Nez Perce
National Historical Park
NPS Arrowhead logo Big Hole
National Battlefield



1. For Miles's later career, see Wooster, Nelson A. Miles, chaps. 8-15.

2. Warner, Generals in Blue, 238-39; and Heitman, Historical Register and Dictionary, 1:546.

3. McDermott, Forlorn Hope, 164; and Heitman, Historical Register and Dictionary, 1:785.

4. McDermott, Forlorn Hope, 140-43, 163-64; and unidentified San Francisco newspaper, August 2, 1910 clipping, copy provided by Brad Dahlquist.

5. Heitman, Historical Register and Dictionary, 1:1025.

6. Faust, Campaigning in the Philippines, photo opposite 193.

7. Miller, Appointment, Commission, and Personal File.

8. Mary E. Condon, "George Miller Sternberg," in Spiller, Dictionary of American Military Biography, 3:1047-50; Sternberg, George Miller Sternberg, passim; and Heitman, Historical Register and Dictionary, 1:921. See also Gibson, Soldier in White.

9. Warner, Generals in Blue, 172.

10. Powell, Powell's Records, 431; and Norwood, Appointment, Commission, and Personal File.

11. Guie and McWhorter, Adventures in Geyser Land, 7; Great Falls Tribune, December 26, 1926; and McWhorter, Yellow Wolf, 174 n. 5.

12. Warner, Generals in Blue, 487.

13. Hammer, Biographies of the Seventh Cavalry, 155.

14. Godfrey, Appointment, Commission, and Personal File; and Hammer, Biographies of the Seventh Cavalry, 188.

15. Romeyn, Appointment, Commission, and Personal File.

16. Heitman, Historical Register and Dictionary, 1:1054; and Bingham, Charles Erskine Scott Wood, 7-10.

17. Jerome, Appointment, Commission, and Personal File; and Barry Johnson, "Solved."

18. Trafzer and Scheureman, Chief Joseph's Allies, 24-26.

19. McWhorter, Hear Me, 546.

20. Ibid., 379, 604; and McWhorter, Yellow Wolf, 13-18.

21. Alcorn and Alcorn, "Aged Nez Perce," 54; and McDermott, Forlorn Hope, 162.

22. Gidley, Kopet, 35-39.


Nez Perce, Summer 1877
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