Lincoln Home
Historic Furnishings Report
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Many people assisted with the research and preparation of this report.

I wish to specially thank the Lincoln Home staff, in particular Superintendent Albert Banton, Historian George Painter, Interpretive Specialist Robert F. Holmes, and Museum Aid Paul Sullivan for their guidance and assistance on site.

This study followed the National Park Service report, The Historic Structure Report Lincoln Home National Historic Site (Denver Service Center, July 1973), prepared by Edwin C. Bearss. The furnishings information found in that report has been incorporated into this furnishing study. Particular thanks are also due to Edwin C. Bearss for sharing his extensive knowledge of Lincoln historical material and his suggestions for possible sources of information.

Another person whose research has been relied upon in this report is the late Richard Hagen, who served as Historical Consultant to the State of Illinois during the 1954-1955 restoration and refurnishing of the Lincoln Home. Mr. Hagen's work in tracking down original Lincoln artifacts has been incorporated into this study.

I wish to specially acknowledge James Hickey, Curator of the Lincoln Collection, Illinois State Historical Library. Hickey located and made available to me the Lincoln Home Files and answered innumerable questions. His extensive knowledge of Lincoln artifacts and Lincoln collectors was an important source of information for this report.

Many thanks are due to Nancy Konstantinidis, who typed several drafts of this study, and to Vi Earnst, a Volunteer in the Park, whose furnishing research projects, work on the kitchen and dining room plans, and assistance with the final draft were invaluable.

The section entitled, "Special Installation, Maintenance and Protection Recommendations," was prepared by Diana Pardue of the Curatorial Services Unit at Harpers Ferry.

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Last Updated: 08-Feb-2004