A Historic Resource Study for the Seattle Unit of the
Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

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1 "American Survey: The Heirs of the Klondike," The Economist (February 15-21, 1997), p. 25.

2 The Trade Register, December Trade Summary, 1898, p. 28; Pierre Berton, The Klondike Fever: The Life and Death of the Last Great Gold Rush (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1958). Neither source explains how the precise number of gold seekers was obtained.

3 William B. Haskell, Two Years in the Klondike and Alaska Gold-Fields, 1896-1898 (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1998), p. 17.

4 "American Survey: The Heirs of the Klondike," p. 25.

5 Kimberly B. Marlowe, "Seattitude," Pacific Northwest, The Seattle Times, August 16, 1998, p. 8.

6 Bill Gates, "The Internet 'Gold Rush': Where's the Gold?," Microsoft Internet Column, http://www.microsoft.com./BillGates_L/column/1995essay/12-6-95.htm, p. 1.

7 James Wallace and Jim Erickson, Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992), p. 125.

8 "American Survey: The Heirs of the Klondike," p. 25.

9 Murray Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982), p. 10.

10 Irving Sayford, "The Klondike Put Seattle on the Map," Travel, March 1939.

Chapter One

1 Murray Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982), p. 19.

2 Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle, pp. 4 and 8; Gordon B. Dodds, The American Northwest: A History of Oregon and Washington (Arlington Heights, Illinois: The Forum Press, Inc., 1986), p. 99.

3 See, for example, Roger Sale, Seattle, Past to Present (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976), p. 7.

4 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 8.

5 William C. Speidel, Sons of the Profits (Seattle: Nettle Creek Publishing Company, 1967), pp. 214-215.

6 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 12.

7 Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle, p. 12.

8 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 12.

9 Gerald B. Nelson, Seattle: The Life and Times of an American City (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977), p. 7.

10 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 12.

11 James R. Warren, The Day Seattle Burned (published by the author, 1989), p. 1; Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 12.

12 Clarence B. Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. II (Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1916), p. 698.

13 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 12.

14 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 19; Nelson, Seattle: The Life and Times of an American City, p.12.

15 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, pp. 19-22.

16 Carlos Schwantes, The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996), p. 121; Nard Jones, Seattle: A Fresh Look at One of America's Most Exciting Cities (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1972), p. 37.

17 Clarence B. Bagley, History of King County Washington, vol. 1, (Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1929), p. 104.

18 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, pp. 32-33.

19 Quoted in Neil Clifford Kimmons, "The Historical Development of Seattle As a Metropolitan Area," Master's Thesis, University of Washington, 1942, p. 71.

20 See, for example, Dorothy O. Johansen and Charles M. Gates, Empire of the Columbia: A History of The Pacific Northwest (New York: Harper & Row, 1967), p. 312.

21 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, pp. 32-33.

22 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 1, pp. 131-134.

23 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 50.

24 Warren, The Day Seattle Burned, p. 2.

25 Quoted in Kimmons, "The Historical Development of Seattle as a Metropolitan Area," p.6.

26 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, p. 698.

27 Carlos Schwantes, The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History, p. 239.

28 Sanborn Map, 1888.

29 Kimmons, "The Historical Development of Seattle as a Metropolitan Area," p. 53.

30 Seattle Chamber of Commerce Report, 1898, p. 28, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Library, Seattle.

31 Richard C. Berner, Seattle 1900-1920: From Boomtown, Urban Turbulence, to Restoration (Seattle: Charles Press). p. 10; J. Willis Sayre, The Early Waterfront of Seattle (1937), p. 9; Thomas W. Prosch, A Chronological History of Seattle From 1850 to 1897, vol. 2 (c. 1900), p. 482.

32 Murray Morgan, Puget's Sound: A Narrative of Early Tacoma and the Southern Sound (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1979), p. 298; Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike," The Canadian Historical Review (September 1968), p. 237.

33 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 35.

34 Speidel, Sons of the Profits, pp. 214-215.

35 Edward and Elizabeth Burke, Seattle's Other History: Our Asian-American Heritage (Seattle: Profanity Hill Press, c. 1979); Johansen and Gates, Empire of the Columbia: A History of the Pacific Northwest, p. 349.

36 City of Seattle Ordinance, "Construction of Buildings in the Fire Limits," July 1, 1889, City of Seattle Archives; Warren, The Day Seattle Burned.

37 Judge Thomas Burke quoted in Nelson, Seattle, The Life and Times of an American City, p. 28.

38 Welford Beaton, The City That Made Itself: A Literary and Pictorial Record of the Building of Seattle (Seattle: Terminal Publishing Company, 1914), p. 10.

39 Warren, The Day Seattle Burned, p. 2.

40 Walt Crowley, National Trust Guide, Seattle (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998), p. 91.

41 Sale, Past to Present, pp. 53-56.

42 "The Boom in Western Washington," The Overland Monthly 16 (September 1890), p. 225.

43 Victoria Hartwell Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," Master's Thesis, University of Washington, 1967, p. 12.

44 Murray Morgan, One Man's Gold Rush : A Klondike Album (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967), p. 14.

45 Melanie J. Mayer, Klondike Women: True Tales of the 1897-1898 Gold Rush (Ohio: Swallow Press, 1989), pp. 13-14.

46 Archie Satterfield, Klondike Park: From Seattle to Dawson City (Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum Publishing ), p. 32.

47 Schwantes, The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History, pp. 262-267.

48 Schwantes, The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History, p. 265.

49 Sharon A. Boswell and Lorraine McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times (Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1996), pp. 96-97.

50 Thomas A. Bailey and David M. Kennedy, The American Pageant, ninth edition (Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Company, 1991), pp. 621-623.

51 Satterfield, Klondike Park: From Seattle to Dawson City, p. 32.

52 Frederick Jackson Turner, "Statement of the Frontier Thesis," in Ray Allen Billington, editor, The Frontier Thesis: Valid Interpretation of American History? (Huntington, New York: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1977), pp. 9-20. See also Bailey and Kennedy, The American Pageant, pp. 608-609.

53 See, for example, Patricia Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West (New York: Norton, 1987).

54 Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, third edition (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982), p. 145.

55 See, for example, E.A. Ross, "Turning Towards Nirvana," Arena 4 (November 1891), pp. 739 and 742, and Herbert Ernest Cushman, "Professor August Weismann," Outlook (January 16, 1897), p. 253.

56 "Unfair Criticism," The Seattle Daily Times, August 16, 1897.

57 Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, pp. 284-285.

58 "GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 17, 1897, p. 1.

59 Ross Anderson, "Poor Man, Rich Man," The Seattle Times Magazine, July 13, 1997, p. 22.

60 "All in Now Excitement," The Seattle Daily Times, July 3 1897, p. 8.

61 Bruce Merrell, "'A Wild and Discouraging Mess': John Muir Reports on the Klondike Gold Rush, Alaska History 7 (Fall 1992), p. 34.

62 Boswell and McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times, p. 107; Terrence Cole, "Klondike Visions: Dreams of a Promised Land," The Alaska Journal 16 (1986), p. 90; Announcement in The Seattle Daily Times, August 7, 1897.

63 Leslie's Weekly, August 12, 1897.

64 "Seattle: Launch Pad to Gold," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, September 13, 1990, p. 5.

65 "Klondyke Arouses the East," The Seattle Daily Times, July 20, 1897, p. 1; "GOLD! Is Still Causing Excitement in New York," The Seattle Daily Times, July 23, 1897, p.1.

66 "Clarence King's Views," The New York Times, August 7, 1897.

67 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, January 21, 1898.

68 "Bound for the Klondike," The New York Times, July 23, 1897, p. 1; Boswell and McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times, p. 109.

69 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 29, 1897 and October 13, 1897; The Seattle Times, August 21, 1897.

70 Tappan Adney, The Klondike Stampede (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1900); Dianne Newell, "The Importance of Information and Misinformation in the Making of the Klondike Gold Rush," Journal of Canadian Studies 21 (Winter 1986-1987), p. 103.

71 Satterfield, Klondike Park: From Seattle to Dawson City, p. 43.

72 "Where's Your Grubstake," The Seattle Daily Times, July 19, 1897.

73 Kathryn Taylor Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1997, p. 374.

74 Letter, C.F. Swigert to Capt. Harry Taylor, June 30, 1898, Record Group 77, Office of the Chief of Engineers, Seattle District, Box 250, Folder Defenses #262 to #346, National Archives, Seattle; William F. Willingham, Northwest Passages: A History of the Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1896-1920 (Seattle: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1992), p. 104.

75 "Rush for the Land of the Golden Fleece," San Francisco Chronicle, July 17, 1897, p. 1. See also "Wood to Resign," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 31, 1897, p. 1.

76 "Police Salaries Raised," The Seattle Daily Times, July 21, 1897; Mark R. Shipley, "The Impact of the Klondike Gold Rush on Seattle: A Research Report," in the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Library, Seattle, n.p.

77 "A Queer Effect," Tacoma Daily News, August 3, 1897, n.p. , vertical file, Alaska Gold Rush, Tacoma Public Library.

78 Terrence Cole, "Klondike Visions: Dreams of a Promised Land," pp. 84-87.

79 "Will Not Go to Klondike," The New York Times, July 29, 1897, p. 2.

80 Barbara E. Kelcey, "What to Wear to the Klondike: Outfitting Women for the Gold Rush," Material History Review 37 (Spring 1993), p. 22.

81 "By Air Ship to Klondike," The New York Times, August 30, 1897, p. 1. See also "To the Klondike By Balloon," The New York Times, April 4, 1898, p. 2.

82 "Canadians for Klondike," New York Times, September 26, 1897, p. 4.

83 The Seattle Daily Times, September 8, 1897.

84 "A Nest of Missing People," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, February 15, 1898, p. 5.

85 "What Steamer is This?," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, February 15, 1898, p. 1; Shipley, "The Impact of the Klondike Gold Rush on Seattle: A Research Report," n.p.

86 "Was On Clara Nevada," The Seattle Daily Times, March 17, 1898, p. 1.

87 See, for example, "The Passing Throng," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 17, 1897,; Shipley, "The Impact of the Klondike Gold Rush on Seattle: A Research Report," n.p.

88 See, for example, Melanie J. Mayer, Klondike Women: True Tales of the 1897-1898 Gold Rush,; Esther Hall Mumford, Seattle's Black Victorians, 1852-1901 (Seattle: Ananse Press, c. 1980), p. 209; Paula Mitchell Marks: Precious Dust: The American Gold Rush Era, 1848-1900 (New York: William Morrow and Company, 1994), p. 48.

Chapter Two

1 Murray Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982), p. 5.

2 "Centered in Seattle," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 25, 1897, p. 1; David V. Clarridge, A Ton of Gold: The Seattle Gold Rush, 1897-1898 (Seattle, c. 1972), p. 15.

3 The Trade Register, December Trade Summary, 1898, p. 28. See also Archie Satterfield, "He Sold the Klondike," The Seattle Times Magazine, January 2, 1972, p. 10.

4 Victoria Hartwell Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," Master's Thesis, University of Washington, 1967, pp. 128 and 3.

5 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," pp. 4-7.

6 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," pp. 13 and 127.

7 Satterfield, "He Sold the Klondike," p. 10.

8 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," p. 28-29.

9 "Seattle, 'The Queen City,'" Advertisement, Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698.

10 "Seattle Opens the Gate to the Klondike Gold Fields," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 13, 1897, p. 1.

11 Jeannette Paddock Nichols, "Advertising and the Klondike," The Western Historical Quarterly 13 (January 1972), pp. 22-23; Mark R. Shipley, "The Impact of the Klondike Gold Rush on Seattle," Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Library, Seattle, n.p.

12 Erastus Brainerd, "Seattle's Outlook," The Argus, December 18, 1897, p. 1.

13 Satterfield, "He Sold the Klondike," p. 10.

14 "Is Advertising Seattle," The Seattle Daily Times [?], p. 8.

15 Satterfield, "He Sold the Klondike," p. 10.

16 Erastus Brainerd, General Letter to Organizations, November 20, 1897, Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698.

17 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," pp. 29-30.

18 Satterfield, "He Sold the Klondike," p. 10.

19 Erastus Brainerd, Circular, Seattle Chamber of Commerce, October 1, 1897, Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698; Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," p. 29.

20 George L. Gordon, Letter to Bureau of Information, n.d., Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698.

21 James Q. Robeson [illegible], Letter to Erastus Brainerd, October 18, 1897, Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698.

22 Letter to Erastus Brainerd from Omaha, n.d., Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698.

23 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," p. 32.

24 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," p. 32.

25 Satterfield, "He Sold the Klondike," p. 10.

26 "A Heavy Modern Exodus," The Seattle Daily Times, February 17, 1898, p. 5.

27 Shipley, "The Impact of the Klondike Gold Rush on Seattle," n.p. See also The Trade Register, December Trade Summary, 1898, p. 28.

28 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," pp. 33-34.

29 Larry Rumley, "When Gold Poured Into Seattle From the North," The Seattle Times, May 1, 1966, pp. 14-15.

30 Rumley, "When Gold Poured Into Seattle From the North," pp. 14-15.

31 George Edward Adams, "Where the Klondike Gold is Valued," The Cosmopolitan 28 (1900), p. 425.

32 Seattle Chamber of Commerce Report, 1898, n.p., Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698; "The Assay Office," The Seattle Daily Times, December 22, 1900, p. 1..

33 Sharon A. Boswell and Lorraine McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times (Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1996), p. 110.

34 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," pp. 34, 48, and 125.

35 "Erastus Brainerd, Former Seattle Editor, is Dead," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, December 26, 1922, p. 1.

36 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," Foreword.

37 Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," p. 127.

38 William C. Speidel, Sons of the Profits (Seattle: Nettle Creek Publishing Company, 1967), p. 313.

39 "The Passenger Rush," Seattle Daily Times, July 23, 1897, p. 1.

40 John Bonner, "The Competition for the Klondike," Leslie's Weekly (December 30, 1897), p. 444.

41 Kathryn Taylor Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1997, p. 327.

42 Alaskan Trade Committee Advertisement, Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington A1698.

43 Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1959, p. 136.

44 Bruce Merrell, "'A Wild and Discouraging Mess': John Muir Reports on the Klondike Gold Rush," Alaska History 7 (Fall 1990).

45 San Francisco Pamphlet, provided by Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Library, Seattle.

46 "San Francisco After It," The Seattle Daily Times, November 5, 1897, p. 5.

47 "San Francisco After It," p. 5.

48 Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Annual Report, 1897, p. 66, Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698.

49 Terrence Cole, Personal Communication, September 22, 1998.

50 Glenn G. Boyer, editor, I Married Wyatt Earp: The Recollections of Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1981), p. 159.

51 Archie Satterfield, Klondike Park: From Seattle to Dawson City (Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum Publishing), p. 43.

52 Bonner, "The Competition for the Klondike Trade," p. 444.

53 "Portland is After It," The Seattle Times, September 28, 1897.

54 "Portland is After It."

55 Shipley, "The Impact of the Klondike Gold Rush on Seattle," p. 12.

56 E. Kimbark MacColl, The Shaping of a City: Business and Politics in Portland, Oregon, 1885-1915 (Portland, Oregon: The Georgian Press Company, 1976), pp. 215-217. See also E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (Portland, Oregon: The Georgian Press, 1988), pp. 335-336.

57 Jonas A. Jonasson, "Portland and the Alaska Trade," The Pacific Northwest Quarterly 30 (April 1939), p. 144. See also Earl Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965), pp. 138-139.

58 Murray Morgan, Puget's Sound: A Narrative of Early Tacoma and the Southern Sound (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1979), p. 299.

59 "No Craze Here," The Tacoma Daily News, p. 2.

60 "Purchase in Tacoma," The Tacoma Daily News, July 28, 1897, n.p., vertical file, Alaska Gold Rush, Tacoma Public Library.

61 "A Perturbed Spirit," The Tacoma Daily News, July 29, 1897, p. 2.

62 Quoted in "The Seattle Spirit," The Tacoma Daily News, July 28, 1897.

63 "Tacomans Should Advertise," August, 1897 [title of article, newspaper, date, and page number illegible], vertical file, Alaska Gold Rush, Tacoma Public Library.

64 "Ho! For Alaska," n.d., n.p., vertical file, Alaska Gold Rush, Tacoma Public Library.

65 Morgan, Puget's Sound: A Narrative of Early Tacoma and the Southern Sound, pp. 299-300.

66 "Tacoma Has Given Up," The Seattle Daily Times, September 28, 1897, p. 3.

67 Tacoma: The Gateway to the Klondike, 1897, Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma.

68 Tacoma Souvenir, n.d., n.p., Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma.

69 Klondike Advertisement, Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698.

70 "Tacoma: The Gateway to the Klondike," The Tacoma Daily News, December 14, 1897, p. 1.

71 Morgan, Puget's Sound: A Narrative of Early Tacoma and the Southern Sound, p. 301.

72 Personal Communication, Alfred Runte, May 23, 1998.

73 Juneau: The Great Outfitting Point, Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, University of Washington, A1698; Richard P. Emanual, "The Golden Gamble." Alaska Geographic 24 (1997), p. 23.

74 Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," p. 362.

75 "Vigorous Action," The Morning Leader, August 4, 1897, p. 1.

76 "Merchants Lose," The Morning Leader, July 23, 1897, p. 1.

77 "For Klondike and Northern Goldfields!," The Morning Leader, August 4, 1897, p. 4.

78 E.J. White, Directory, Port Townsend and Hadlock (Seattle: Metropolitan Printing & Binding Company, 1897), n.p., The Richard F. McCurdy Historical Research Library, Jefferson County Historical Society Museum, Port Townsend.

79 Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1959, p. 135.

80 See, for example, "Whatcom Placer Mines Rival the Klondike," Bellingham Bay Reveille, November 19, 1897, p. 9, and "C.I. Roth in Klondike," Bellingham Bay Reveille, December 3, 1897, p. 7.

81 See, for example, Vancouver News-Advertiser, September 8, 1897, p. 5; Nichols, "Advertising and the Klondike," p. 24.

82 Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike," The Canadian Historical Review (September 1968), p. 236.

83 Tapan Adney, The Klondike Stampede (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1900), pp. 12-13.

84 Nichols, "Advertising and the Klondike," pp. 24-25.

85 MacDonald, "Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike," pp. 241-243.

86 MacDonald, "Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike," p. 238. See also Report of the Vancouver Board of Trade, 1896-1897, City of Vancouver Archives, p. 32.

87 MacDonald, "Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike," pp. 245-246.

88 "The Clondyke Excitement," Vancouver News-Advertiser July 28, 1897, p. 5.

89 Dianne Newell, "The Importance of Information and Misinformation in the Making of the Klondike Gold Rush," Journal of Canadian Studies 21 (Winter 1986-1987), p. 103.

90 Pierre Berton, Klondike: The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899, revised edition (Toronto, Ontario: McClelland & Stewart, Inc. 1997), p. xiii-xviii.

91 The Illustrated London News, August 14, 1897, p. 2, British Library, London.

92 Terrence Cole, "Klondike Visions: Dreams of a Promised Land," p. 92.

93 See, for example, Erastus Brainerd's circular quoted in Victoria Hartwell Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," p. 30.

94 Joseph LaDue, Klondyke Facts: Being a Complete Guide Book to the Great Gold Regions of the Yukon and Klondyke in the North West Territories (Montreal: John Lovell and Son, c.1897), p. 21; "All Canadian Route Worthless," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 16, 1898, p. 18.

95 See, for example, Vancouver News-Advertiser, July 28, 1897, p. 4.

96 MacDonald, "Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike," p. 245; Personal Communication with Terrence Cole, March 1, 1998. See also Paula Mitchell Marks, Precious Dust: The American Gold Rush Era, 1848-1900 (New York: William Morrow Company, 1994), p. 125.

97 Charlene L. Porsild, "Culture, Class and Community: New Perspectives on the Klondike Gold Rush, 1896-1905," Ph.D. dissertation, Carleton University, Canada, 1994, pp. 48-52.

98 Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," p. 328.

99 "Seattle's Enemies Busy," The Seattle Daily Times, September 24, 1897, p. 5.

100 The Trade Register, August 21, 1897, p. 22; The Trade Register, September 18, 1897, p. 24.

101 The Trade Register, August 21, 1897, p. 22.

Chapter Three

1 "The Seattle of Today," The Seattle Daily Times [date illegible], Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Library, Seattle.

2 Flo Whyard, editor, Martha Louise Black, My Ninety Years (Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, c. 1976), p. 21.

3 Robert B. Medill, Klondike Diary: True Account of the Klondike Rush of 1897—1898 (Portland, Oregon: Beattie and Company, 1949), p. 3.

4 Neil Clifford Kimmons, "The Historical Development of Seattle as a Metropolitan Area," M.A. Thesis, University of Washington, 1942, p. 37.

5 "The Clearing House," The Seattle Daily Times, December 22, 1900, p. 13. See also Polk's Seattle City Directory, 1898, pp. 33-34.

6 "Seattle Business Men Continue Their Cheering Reports of the Improved Condition of Trade," The Seattle Daily Times, August 1898 [complete date illegible], Museum of History and Industry, Seattle.

7 Dorothy O. Johansen and Charles M. Gates, Empire of the Columbia: A History of the Pacific Northwest, second edition (New York: Harper & Row, 1967), pp. 370-371.

8 Melanie Mayer, Klondike Women: True Tales of the 1897-1898 Gold Rush (Ohio: Swallow Press, 1989).

9 "Answers to Queries," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 13, 1897, p. 6.

10 Seattle Woolen Mill, Advertisement, Seattle Polk Directory, July 20, 1897, p. 5. Kathryn Taylor Morse, however, reported that Seattle Woolen Manufacturing had to dispatch a buyer to the East in 1897. See "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1997, pp. 368-369.

11 "Answers to Queries," p. 6.

12 "Seattle's Trade Growth," The Trade Register, October 1, 1898, p. 24.

13 Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," p. 369. See also Charles M. Gates, "Human Interest Notes on Seattle and the Alaskan Gold Rush," The Pacific Northwest Quarterly (April 1943), p. 209.

14 Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," p. 368.

15 "Seattle Merits the Outfitting Trade," The Seattle Daily Times, November 13, 1897, p. 11.

16 Want Ads, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, February 15, 1898.

17 Want Ads, The Seattle Daily Times, August 6, 1897, p. 6.

18 See, for example, Want Ads, The Seattle Daily Times, March 18, 1898.

19 Gates, "Human Interest Notes on Seattle and the Alaskan Gold Rush," p. 209.

20 "Condition of the Market," The Trade Register, April 23, 1898, p. 21.

21 Kathryn Taylor Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," pp. 363 and 374.

22 Kathryn Taylor Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," pp. 371-372; Richard Ralph Still, "Historical and Competitive Aspects of Grocery Wholesaling in Seattle, Washington," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1953, p. 35.

23 Description, "Cooper-Levy Family Papers," Manuscripts and Archives, University of Washington, n.d.

24 Description, "Schwabacher Brothers and Company," Manuscripts and Archives, University of Washington, n.d.

25 "What Merchants Say," The Seattle Daily Times, July 31, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry. See also advertisements throughout The Seattle Daily Times, 1897-1898.

26 Richard P. Emanuel, "The Golden Gamble," Alaska Geographic 24 (1997), p. 83.

27 Robert Spector and Patrick D. McCarthy, The Nordstrom Way: The Inside Story of America's #1 Service Company (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., c. 1995), pp. 37-50; John W. Nordstrom, The Immigrant in 1887 (Seattle: F. McCaffrey, Dogwood Press, 1950), pp. 44-50.

28 Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1959, pp. 89-101.

29 "Railroad Tonnage and Construction," The Seattle Daily Times, December 22, 1900, p. 16.

30 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," pp. 129-132.

31 Clarence B. Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2 (Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1916), p. 534.

32 "Marvelous Increase of Business in Coastwise and Foreign Shipping," The Seattle Daily Times, December 1898 [precise date unknown], Museum of History and Industry, n.p.

33 "Our Commercial Supremacy," The Seattle Daily Times, December 18, 1897, p. 24.

34 "The Alaska Steamship Co.," The Seattle Daily Times, December 18, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

35 My Ninety Years, p. 21.

36 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2, p. 534.

37 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2, p. 538.

38 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2, p. 535.

39 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," pp. 194-195.

40 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2, p. 535.

41 "Boats for the Yukon," The Seattle Daily Times, August 5, 1897, p. 2. See also C.T. Conover, "Yukon Gold Rush Speeded Shipbuilding in Seattle," The Seattle Times, May 11, 1960, n.p.

42 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2, pp. 536-537.

43 Tappan Adney, "The Sledge Dogs of the North," Outing 38 (April 1901), p. 130.

44 "Dogs in Alaska," The Seattle Daily Times, July 31, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

45 Adney, "The Sledge Dogs of the North," , pp. 130 and 137.

46 "At the Yukon Dog Yard," The Seattle Daily Times, November 11, 1897, p. 8.

47 Adney, "The Sledge Dogs of the North," , pp. 134 and 137.

48 "At the Yukon Dog Yard," p. 8.

49 "At the Yukon Dog Yard," p. 8. See also "Bureau of Information Doing a Successful Business in Advertising Seattle, The Seattle Daily Times, January 26, 1898, p. 5.

50 Adney, "The Sledge Dogs of the North," p. 131.

51 "At the Yukon Dog Yard," p. 8.

52 "Horse Mart Established," The Seattle Daily Times, July 23, 1897, p. 8; "Equine Market is Empty," The Seattle Daily Times, October 1, 1897, p. 5. See also Tappan Adney, The Klondike Stampede (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1900), p. 18, for a discussion of the poor condition of many of the horses shipped to the Yukon.

53 "Dogs or Goats, Which?," The Seattle Daily Times, n.d., n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

54 Want Ads, "For Sale -- Large Goats," The Seattle Daily Times, February 13, 1898, p. 18.

55 Black, My Ninety Years, p. 21.

56 Mark R. Shipley, "The Impact of the Klondike Gold Rush on Seattle," Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Library, Seattle, n.p.

57 Spelger & Hurlbut, Advertisement, Seattle Polk Directory, July 6, 1897; Terrence Cole, editor, "Wheels on Ice: Bicycling in Alaska, 1898-1908," book insert, The Alaska Journal 15 (Winter 1985), p. 6.

58 Terrence Cole, editor, "Wheels on Ice: Bicycling in Alaska, 1898-1908," pp. 6-7.

59 "Seattle 'A Hot Town,'" The Seattle Daily Times, October 7, 1897, p. 5.

60 "The Seattle of Today," n.p.

61 National Register of Historic Places Inventory — Nomination Form, First Avenue Groups, 1979, p. 4.

62 Sharon A. Boswell and Lorraine McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times (Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1996), p. 110.

63 Walt Crowley, National Trust Guide Seattle: America's Guide for Architecture and History Travelers (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998.

64 Sanborn Maps, 1893. See also Craig Holstine, Multiple Property Documentation Form, Single Room Occupancy Hotels in the Central Business District of Spokane, WA, 1900-1910, 1993 and Frances Amelia Sheridan, "Apartment House Development on Seattle's Queen Ann Hill Prior to World War II," Master's Thesis, University of Washington, 1994.

65 "Last Night Was Lively," The Seattle Daily Times, August 6, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

66 "Last Night Was Lively," n.p.; "Seattle 'A Hot Town,'" p. 5.

67 "Police Protection," The Seattle Daily Times, September 1, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

68 "A Seige of Petty Larceny," The Seattle Daily Times, November 6, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

69 "Last Night Was Lively," n.p.

70 "Seattle 'A Hot Town,'" p. 5. See also Boswell and McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times, p. 110.

71 Nard Jones, Seattle (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company Inc., 1972), p. 151.

72 "Last Night Was Lively," n.p.

73 "Last Night Was Lively," p. 5.

74 "Seattle Has Its Fiends," The Seattle Daily Times, February 3, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry; "Ran Away From the Mission," The Seattle Daily Times, September 6, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

75 "He is a Human Devil," The Seattle Daily Times, October 7, 1897, n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

76 Murray Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle (New York: Viking Press, 1960), pp. 59-61; Boswell and McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times, p. 110.

77 Boswell and McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times, p. 112.

78 "Gambling is Closed," The Seattle Daily Times, February 28, 1902, n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

79 Boswell and McConaghy, Raise Hell and Sell Newspapers: Alden J. Blethen and The Seattle Times, p. 112; "Gambling is Closed," n.p.

80 Ray Allen Billington, Westward Expansion: A History of the American Frontier, fifth edition (New York: MacMillian Publishing Company, Inc., 1982), p. 402.

81 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," p. 145.

82 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," p. 145.

83 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," pp. 320-321.

84 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," pp. 321-322.

85 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," p. 67.

86 Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike" Canadian Historical Review 49 (1968), p. 246.

87 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," pp. 163 and 327.

88 "Klondike Excitement Fizzling Out," The New York Times, May 1, 1898, p. 10.

89 J. Kingston Pierce, "Words of Gold: Reporters Bring the World News of the Klondike Stampede," 12 Columbia (Spring 1988), p. 11.

90 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," p. 143.

91 Terrence Cole, "A History of the Nome Gold Rush: The Poor Man's Paradise," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1983, p. 116.

92 Terrence Cole, Personal Communication, September 22, 1998.

93 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," p. 144.

94 Schwantes, The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History, pp. 306-309.

95 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," p. 314.

96 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2, pp. 526-527.

97 "The Seattle Exposition of 1909," The Western Architect 14 (July 1909), pp. 3-6.

98 "What It All Means," Collier's 43 (September 18, 1909), pp. 14-15.; "The Seattle Exposition of 1909," p. 6.

99 Schwantes, The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History, pp. 308-309.

100 Paul Dorpat, "Now & Then: Central Area Tour," Pacific Magazine, June 14, 1998, p. 3.

101 Clarence B. Bagley, A History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present, vol. 2, p. 527.

102 MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," p. 337.

103 Carla Rickerson, Lecture on the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Museum of History and Industry, March 10, 1998.

Chapter Four

1 Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1959, p. 318.

2 Kathryn Taylor Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1997, pp. 378-379.

3 Walt Crowley, National Trust Guide, Seattle: America's Guide for Architecture and History Travelers (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998), pp. 49-51.

4 Myra L. Phelps, Public Works in Seattle: A Narrative History, The Engineering Department, 1875-1975 ( Seattle: Kingsport Press, 1978), pp. 18-19; 99-101.

5 Phelps, Public Works in Seattle: A Narrative History, The Engineering Department, 1875-1975, pp. 18-19; 99-101.

6 "New Streets and Sewers: 1898 Has Been a Record Breaker," The Seattle Daily Times, n.d., n.p., Museum of History and Industry.

7 Crowley, National Trust Guide, Seattle, pp. 91-92; Myra L. Phelps, Public Works in Seattle: A Narrative History, The Engineering Department, 1875-1975, p. 162-164; Janice L. Reiff, "Urbanization and the Social Structure: Seattle, Washington, 1852-1910," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1981, p. 66.

8 Daniel L. Pratt, "Seattle, The Queen City," The Pacific Monthly 14 (August 1905), p. 122.

9 Warren W. Wing, To Seattle by Trolley: The Story of the Seattle-Everett Interurban and the "Trolley That Went to Sea," (Edmonds, WA: Pacific Fast Mail, 1988), pp. 13-21.

10 Roger Sale, Seattle, Past to Present (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976), p. 82.

11 Murray Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle (New York: Viking Press, 1960), p. 168.

12 Clarence B. Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2 (S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1916), p. 354.

13 R.H. Thompson, That Man Thompson (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1950), pp. 4-5.

14 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, pp. 68-70; Bagley, History of Seattle from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, pp. 359-361.

15 V.V. Tarbill, "Mountain-Moving in Seattle," Harvard Business Review (July 1930), pp. 482-489; Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, pp. 75-76.

16 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present, pp. 361-362.

17 Personal Communication with Robert Weaver, May 8, 1998.

18 Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle, p. 168.

19 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 70.

20 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2., pp. 265-272.

21 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. 2., pp. 265-272.

22 Sale, Seattle, Past to Present, p. 72.

23 Padraic Burke, A History of the Port of Seattle (Port of Seattle, 1976), pp. 32-33.

24 Burke, A History of the Port of Seattle, pp. 33-34; Victoria Hartwell Livingston, "Erastus Brainerd: The Bankruptcy of Brilliance," Master's Thesis, University of Washington, 1967, pp. 40-45.

25 Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol 2., p. 363.

26 Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle, p. 167.

Chapter Five

1 Daniel L. Pratt, "Seattle, The Queen City," The Pacific Monthly 14 (August 1905), p. 121.

2 Edmond Meany, History of the State of Washington (New York: MacMillan Company, 1910), p. 294.

3 Welford Beaton, The City That Made Itself (Seattle: Terminal Publishing Company, 1914), p. 11.

4 Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Seattle and Western Washington: A Statement of Resources, 1909, n.p., Special Collections Division, University of Washington.

5 Clarence B. Bagley, History of Seattle From the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, (S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1916), pp. 530-534.

6 Jeannette Paddock Nichols, "Advertising and the Klondike," Western Historical Quarterly 13 (January 1922), p. 26.

7 Irving Sayford, "The Klondike Put Seattle on the Map," Travel (March 1939), pp. 24-27; 48.

8 Archie Binns, Northwest Gateway: The Story of the Port of Seattle (Portland, Oregon: Binfords & Mort, 1941), pp. 271 and 273.

9 D.E. Griffith, "When Seattle Went Mad," July 20, 1947, pp. 1-7.

10 Murray Morgan, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle, (New York: Viking Press, 1960), pp. 159-168.

11 Calvin F. Schmid, Social Trends in Seattle (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1944), p. 2.

12 Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle's Economic Development, 1880-1910," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1959, ,p. 137.

13 "Seattle Business Men," The Seattle Daily Times, August 3, 1898, p. 9.

14 Alexander Norbert MacDonald, "Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike," Canadian Historical Review 49 (1968), p. 246.

15 Earl Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965), pp. 146-148.

16 Dorothy O. Johansen and Charles M. Gates, Empire of the Columbia: A History of the Pacific Northwest, second edition (New York: Harper & Row, 1967), p. 371.

17 William C. Speidel, Sons of the Profits (Seattle: Nettle Creek Publishing Company, 1967), p. 307.

18 Nard Jones, Seattle (New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1972), pp. 145-151.

19 Pierre Berton, Klondike: The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899, p. 427.

20 David V. and Judith A. Clarridge, A Ton of Gold: The Seattle Gold Rush, 1897-98 (Seattle, 1972), p. 24.

21 Roger Sale, Seattle, Past to Present (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976), pp. 52-53.

22 See, for example, Terrence Cole, "A History of the Nome Gold Rush: The Poor Man's Paradise," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1983.

23 Terrence Cole, Personal Communication, September 22, 1998.

24 Richard White, It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own: A New History of the American West ( Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991), p. 418.

25 Paula Mitchell Marks, Precious Dust: The American Gold Rush Era, 1848-1900 (New York: William and Morrow Company, 1994), p. 125.

26 Kathryn Taylor Morse, "The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1997, pp. 327-330.

27 Ross Anderson, "Poor Man, Rich Man," The Seattle Times Magazine, July 13, 1997, p. 22.

28 "American Survey: The Heirs of the Klondike," The Economist (February 15-21, 1997), p. 25.

29 James Wallace and Jim Erickson, Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992), p. 125. See also the related discussion in the Introduction.

Chapter Six

1 Margaret Corley, Pioneer Square — Skid Road District National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1969; Elizabeth Walton Potter, Pioneer Square Historic District National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1976; Katherine Hills Krafft, Pioneer Square — Skid Road Historic District (Boundary Increase) National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1987.

2 Elizabeth W. Potter, Pioneer Square Historic District National Register Nomination, 1976.

3 Walt Crowley, National Trust Guide, Seattle: America's Guide for Architecture and History Travelers, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998, p. 35.

4 Sally Woodbridge and Roger Montgomery, A Guide to Architecture in Washington, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980, p.110.

5 Crowley, National Trust Guide Seattle, 1998, p.35.

6 Seattle City Directories, 1897-1909; Crowley, National Trust Guide, Seattle, p.112.

7 Seattle City Directories, 1897-1909. "Wreckers Fell 1890 Mansion," Seattle Post Intelligencer, January 11, 1966, p.3.

8 Office of Urban Conservation, First Avenue Groups National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1980.

9 Office of Urban Conservation, First Avenue Groups National Register Nomination, 1980, p. 4; Paul Dorpat, Seattle Now & Then, vol. 3, (Seattle: Self Published, 1989), p.82.

10 Seattle City Directories, 1903-1912.

11 Nancy Susman, Holyoke Building National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1976, p. 2.

12 Seattle City Directories, 1894-1900, Northwest Fixture Co. Advertisement for Mining Equipment, Seattle Post Intelligencer, June 7, 1897, p.4.

13 Crowley, National Trust Guide, Seattle, p. 46; Jeffery Karl Oschsner, Shaping Seattle Architecture: A Historical Guide to the Architects, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1994, p. 348.

14 Margaret Corley, Colman Building National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1969; Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development, Historic Places in Washington: National Historic Landmarks, National Register of Historic Places, and Washington Heritage Register, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1997, p.27; Dorpat, Seattle Now & Then, p. 79.

15 Seattle City Directory, 1908, p. 149 and 1909, p.147.

16 Jane Lotter, "The Life and Hard Times of the Moore Theatre." The Weekly, April 29-May 5 1981. pp. 19

17 Margaret Corley, Moore Theatre and Hotel Building National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1973.

18 Margaret Corley, German Club National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, 1969.

19 Seattle City Directories 1905-1909; Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 1905 and 1916.

20 Seattle City Directories, 1892-1915.

21 Roberta, Deering. Designation/Staff Recommendation to the Board — U.S. Assay Office, Seattle Office of Urban Conservation, 1983.

22 Roberta Deering, Landmark Nomination Form, U.S. Assay Office, Seattle Office of Urban Conservation, 1983.

23 Roberta Deering, Landmark Nomination Form, U.S. Assay Office, 1983; Margaret Corley, German Club National Register Nomination.

24 Office of Urban Conservation, Landmark Nomination Form, Colman Building. Seattle Office of Urban Conservation, n.d.

25 Margaret Corley, Colman Building National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, 1969.

26 Office of Urban Conservation, Landmark Nomination Form, Colman Building, n.d.; Corley, Colman Building National Register Nomination, 1969; Ochsner, Shaping Seattle Architecture, p. 348; Crowley, National Trust Guide, Seattle, p. 46-47.

27 Office of Urban Conservation, Landmark Nomination Form-Colman Building, n.d.

28 Earl Layman, Landmarks Preservation Board, Seattle Historic Building Data Sheet, Seattle Office of Urban Conservation, July 8, 1975.

29 Seattle City Directory, Polk's Seattle Directory Co., Publishers, Seattle, 1908, p. 149 and 1909, p.147.

30 Office of Urban Conservation, First Avenue Groups National Register Nomination, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, 1980.

31 Office of Urban Conservation, First Avenue Groups National Register Nomination Form, 1980.

32 Office of Urban Conservation, First Avenue Groups National Register Nomination Form, 1980.

33 Seattle City Directories, 1898-1914.

35 Seattle City Directory, 1897; "Seattle Woolen Manufacturing Co. Advertisement," Seattle Post Intelligencer, July 20, 1897, p.5.

35 Nancy Susman, National Register Nomination-Holyoke Building, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, 1976; Crowley, National Trust Guide, 1998, p.75.

36 Office of Urban Conservation, First Avenue Groups National Register Nomination, 1980.

37 Advertisement for the Northwest Fixture Company. Seattle Post Intelligencer, June 7, 1897, p.4.

38 Seattle City Directories, 1894-1902.

39 Office of Urban Conservation, First Avenue Groups National Register Nomination, 1980.

40 Seattle City Directories, 1903-1912.

41 King County Assessor's Records, History Card for 1932 Second Avenue, Puget Sound Regional Branch of the Washington State Archives, Bellevue, 1938.

42 Lotter, "The Life and Hard Times of the Moore Theatre," p. 19.

43 Margaret Corley, Moore Theatre and Hotel National Register Nomination Form, Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, 1973.

44 Corley, Moore Theatre and Hotel National Register Nomination Form, 1973.

45 Richard Emanuel, "Outfitting the Rush: 'Ho! For the Klondike!'" in Alaska Geographic, (24) 1997, p. 12.

46 James R. Little, "Squaw Kate," Alaska Life, March 1943, vol. 3, p.18.

47 Seattle City Directories, 1897-1922; "Klondike Discoverer Is Called by Death," Seattle Times, June 6, 1922, p.9

48 Esther Hall Mumford, Seattle's Black Victorians, 1852-1901, Seattle: Ananse Press, 1980, p.14 and 93.

49 Seattle City Directories, 1897-1909; Paul Dorpat, "Now & Then" Parade Magazine, The Seattle Times, June 14, 1998.

50 Seattle City Directories, 1892-1915; Folke Nyberg and Victor Steinbrueck, Green Lake: An Inventory of Buildings and Urban Design Resources, Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority, 1975.

51 Pioneer Square Planning Committee, Draft 1998 Pioneer Square Neighborhood Plan, 1998, p. 3.

Chapter: Introduction | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Table of Contents

Last Updated: 18-Feb-2003