Historical Background
Early turnpikes, predecessors of
modern expressways, linked the Nation. Scene in 1827 at the Farview
Inn, near Baltimore along the Frederick Pike, which ran from Baltimore
to Cumberland. (Watercolor, 1889, by Thomas C.
Ruckle, Maryland Historical Society.) |
WHEN George Washington took his oath of office at New
York's City Hall in 1789, he became the political equal of kings,
emperors, and czars. Yet, though always an aristocrat, he chose to shun
the exalted status and arbitrary power such monarchs enjoyed. If he had
not accepted the position, had faltered in his leadership, or had soon
died, our gamble in constitutional Government might have failed. Yet,
devoted as he was to the principles of republican Government and fully
aware of his precedent-making capabilities as the first President,
during his two terms he sharply defined the office that the Constitution
had only broadly delineated.
At the same time, Washington smoothly launched the
new Republicplagued by internal jealousies, economically unstable,
and endangered by the rivalries of far more powerful nationson its
uncharted quest for a workable Government of the people. In the process,
he helped formulate the national structure that the Constitution had
Five major political
protagonists, two of whom were to ascend to the Presidency, attend a
reception. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams (right) held it for
Senator and former General Andrew Jackson (middle) on January 8, 1824,
the anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans. Also pictured are (left to
right) John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, and Henry Clay (between Jackson
and Adams). President Monroe did not attend. (Engraving, Library of Congress) |
Providing what the Articles of Confederation lacked,
a strong Executive independent of the Legislature but integrated into
the constitutional structure, Washington asserted authority in fields
where the Constitution did not specify whether the Congress or the
President was to act. Yet he respected Congress and maintained amicable
relations with it.
Washington's immediate successors John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, and John Quincy Adams further
shaped the Presidency and the national political system. Just as
important, they steered the Nation through its early, crisis-ridden
years on the course Washington had set and perpetuated the
Unionthough they were unable to avoid the foreign entanglements he
had feared. During Madison's administration, the War of 1812 with
Britain broke out.
Although that conflict ended in more of a stalemate
than a victory, the national effort involved and the reaffirmation of
independence that resulted, created an upsurge in nationalism. Democracy
also flowered, except for those blacks who were victims of the slavery
system and certain other groups. The population tripled. Millions of
pioneers surmounted the Appalachian barrier and pushed the frontier to
the Mississippi and beyonddoubling the national bounds. From an
alliance of 13 virtually autonomous States during the War for
Independence, the Nation melded into a strong Federal Union of 24
The Presidents from Andrew Jackson through James
Buchanan faced fundamentally different problems. As the country matured
and mastered obstacle after obstacleinternal political strife,
international crises, and warit gained in strength and confidence.
But sectionalistic debate persisted over the character of the Union and
over whether sovereignty resided in the States or in the National
Government. This debate was central to the slavery issue, over which the
North and South clashed bitterlythe most persistent and critical
problem posed to the Chief Executives of the era. Particularly explosive
was the question of whether western areas should be admitted to the
Union as free or slave States.
The Civil War, which tragically
pitted the North against the South. scarred the national consciousness.
Portrayed here is the Battle of the Crater (1864). Petersburg,
Virginia. (Oil, 1869, by John Elder,
Commonwealth Club, Richmond) |
An interrelated phenomenon was the continuing
westward surge of the Nationat the expense of the Indians, who
were shoved aside. Ten new States in the South and West joined the
Union. Reflecting the new trend, Jackson was the first westerner to
occupy the White House, and three others who served in the period were
all elected from the same region: William Henry Harrison, James K. Polk,
and Zachary Taylor.
Polk, who won office by advocating sweeping
expansion, realized by war and diplomacy the American dream of pushing
the national boundaries to the Pacific. Other Presidents grappled with
western problems and their ramifications. The question of Texas plagued
Martin Van Buren and John Tyler. Besetting Zachary Taylor and Millard
Fillmore were the Territorial quarrels that erupted in the wake of the
Mexican War. Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan were hard put to quell
the turmoil in "bleeding Kansas."
Elsewhere, too, no permanent or peaceful solution to
the slavery question could be found. Finally, after Lincoln's
inauguration, the Nation fell into fratricide. Lincoln led the North
through the Civil War and preserved the Union. Upon his assassination,
Andrew Johnson felt the first brunt of the long acrimony that was to be
engendered by Reconstructionthe difficult task of attempting to
heal the rift between the North and South as well as to restore the
Union on terms equable to the defeated South and the black people.
Lincoln and key military
advisers discuss the prospects for peace in February 1865 at City Point,
Virginia, aboard the River Queen, which had carried the President down
the Potomac from Washington and up the James. Left to right: Gens.
William T. Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant, Lincoln, and Adm. David D.
Porter. (George P. A. Healy, White House
Collection) |
The Presidents from Grant to McKinley, supported by
Supreme Court decisions, gradually restored relative amity between the
North and the white South, but at the expense of equality for blacks.
These Chief Executives presided over other profound changes in the
Nation, which by the end of McKinley's term had grown to 45 States. An
industrial revolution, stirring in the North before the Civil War,
created a massive industrial complex and transformed living patterns.
Also helping to reshape the country were inventors such as Alexander
Graham Bell, Thomas A. Edison, and Henry Ford, as well as industrialists
like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller.
Mechanization of agriculture not
only multiplied food output but also sped the growth of industrial
technology. Steam thresher at work. (Engraving, after an oil, undated, by William R. Leigh,
Library of Congress.) |
Seeking economic opportunities, millions of
immigrants came to America; and millions left rural areas for the
cities. The standard of living rose, but such problems as child labor,
inadequate industrial safety, absence of workmen's compensation laws,
and substandard wages became rampant. In time, labor was to organize
unions to correct these evils.
Settlers continued to pour into the West, driving
back the Indians and destroying their way of life. The region boomed,
however, and many prospectors, cattlemen, and wheat farmers enjoyed
bonanzas. Many others, though, found disillusionment. Rail networks
crept across the continent to the Pacific and further bound the Nation
In 1898 the United States triumphed in the
Spanish-American War, asserted its will in Cuba, and annexed other
erstwhile Spanish possessions in the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
This represented a foray into imperialism that continued well into the
20th century, when the country became an industrial colossus and major
world power. In 1912 the last two of the contiguous 48 States came into
the Union, and in 1959 they were to be joined by the two detached
Outgoing President William
Howard Taft greets his successor, Woodrow Wilson, just before his
inauguration on March 4, 1913. (Library of
Congress) |
During the first two decades of the century,
"progressive" Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and
Woodrow Wilson strove at home to reform the American way of life within
the framework of the free enterprise system. Their aims included major
improvements in political democracy, economic-social justice, restraint
of corporations, and conservation of natural resources. The means were
vigorous Government action and a scientific approach to social problems.
Abroad, the progressives aimed for a more powerful role in world order.
At the same time, as Wilson phrased it, they sought to make the world
"safe for democracy"a goal World War I did not attain.
Meantime, earlier in the century, the automobile and
airplane had come into widespread use. These two new modes of
transportation, along with an ascendant technology, were to
revolutionize the entire American socioeconomic system. Mass production
of automobiles would put the Nation on wheels. The growth of air
transport would further integrate it and tie it closer to other peoples
of the world.
Meanwhile, after the domestic prosperity of the
1920's, the Great Depression had struck. President Herbert Hoover, who
advocated only enough Government intervention in the affairs of the
citizenry to insure the free working of the economy, at first sought
solutions in voluntary cooperation rather than compulsory Government
actions. Although he eventually proposed legislation to counter the
economic decline, most people favored more drastic measures and in 1932
they elected Franklin D. Roosevelt. Expanding the powers of the Federal
Government, he took substantive steps to help pull the Nation out of the
One Chief Executive and a future
one during World War II. President Roosevelt and General Eisenhower at
Castelvetrano, Sicily, in December 1943. Gen. George S. Patton is at the
far left. (United States
Army) |
At the same time, however, the worldwide economic
distress was helping bring into power Adolf Hitler and other aggressors,
who fomented World War II. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in
December 1941 brought the United States into the global conflict. Before
Germany was crushed in May 1945, it proved to be incredibly costly in
terms of lives and resources. Some 3 months later, America used the
devastating force of the atomic bomb to induce the surrender of Japan.
To foster collective security and prevent the recurrence of world war,
in 1945 the United Nations was founded.
Nevertheless, subsequent developments, including the
"Cold War," the Korean and Viet-Nam conflicts, and the proliferation of
nuclear weaponry, led to a long period of international tension.
Principally for this reason, the Presidents who served in the middle
decades of the 20th centuryHarry S Truman through Jimmy
Carterhave borne crushing responsibilities. Their principal tasks
have been to maintain the peace in a turbulent world and to foster
domestic stability and prosperity.
For the latter purpose, these leaders have utilized
the resources of the Federal Government to prevent recessions from
turning into depressions and to restrain the inflation that resulted
from three decades of unprecedented prosperityas the Nation
advanced into an unparalleled era of industrial-scientific-technological
activity spurred by the taming of the atom and initiation of the space
National growth has been
synonymous with urban growth. New York City skyline from the root of
Rockefeller Center. (New York Convention
and Visitors Bureau) |
Not all citizens shared in this prosperity, nor
enjoyed all the benefits of our society. During a series of urban riots
in the late 1960's and in other ways, black people vented their rage at
the social and economic discrimination that have been inflicted on them.
Indians, other minorities, and women expressed similar complaints.
Recognizing their validity, the Government and private industry
undertook comprehensive programs that were intended to alleviate
The Chief Executives from Truman through Carter have
also marshaled the economic capabilities and armed power of the Nation
to aid poor and threatened countries or to contribute to the progress of
mankind and the pursuit of world peace. Harry S Truman fostered the
Marshall Plan to rehabilitate the European economy, stricken by World
War II. Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed his Atoms for Peace program to the
United Nations. In 1961 John F. Kennedy established a national goal of
landing a man on the moon within the decade, which was achieved in 1969.
Both he and Lyndon B. Johnson furthered international cooperation.
Richard Nixon pursued detente with the Soviet Union
and the People's Republic of China; and ended U.S. participation in the
long Viet-Nam War, which had been opposed by a large segment of the
American people. Coming to office in 1974 after Nixon resigned because
of the "Watergate Affair," Gerald R. Ford took over the critical
responsibility of maintaining global leadership and advancing the cause
of peace, as well as restoring confidence in Government. Among Jimmy
Carter's domestic goals were the furthering of social justice,
restoration of economic vigor, and reorganization of the Government.
Abroad, he planned new initiatives toward disarmament and international
As the country entered the last quarter of the 20th
century, it looked back on two centuries of progress and girded itself
for the challenges of the future. As always, the Presidents will direct
their solution and help fulfill the Nation's destiny.
Manned lunar exploration, which
began with the first landing by Apollo 11 in 1969, marked a new epoch in
world history. Here, James B. Irwin, on the fourth landing (Apollo 15)
in 1971, salutes the flag. The lunar module is on the left, and the
lunar rover on the right. (National
Aeronautics and Space Administration) |
ALL the occupants of the White House, despite their
accomplishments, have faced multitudinous problems. How well they have
solved them and how successful their administrations were has depended
to a considerable degree on their characters and talents, as well as
their ability to gain public support for their goals and programs.
What sort of men were the Presidents, collectively
and individually? What has motivated them? How have their background,
education, qualifications, and experience differed from or been similar
to those of other men? How did they rise to such an exalted
Last Updated: 22-Jan-2004