaki, and two cooking rooms.
This quarter is built on two levels, the lower
adjoining the Old Quarter having fine masonry composed of well-dressed
building stones. The higher level has two kivas, the more western of
which shows in its floor the most extensive example of excavation in
solid rock known in Cliff Palace. For more than two-thirds of its area
the floor is here cut down on one side about 2 feet. The whole western
section was considerably mutilated and was covered with small building
stones and debris when the excavation and repair work began. This is
obscurely indicated on previously published ground plans in which its
rooms are not accurately represented.
The region northward from the main entrance of the
Cliff Palace, including the lofty castellated building called "Speaker
Chief's House," may be known as the "Old Quarter." This contains many
secular rooms, some of which are round and others rectangular, and three
fine ceremonial rooms, one of which is of a type rare in cliff-dwellings.
The Old Quarter falls naturally into two regions, the Speaker
Chief's House and the section adjoining the main entrance. A street
extending north and south divides this quarter into a front and a rear
It seems probable that the Old Quarter was inhabited
by the oldest and most influential clans of the pueblo. The masonry of
the Speaker Chief's building is not only the finest in Cliff Palace, but
compares well with that laid by white masons. The walls throughout were
built of hewn stones, ground plane, carefully laid and smoothly
plastered.b The main building was erected on the inclined
face of a very high, angular rock, unfortunately cracked, by which
the foundations are raised above neighboring
buildings and terraces. The castellated part extends to the roof of the
cave and is three stories high. On the north side the wall of this part
is curved, but on the south side there is a banquette or platform to
which one mounts by a single step. The whole central and southern parts
of Cliff Palace lie in full sight of this platform, and we may suppose
that a Speaker Chief stood upon it every morning when he announced the
events of the day.
bIt is sometimes stated that the cliff dwellers rarely dressed
or smoothed the stones out of which they constructed walls, while this
may be true of some cliff dwellings, it is not true of those on Mesa
In addition to the three-storied castellated
building there are included in the Old Quarter four flue ceremonial
rooms and two circular rooms that lie deep in the cave.
The southern part of the Old Quarter, that adjoining
the entrance to the village, has one ceremonial room and several
secular inclosures. The "street" lies almost wholly in this section.
Almost the whole of this quarter is occupied by a
large open space containing five kivas. These subterranean rooms are so
close to one another and are so arranged that their roofs must have
formed an almost level plaza, which was the central and largest open
place of Cliff Palace. Two kivas, I and H, on the lower terraces,
likewise belong to this quarter. In addition to the subterranean rooms
on the upper level, there extends from it into the Old Quarter a court
into which opens the "street." It may well be supposed that the Plaza
Quarter was one of the most frequented breathing places in this cliff-dwelling
when inhabited. Here we find a broad open place fitted for
ceremonial dances, into which opened the only large court and street of
the village. The main entrance to Cliff Palace was situated at its
northwest corner. It was well protected in all seasons of the year by
the overhanging roof of the cave and the massive walls surrounding it on
three sides. The outlook from its western side across Cliff Canyon is
one of the finest. Situated midway between the two ends of the village,
near the center of population, the Plaza Quarter must have been a much
frequented place when Cliff Palace was inhabited, and may well be
called the chief quarter.
The Round Tower section includes the ceremonial rooms
E to G and the secular buildings 13 to 33. Of the former, F and G lie at
lower levels in front of the foundations of the Round Tower. Kiva J is
situated on a high level, and E is built near the cliff in the rear of
the village.
The most striking architectural feature of this
quarter is of course the picturesque Round Tower, a symmetrical
structure perched on top of a huge rock. The use of this tower is
unknown, but we can hardly suppose so important a building was built in
this commanding position for purely secular purposes.
The southern end of Cliff Palace, including rooms 1
and 10, and the subterranean chambers A to D, is somewhat exposed to the
weather and therefore much worn. Kivas A to C lie in the open in front
of the rooms and outside the rim of the roof. The walls of kiva D,
among the finest known in cliff dwellings, are painted yellow
and have the superficial plastering well preserved.
The Square Tower (11) is four stories high and has fine mural
decorations in white and red on the inner walls of the third story. The
whole northwest angle of this tower had to be rebuilt to support the
walls of this story.
The arrangement of houses in a cliff dwelling of the
size of Cliff Palace is characteristic and intimately associated with
the distribution of the social divisions of the inhabitants. The
population was composed of a number of units, possibly clans, each of
which had its own social organization more or less distinct from others,
a condition that appears in the arrangement of rooms. The rooms occupied
by a clan were not necessarily connected, although generally neighboring
rooms were distinguished from one another by their uses. Thus each
clan had its men's room, which was ceremonially called the "kiva." Here
the men of the clan practically lived, engaged in their occupations.
Each clan had also one or more rooms, which may be styled the living
rooms, and other inclosures for granaries or storage of corn. The corn
was ground into meal in another room containing the metate set in a bin
or stone box, and in some instances in fireplaces, although these were
generally placed in the plazas or on the house tops. All these different
kinds of rooms, taken together, constitute the houses that belonged to
one clan.
The conviction that each kiva denotes a distinct
social unit, as a clan or a family, is supported by a general similarity
in the masonry of the kiva walls and that of adjacent houses ascribed to
the same clan. From the number of these rooms it would appear that there
were at least 23 social units or clans in Cliff Palace. The kivas were
the rooms where the men spent most of their time devoted to ceremonies,
councils, and other gatherings. In the social conditions prevalent at
Cliff Palace the religious fraternity was limited to the men of the
Apparently there is no uniformity in the distribution
of the kivas. As it was prescribed that these rooms should be
subterranean, the greatest number were placed in front of the
rectangular buildings, where it was easiest to excavate them. But when
necessary these structures were built far back in the cave and inclosed
by a double wall, the intervals between whose sections were filled with
earth or rubble to raise it to the level of the kiva roof. In that way
they were artificially made subterranean, as the ritual required.
The majority of the ceremonial rooms in Cliff Palace
are accompanied by rectangular chambers, but one of the former,
situated about 50 feet from the western end, has no rooms near it. The
ceremonial rooms naturally fall into two types: (1) Subterranean kivas
having banquettes around their sides, separated by roof supports called
pedestals; (2) kivas destitute of banquettes or pedestals, probably
roofless, their roofs being replaced by high surrounding walls. Twenty
ceremonial rooms have been referred to the first type, two or three to
the second. The isolated kiva resembles in many particulars the
other examples of the second type.a The shape of the
kivas varies from circular to square with rounded corners. Their
architecture varies somewhat and their depth is not uniform. The walls
are well constructed and generally show signs of plastering, often
blackened with smoke. One of the kivas is painted yellow; the lower part
of another is red with triangular decorations on the upper border.b
aAt Spruce Tree House there are 8 kivas of the first
type and 1 of the second.
bSimilar decorations occur likewise on the pedestals
of kiva A of Spruce Tree House and on the inner walls of the third story
of the Square Tower.
The Cliff Palace kivas, provided with pedestals or
roof supports, furnish examples of some of the finest masonry in
prehistoric buildings of our Southwest. Owing to their subterranean
position it was often necessary for the builders to excavate the floors
in solid rock and the curves of the sides were obtained in many
instances by removing projecting ends of huge rocks. The number of
pedestals vary in different kivas. In the majority there are six of
these roof supports; the kiva in the Speaker Chief's section has eight,
others four, and one has but two. The number of banquettes necessarily
varies with the number of pedestals; one called the altar banquette is
commonly larger than the remainder. This large shelf may be the place
where ceremonial paraphernalia were placed; in most cases it is situated
in the same side as the air shaft or ventilator. Every kiva of the first
type has a ventilator, firehole, and deflector, as explained in my
report on the repair work at Spruce Tree House.
Although these structures are represented in every
kiva the configuration of the walls of many kivas made it difficult to
introduce the ventilator on the same side or in the same form. In one
case the passage turns at right angles before it joins the vertical
so-called ventilator. In another instance this vertical passage is
situated like a chimney at one angle of the outside wall and in still
another it opens through a roof support.c
cIn the kivas of some of the cliff dwellings in
Navajo National Monument a doorway occupies the position of the lateral
entrance of the ventilator into the kiva. These kivas are rectangular
and are exceptional in having entrances opening laterally instead of
Deflectors in Cliff Palace kivas have four
modifications: (1) A slab of stone placed upright; (2) a low stone wall;
(3) a curved wall joining the wall of the kiva on each side of the
lateral entrance into the ventilator; (4) a row of upright sticks having
twigs woven between them, the whole being covered and hidden with clay
mortar. Thus all varieties of deflectors discovered in Mesa Verde ruins
are represented at Cliff Palace.
Every kiva of the first type has a fireplace near the
center of the room, which is generally found to be packed solid with
wood ashes; in some cases the sides are rimmed with fiat stones, one
stone smaller than the rest sometimes projecting slightly above the
level of the floor. The symbolic opening (sipapu) in the floor is
not found in all Cliff Palace kivas. It is rarely absent; usually it is
situated slightly to one side of the middle of the floor. In one kiva
the opening is double and in another room this hole lies near the wall.
Even when necessary to drill into solid rock the ancients did not
hesitate to make this ceremonial opening, which, in some instances,
was lined with a burnt clay tube. For the reception of small objects diminutive
niches were constructed in the walls of almost every kiva and vases are
now found inserted in the banquettes of a few of these chambers.
Each kiva possesses special characters,
notwithstanding that all the kivas have a general similarity. The former
roof of the most southerly kiva (A), one of those on a terrace in
front of the buildings, was on a level with their foundations and
measures 11 feet in diameter; it has a subterranean passageway, with
steps leading to the
floor of themost southerly room of the ruin.
Another passageway communicates with kiva B, which lies to
the north at the same level. The diameter of kiva B is 13
feet. Its masonry is somewhat better than that of kiva A. A large
banquette lies over the lateral passage, which communicates with the
Kiva C, the third ceremonial room at the southern end
of the ruin, is also 13 feet in diameter; the roof was about level with
the preceding roof; its walls are well made and apparently
Not all of these ceremonial rooms are circular, some
being square with rounded corners. To this group belongs kiva D, also 13
feet in diameter, whose plastered walls, painted yellow and somewhat
blackened with smoke, are still preserved. The masonry of this room
needed no repair, being practically as good as any in Cliff Palace. One
side is formed almost entirely by the cave wall; it is protected above
by the cave roof and is hidden from outside by rooms with high
Kiva E is also sheltered by the roof of the cave and
protected from rains by secular rooms in front of it. There has been
considerable excavation in the rock, to lower its floor to the desired
depth. This kiva measures 11 feet in diameter. An exceptional feature in
this chamber is a rough-ware vase set in the firehole, which in other
respects is normal in position and construction. No ceremonial opening
was detected by a thorough examination of the floor of this room.
Evidences of fire are found on the walls of kiva F,
which is square with rounded corners. It measures 13 feet in
The kivas above mentioned, that are situated in front
of the cave and outside the protection of its roof, are exposed to the
direct effects of rain or of water dripping from the rim of the canyon.
To prevent further injury to the walls of these kivas, it was necessary
to cover their upper surfaces and the adjacent plazas with Portland
cement and to provide them with runways and spouts to carry off the
excess water which in heavy rains falls upon them and endangers their
masonry. It was necessary, also, to treat exposed neighboring walls with
the same material. This work was expensive, because the cement had to be
brought from a great distance; but there was no other way of protecting
the kivas outside the walls at the southern end of the ruin from heavy
rains except roofing the entire end.
Kiva G is 12 feet in diameter. It has two ceremonial
openings in the floor.
In Kiva H the ventilator is built up on the outside
on one corner; it has a turn at right angles where the lateral passage
joins the vertical. Unlike any other kiva in Cliff Palace, this chamber
is connected with a small room by a doorway. This room, part of whose
roof is still intact, probably served as a receptacle for ceremonial
Kiva I, situated on the lowest terrace in front of
the middle of the village, was completely buried under debris thrown
through a break in the wall of the ruin, made for that purpose. Owing to
the fact that it had been so long under ground, the stones in its walls
were very soft and some of them had become sand. The whole front of this
kiva was destroyed, but on the walls that remained red decorations are
clearly visible, especially on the inner surfaces of the niches found in
the north side. In a covered vase set in the wall of this room, at the
level of the former floor, were found several dried lizards.
Kiva J, measuring 14 feet in diameter, is one of the
large ceremonial rooms. It is situated at the level of the cave floor
and is surrounded by well-preserved rooms with high walls. Its
banquettes number six, one of which is relatively very large.
Kiva K is one of the smallest ceremonial rooms in
Cliff Palace. It was excavated practically out of rock, being enlarged
by hewing out fallen fragments of the cliff. On its blackened walls are
found indistinct scratches or outlines of animals or of human heads,
which when interpreted may add a new chapter to our knowledge of the old
life of the Mesa Verde canyons. These random inscriptions were made by
some old priest, either to wile away the tedious vigils between
ceremonies, or they may have some connection with particular rites
once performed in this kiva. The diameter of kiva K is 9 feet; the
chamber contains only five roof supports or pedestals. In the blackened
walls are inserted eyelets of unknown uses, made of osiers. The
deflector of this kiva consists of upright sticks interlaced with small
willow twigs, the whole being plastered over with adobe cementa
unique way of making this part.
Kiva L is round in form and measures 12 feet in
diameter. This room was in bad condition, especially on the west side
where a breach had been made in order to dispose of the debris that had
been dumped into it from back rooms. So far destroyed was this kiva that
it was impossible to determine the floor level. The large break in the
west wall, whose foundations extend to the depth of the kiva below, was
repaired. The chamber was excavated to what was supposed to be the
floor level and numerous weak places in its walls were strengthened.
All kivas of the first type, except kiva M, have roof
pedestals, but in this room they are wanting. The form of its deep
banquette leaves no doubt that the kiva should be referred to the first
type, with which it is structurally related. Since its pedestals are
missing, the method of roofing kiva M is unknown. Much work had to be
done in repairing this room. The whole south side had fallen, and a wall
of a neighboring room, which formerly depended on it for support, had
tottered over this side. To save this wall it was necessary to erect a
buttress extending under its foundations from the floor of the kiva.
Kiva N is finely made, almost filling the space at
the north end of the chief plaza of Cliff Palace.
The walls of O, a ceremonial room of the second type,
on the west side, are massive, while those on the north form the sides
of the narrow court which is the main entrance to the pueblo.
The inclosure P is almost completely filled by the
subterranean room, kiva P, whose floor rests on cedar logs, the ends of
which project through the west wall just above the main passageway into
Cliff Palace. It is evident that the foundation at this place was far
from level and that these logs had been laid from a wall deeper in the
cave to one in front of it in order to form a level surface on which to
construct the kiva floor.
The best masonry in Cliff Palace, as elsewhere
mentioned, is in the Speaker Chief's Quarter, and the two kivas which
belong to it show fine specimens. Kiva Q belongs to the first type; R to
the second (those without roof supports).
The whole west wall of kiva Q, containing the
ventilator, is broken down, but the fireplace and the deflector remain,
showing that it was like other kivas in Spruce Tree House and Cliff
Palace. There may have been eight roof supports in this kiva instead of
the usual number six. The masonry of walls, banquettes, and roof
supports is exceptionally good. Not only were the component rocks
dressed into shape, but there is evidence that after having been laid,
their surfaces were smoothed by rubbing before being plastered. Although
the floor is well preserved, the ceremonial floor opening was not found;
a broken place slightly to one side of the center may indicate the
position of this important feature.
The ceremonial room, kiva S, is situated on a lower
terrace than that last mentioned, partially beneath the great rock upon
which the foundations of the Speaker Chief's House rest. Considerable
repair work was required to put it in good condition, the chamber being
wholly buried under fallen rocks and more or less demolished.
On excavation the entire south side of the small kiva
T was found to have been destroyed, but the wall that remained shows
fine masonry.
Kiva U, situated at a higher level than the last two
named, is one of the largest in the whole ruin. Although one of the most
badly damaged, it was put in good repair, and, while somewhat exposed to
southeastern storms, may be preserved for many years.
The floor of kiva V presents the most extensive
example of rock excavation in Cliff Palace. In this room the solid rock,
which is hard and compact, had been cut down on the northern side by the
ancient builders to a level 2 feet below its former surface, the excavation
embracing about two-thirds of the area of the room. A ceremonial
opening was drilled into the rock to the depth of an additional foot
and lined with burnt clay. This kiva possesses another unique feature.
Below the floor is a subterranean passageway barely large enough to
admit a man's body, extending from the bottom of the firehole to the
outer wall. This passage, which lies below the ventilator, has a lateral
branch, also under the floor of the room, opening into the chamber
through a manhole. The object of these subterranean passages is
unknown,a but they are probably ceremonial.
aThis passage should not be confounded with the ventilator, which is
present here as in other ceremonial chambers of the same type.
Kiva W is situated some distance west of the western
end of Cliff Palace and is not accompanied by secular rooms. The first
impression would be that of a rectangular room above a circular kiva,
but W is evidently a kiva of the second type, the imposing wall rising
high above it being similar to those always found with rooms of this
There are two, possibly three, ceremonial rooms that
show no signs of roof supports or pedestals, no evidences of fireplaces,
deflectors, or ventilators. It would appear that these rooms were used
for the same purpose as kivas of the first type.a They have banquettes
on the side wall, quite wide at each end and generally a lateral passage
way at the floor level.
aA similar room in Spruce Tree House was called, in
my report on Spruce Tree House, a "warrior room," without sufficient
The existence of two types of ceremonial rooms in
Cliff Palace may indicate a division of the ritual into two distinct
parts performed by the summer and the winter people, respectively, a
specialization still perpetuated among some modern pueblos. The best
example of the second type is kiva R, situated in the Old Quarter of the
ruin in the neighborhood of the Speaker Chief's House. No signs of pedestals
are to be found, but broad banquettes occupy the northern and
southern ends, connected on the other sides by a narrow shelf. In the
side walls below the banquettes are several recesses or cubby holes, and
there is a lateral entrance on the floor level in the southern side,
which sends off side branches under the baquette, but no indication was
discovered of a vertically placed ventilator.
The walls above this kiva were built high, as if to
prevent observation by outsiders; there was probably no roof.b
bNordenskiöld's comments on this chamber as a
connecting link between circular and square kivas are not convincing. In
origin square kivas were independent of circular kivas and the
indications are that in some cases the former had lateral openings or
Secular rooms in Cliff Palace may be classified as
follows: (1) Living rooms; (2) storage rooms; (3) mill rooms; (4)
granaries; (5) dark rooms of unknown use; (6) towers, round and square;
(7) round rooms not towers. The highest rooms have four stories; there
are several of three stories, many of two, but the majority have only
one. Walls projecting at right angles to the foundations in front of the
ruin on a level below the cave floor indicate that in this part Cliff
Palace was terraced, consisting of several-storied houses and terraces
at different levels. There is little uniformity in size, shape, or
character of the walls of secular rooms. In rare instances they extend
to the roof of the cave, a feature sometimes shown by markings or
fragments of masonry on the rock surface.
Several rooms show such marked evidences that they
were inhabited and used as sleeping places that they are called living
rooms. One or two of these have each a banquette extending across one
side and several have fireplaces in the floor in one corner. The inner
walls of these rooms are generally smoothly plastered, sometimes
painted. They contain small niches, and in one case pegs on the walls on
which blankets or kilts could be hung. These chambers are supposed to
have been the sleeping rooms for women and children, and although not
living rooms in one sense, they are the nearest approach to them
in Cliff Palace. Much of the daily workpottery
making, cooking, etc.was done on house tops or in open places
adjoining the living rooms.
Several special rooms set apart for mills in which
corn was ground were discovered in different quarters of Cliff Palace.
These differed from some other rooms only in being smaller. Almost the
whole space was occupied by rude stone mills of characteristic forms.
These consist of boxes made of slabs of rock set upright, in each of
which was placed an inclined stone, the mealstone (metate). In
front of this, at the bottom of the mill, is a receptacle into which the
meal fell after it had been ground by hand by means of a slab of stone
called the mano. The women or girls who ground the corn knelt on
the side of the mill at the top of the metate and rubbed the mano over
the metate (mealstone) until the corn between was ground. In one of
these mill rooms there were two and in another four of these mills set
in a row side by side. The surfaces of the metates in this series are
graded in roughness, so as to grind the meal finer and finer as it was
passed from one to another. The mills were so well preserved that even
the fragments of pottery in the angles of the receptacles in which the
meal collected after grinding were still in place, and the upright
stones on which the girls braced their feet had not been moved. The
brushes with which the meal was brushed into baskets after grinding had
been left in the mills and were still in good condition.
The smaller rooms and the back chambers, many of them
darkened by their position in the rear of other rooms, were probably
used for storage of corn. These diminutive rooms, many having the form
of cists, are carefully built; many are erected on flat rocks, but have
doorways. Every crevice and hole in the corners of these granaries was
carefully stopped with clay, no doubt to prevent rats or squirrels from
entering. The impression prevalent in some places that the inhabitants
of Cliff Palace and of other cliff dwellings were of diminutive size is
supported by the erroneous belief that these rooms were used as
dwellings. If we had visited Cliff Palace when inhabited we should
probably have found in these storage rooms corn on the cobs stacked in
piles, from which the daily consumption was drawn. The living rooms were
often small, but they were unencumbered with furniture or even with
food in great quantities, and were ample for people of small stature.
The cliff dwellers were not pigmies.
The most prominent and picturesque building in Cliff
Palace is the Round Tower, situated about midway in its length on a high
angular rock, which raises it in full view above all the terraces. This
tower is not the only round room in the ruin, for there are foundations
and walls of two other circular rooms not far from the Speaker Chief's
House at the north end of the "street." These are inconspicuous
because hidden far back in the cave behind more lofty walls.
The Round Tower, formerly two stories high, was
entered from the north side. It was little damaged during the centuries
elapsing since Cliff Palace was abandoned and needed little repair. The
walls show most beautiful examples of aboriginal masonry, perhaps the
finest north of Mexico. Almost perfectly symmetrical in form, the stones
that compose the walls are skillfully dressed, fitted to one another,
and carefully laid. This tower was evidently ceremonial in function, or
it may have served as an observatory, for which purpose it is well
situated. The presence of small peepholes through which one can look far
down the canyon supports the theory that the tower was a lookout, to
which theory its resemblance to other towers in the Mesa Verde region
likewise contributes.
This building also is one of the picturesque and
prominent structures at the southern end of Cliff Palace. It is four
stories high, the walls reaching from the floor to the roof of the cave.
The walls of the third story are painted white and red with decorative
symbols, as triangles, zigzag lines, and parallel lines, perhaps
representing feathers. When work began on this tower the whole
northwestern angle had fallen and the wall of the "painted room" was
tottering and in great danger of falling. The repair of this section was
dangerous as well as difficult, one whole corner having to be rebuilt
from the bottom of an adjacent kiva. This undertaking was not the least
hazardous work done on Cliff Palace last summer.
A projecting ledge in the cave roof, about 20 feet
above the top of the highest wall, served as the foundation of a
marginal wall and accompanying rooms. This wall is pierced by doorways,
windows, and peepholes. One of the doorways, probably an entrance
situated near the northern end, was apparently on the former level of
the roof of one of the round rooms of the Old Quarter of the pueblo. The
outer surface of the marginal wall is decorated with a white terraced
figure, suggesting the white figure overlooking plaza C in Spruce Tree
House. The ledge rooms, which occur in several Mesa Verde ruins, were
probably used for storage or for protection.
The character of the masonry of Cliff Palace varies
greatly in different quarters, being fine in certain rooms and poor in
others. As a rule the walls are constructed of dressed stones mostly of
small size, some smoothed by rubbing their faces after they were laid.
Usually the corners were not bonded or tied and small rubble was used
for foundations. In places, specially where a wall approaches the roof
of the cave, the junction was made by means of flat slabs of stone set
on edge.
This variation in character of workmanship may be
traced to the varying skill of different clans, for while some clans had
skillful stone masons, the artisans of other clans were poor or
The erection of buildings was largely a clan affair,
there being no special group of workmen who performed this duty for the
whole village. On account of this fact it is often possible
to tell what walls were constructed by the same clan. For instance, all
the rooms near the Speaker Chief's House share fine masonry with it. The
foundations of many high walls were very poor, indicating that there
was no intention when they were laid of constructing such walls upon
them. Here thin slabs were set on edge or foundations were placed on
ashes or sand. Foundations were laid also on slanting surfaces of fallen
rock inclined at considerable angles; necessarily in course of time such
constructions slid down the incline and the wall was thus destroyed.
This was not always the case, however, for in some instances steps were
cut in the incline to secure a good base. Often logs were laid as
foundations, either to level a floor or to bridge two rocks, as
necessitated by the site of the building.
The width of walls varies greatly. None are perfectly
plumb or straight and no rooms are perfectly circular, square, or
rectangular. The foundations are thicker in places than the upper part,
many offsets being visible as low shelves or ledges. Large stones are
more common in foundation than in upper walls. The adobe mortar is hard
in several instances, more durable than the rocks themselves, many of
which crumbled into sand as the accumulations of debris about them were
removed. Many walls were plastered inside, others on their exterior
surfaces; others were laid dry and afterwards pointed. The mortar in
joints between stones in places was chinked with stones which appear on
the outside in ornamental lines. Many prints of human fingers show that
the plastering was put on with the hand, not with trowels.
Apparently the ancient builders found the
construction of round rooms as easy as that of angular chambers, and cut
stones in curved as readily as in plane surfaces. There were places
where poorly-laid masonry evidently had been repaired by the ancients,
as shown by the difference in color of the adobe mortar used. A number
of rejected slabs which the builders had failed to cut where they wished
showed their method of dressing building stones. A groove was pecked
along the surface where fracture was desired and the fragments were
afterwards broken off with stone hammers. Water was used to soften the
stone. Battered edges of stone are common and projections from the walls
not rare. Stones of different degrees of hardness were laid with one
another. The largest stones observed in the walls could be readily
handled by two persons without mechanical contrivances.a
aStones were transported from quarries a short distance from the ruin.
The stones used for thresholds, lintels, and jambs
were smoothed by rubbing as well as hewn into shape. No indication was
found that the Cliff Palace masons knew anything of the arch or the
keystone. They did not use the supporting pillar or column, as at Spruce
Tree House.
Two types of doorways, lateral and vertical, are
represented in Cliff Palace. In the upper stories the T-shaped and the
rectangular doorways are about equal in number, both occurring in such
positions that it is not possible to say how they were entered from the
ground or from the terrace far below them. Rarely does the threshold lie
on a level with the floor, and commonly there is a
projecting stone in the wall below it to facilitate entrance. Although
doorways are mostly low and narrow, some are wide enough to admit two
persons side by side.
In most instances both lintels and thresholds are
made of dressed stone, and the latter in places project slightly beyond
the wall. The door is a rectangular stone held in place by upright
sticks and clay.
Small peepholes admit light or in some cases these
served as outlooks from which to observe passers-by. One of the most
interesting of these is situated in such a position that one can see
everyone entering the street from the main plaza.
No roof in Cliff Palace was found intact, the beams
of all having been torn from the walls, but the line of holes in the
latter, indicating their former presence, show the method of insertion
of rafters.
Most of the floors had been broken into for skeletons
or other buried objects. Those of certain kivas are hard, evidently
having been laboriously leveled by the builders with stone implements.
As a rule, however, the floors were hardened adobe tramped or beaten
down, in some cases laid on sticks.
Fireplaces are common in all plazas, generally in
angles of rooms, and indeed wherever opportunity offered. Most of them
are rimmed with clay borders or with stone slabs set upright. Ashes are
found in the majority of them and the adjacent walls are blackened by
Notwithstanding the fact that Cliff Palace had
probably been dug over more than any other cliff dwelling on the Mesa
Verde, a fairly good representative collection was obtained, which
will be described in a report to the Secretary of the Smithsonian
Institution. The unique specimens were deposited in the National Museum,
but many duplicates, especially of large objects, were left in
situ. Fragments and whole pieces of pottery secured show that there
was not a great variety of form or color in the ceramic ware of Cliff
Palace. The best specimens are coiled or indented ware. The smooth forms
for the most part are white with black decoration or red with black
lines. The ornamentation of the former consists of scrolls, crosses, or
bird tracks, always in relief, that of the latter mainly geometrical
A considerable number of stone axes, single or double
edged, pitted mauls, hammers, and grinding stones were excavated. One of
the axes still has its wooden handle attached. Bent or broken sticks and
detached handles were not rare in refuse heaps.
Woven fabrics, as basketry, belts, cloth, and cords
are numerous. A few sandals and fragments of a moccasin show the
character of footwear used by the ancient inhabitants. Not the least
important specimens are bone awls of different shapes, needles, skin
scrapers, and tubes tied together, evidently ornamental in
The indications from the human bones collected are
that the inhabitants of Cliff Palace were of small stature. They were
peaceable, timid agriculturalists who passed their lives in the
cultivation of small farms on the mesa top, which can still be traced by
the clearings. Their scanty clothing consisted mainly of woven kilts
made of yucca fiber and cotton, or coarse fabrics in which were woven
feathers or strips of rabbit skin.
The work was apparently apportioned among the men and
the women as among the Hopi. The men made kilts, blankets, and sashes
and performed an almost endless round of rites and ceremonies. They were
masons and in a measure hunters. The women owned the secular houses and
were potters; they ground the corn and prepared the food. They assisted
in building the houses and were the plasterers. They were also the
burden bearers, bringing water from the water holes. All wore ornaments,
some of polished lignite, bone, or rarely turquoise. The warriors had
bows and arrows, stone hatchets, mauls, and other weapons. The ancient
inhabitants were ignorant of metal implements and of seashells. They had
no domesticated animals except possibly the dog and the turkey or the
eagle, the feathers of which birds were used for ceremonial
The indications are that Cliff Palace, like other
cliff dwellings of considerable size, was not constructed all at once or
in one generation. It may be assumed that originally one or more clans
settled in the Cliff Palace cave, and that subsequently other families
or clans joined them, accepting building sites allotted by mutual
agreement. The growth in population resulting from outside accessions
and from natural increase within necessitated the building of new rooms
to accommodate them. By intermarriage this population tended to
homogeneity and buildings once separated were united. It follows that
the present plan of Cliff Palace was not thought out in the beginning
but is the result of a haphazard growth of clans more or less
The desertion of Cliff Palace possibly followed the
same course as its growth, as one clan after another sought new homes or
more congenial neighbors. Finally the last remaining inhabitants
abandoned Cliff Palace, or perhaps died out in their pueblo, and the
place was deserted. The causes of the abandonment are conjectural,
possibly more trivial than we may suspect. Failure of the water supply
or of crops, the presence of contagious diseases, or internal
dissensions ultimately may have led to the desertion of the place. It is
possible also that hostiles raided the cornfields at harvest time and
forced the inhabitants to seek other homes. Quarrels about water,
desire for union with clans of neighboring or distant villages, fear
that the gods were displeased, rivalry of clans, petty altercations due
to gossipone or all of these considerations, according to Hopi
legends, may have culminated in the abandonment by the natives of
pueblos in which their ancestors formerly lived.
The aimless desire for new habitations, the drifting
of clans to new and, in their eyes, better localities, was a cause that
likewise must be considered. It must be borne in mind that there was
little cohesion among the cliff-house clans. There were
continual bickering and many altercations in which the inhabitants took
one side or another, which ultimately led to the abandonment of the
aA sociological study of the causes of the
dismemberment of the Hopi pueblo, Oraibi, might shed much light on the
desertion of ancient habitations where the ancestors of allied people
once lived.
My investigations at Cliff Palace add little to our
knowledge concerning the century in which the earliest clan began its
construction or the date when this ancient cliff dwelling was deserted.
Possibly it was inhabited five hundred years ago, but there is no proof
that it was not populous at an earlier or a later date. There is some
ground for the belief that the site was occupied before that of its
nearest large neighbors, Spruce Tree House and Balcony House, and it is
probable that the first houses were built in what has been designated
the "Old Quarter."
The most ancient arrivals apparently lived after much
the same manner as the more modern. Cliff-house culture was not evolved
in this canyon, although here the building instinct reached its maximum
development. Every addition to our knowledge favors the supposition
that this culture has been practically perpetuated, with many
modifications, to the present day in that of modern pueblos, but this
statement does not mean, of course, that new blood has not been
introduced and some cultural differences have not been lost. The people
of Cliff Palace were undoubtedly better masons than the cliff dwellers
of northern Arizona or of any of the modern Hopi pueblos, as Walpi or
Oraibi, but they were not as good potters as the Sikyatki women, the
direct ancestors of some of the Hopi clans. Apparently people of the
same culture as that of Cliff Palace inhabited the pueblo now in ruins
on the point west of the ruin and others scattered over the mesa. The
ruins of these pueblos can hardly be distinguished from ruins of ancient
Hopi villages. Discussion of this and other questions of speculative
interest finds a natural place in my report to the secretary of the
Smithsonian Institution.
In conclusion, permit me to express my appreciation
of your action in giving me the opportunity to work out the problem of
the excavation and preservation of Cliff Palace. It is believed that
this great structure is now accessible to those who would study one of
the greatest known examples within our borders of the work of the
American aborigines.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, yours,
Ethnologist, Bureau of American Ethnology,
Smithsonian Institution,