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APPENDIX G: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Technical Bibliography

Single copies of the following publications are available without charge from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 809, Washington, DC 20004.

Council Information

Fact Sheet: About the Council. Summarizes the purpose, membership, major responsibilities, and establishing legislation of the Council.

Fact Sheet: Council Members. Lists 19 Council members and presents biographical sketches of the chairman, vice chairman, representatives of the general public, historic preservation expert members, governor, and mayor.

Fact Sheet: Professional Staff. Lists names and titles of Council staff located in the agency's Washington and Denver offices.

Fact Sheet: Eastern Office of Project Review: Staff and Organization. Lists staff assignments by geographic division and federal agency for the Council's Eastern Office of Project Review, which is responsible for administering the Section 106 regulatory review process in the eastern states.

General Information

Fact Sheet: A Guide to Selected Key Preservation Organizations. Briefly describes the preservation programs and groups about which the Council most often receives inquiries.

Fact Sheet: State Historic Preservation Officers and Contacts. Lists the name, address, and telephone number of the state historic preservation officer (SHPO) and deputy for each state and territory.

Fact Sheet: Federal Agency Preservation Officers and Contacts. Lists persons designated as their agencies' preservation officers, per Section 110(c) of the National Historic Preservation Act, and others who serve as agency contacts for preservation activities.

Where to Look: A Guide to Preservation Information. 88 pp. July 1982. A selective gathering of information on available materials in preservation and related fields. Each entry is described briefly within its category, so that the result is a bibliographic essay rather than a catalog of materials. Sections of the illustrated booklet cover such aspects of preservation as legislation and legal controls; the relationship of planning to preservation; adaptive use; tax and other economic incentives; technical handbooks on rehabilitation, materials, and services; and education at primary, secondary, and higher levels in the United States and abroad.

Working with Section 106 and Federal Preservation Regulations

Protection of Historic Properties [36 CFR Part 800]. 19 pp. October 1985. A typeset, easy-to-read copy of the regulations for federal agency compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act; includes marginal notes.

Fact Sheet: A Five-Minute Look at Section 106 Review. 4 pp. April 1989. Briefly explains the five steps in the review process: identification and evaluation of historic properties, assessment of effects, consultation, Council comment, and proceeding with action.

Section 106, Step-by-Step. 63 pp. October 1986. Walks the reader through each step of the Section 106 review process in 36 CFR Part 800.

Introduction to Federal Projects and Historic Preservation Law–A Training Course. Describes the Council's 3-day training course in identifying historic properties, preparing needed documentation, and developing ways of accommodating historic preservation requirements with project needs. Includes course dates and locations.

Preparing Agreement Documents. 88 pp. September 1989. For use in preparing memoranda of agreement, programmatic agreements, and conditioned determinations of "no adverse effect."

Identification of Historic Properties: A Decisionmaking Guide for Managers. 25 pp. September 1988. Sets out basic principles and approaches that should be considered when agency officials design an effort to identify historic properties; discusses their application.

Public Participation in Section 106 Review: A Guide for Agency Officials. 21 pp. February 1989. Presents public participation principles, criteria for evaluating existing public participation programs, methods of public participation, and documentation of public participation efforts.

The Section 110 Guidelines: Annotated Guidelines for Federal Agency Responsibilities under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act. 56 pp. November 1989. Guides implementation of Section 110, whereby federal agencies must carry out their programs in accordance with national historic preservation policy, designate historic preservation officers, identify and preserve historic properties under their ownership or control, and try to minimize harm to national historic landmarks.

Fact Sheet: Programmatic Agreements under Section 106. 8 pp. August 1988. Provides background information on programmatic approaches to project review, explains when programmatic agreements are appropriate, and discusses such matters as initiating PAs and public participation in PA development.

Fact Sheet: Section 106 Participation by Applicants for and Recipients of Federal Assistance, Permits, and Licenses. 5 pp. October 1988. Defines which individuals are to be considered recipients and applicants, how federal agencies may delegate Section 106 responsibilities, and how these individuals may participate in Section 106 review.

Fact Sheet: Section 106 Participation by Indian Tribes and Other Native Americans. 7 pp. September 1988. Outlines provisions specific to Indian lands in the review process and discusses Section 106 participation by tribes, other Native Americans, and traditional cultural leaders.

Fact Sheet: Section 106 Participation by Local Governments. 8 pp. November 1988. Identifies the role of local governments in Section 106 review and explains the responsibilities of Certified Local Governments.

Fact Sheet: Section 106 Participation by State Historic Preservation Officers. 7 pp. October 1988. Outlines the duties of the SHPO, how the SHPO participates in Section 106 review, and the SHPO's importance to the national historic preservation program.

Fact Sheet: Consulting the Council Under Section 111 of the National Historic Preservation Act. 3 pp. October 1988. Explains how federal agencies may comply with Section 111 of the National Historic Preservation Act, which authorizes agencies to lease and exchange historic properties following consultation with the Council.

Special Topics in Historic Preservation

Balancing Historic Preservation Needs with the Operation of Highly Technical or Scientific Facilities. 79 pp. February 1991. Written in response to congressional request, this report identifies ways in which preservation needs may be reconciled with ongoing operational needs at highly technical and scientific facilities such as Yerkes Observatory and the Marshall Spaceflight Center.

Fire Safety Retrofitting in Historic Buildings. 24 pp. August 1989. Gives specific examples of methods for retrofitting fire safety systems into historic buildings that will ensure public safety and protection of property while avoiding damage to distinctive historic features.

Federal Historic Preservation Law

National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. 56 pp. 1993. The up-to-date text of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Federal Historic Preservation Case Law. 88 pp. July 1985. Explains the current status of federal historic preservation law, describes the provisions of major preservation authorities, discusses procedural issues in litigating preservation cases, and digests 89 cases decided in federal courts since 1966.


Fact Sheet: Consulting About Archeology Under Section 106. 14 pp. September 1990. Provides guidance on how the Section 106 review process addresses a variety of archeological issues.

Treatment of Archeological Properties: A Handbook. 39 pp. May 1991. Presents basic principles for designing a program to handle archeological properties, interprets the Council's regulations as they relate to archeological concerns, provides detailed recommendations for when a decision has been made to conduct data recovery or salvage excavations, and gives examples of significant archeological research questions.

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