John Day Fossil Beds
Historic Resources Study
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I extend my appreciation to the staffs of the Aubrey Watzek Library and Paul Boley Library, Lewis & Clark College, and the Oregon Historical Society Library for helping facilitate my research missions. The work of librarians is critical to the researcher and, when generously provided, makes the task of "seeking and finding" a joy. Likewise the staff of the Public Room, Oregon State Office, Bureau of Land Management, assisted in my search for cadastral survey plats, review of the Master Title Plats, Historical Indexes, and Control Data Inventories for the townships in each of the administrative units in the National Monument.

Florence Lentz had the confidence to entrust this assignment to me. She was both patient and helpful, loaning a number of materials which she knew would be relevant to this study.

I am also mindful of my research assistants, Stefan and Ethan Aumack, who helped locate and "munch" mounds of statistical information for the Eastside Ecosystem Management Project, U.S. Forest Service, an undertaking which greatly facilitated the development of tables relating to agriculture which are included in this report.

Stephen Dow Beckham
Pamplin Professor of History
Lewis & Clark College
Portland, Oregon
May, 1999

This project has involved the efforts of a small team of people. For the kind assistance extended to me in my efforts to unearth site-specific information on the cultural resources of the John Day country, I wish to acknowledge the staff of the City of Fossil Museum; Jane Primrose, Manager of the Grant County Historical Museum, and Nancy Niedernhofer, National Register Nominations Coordinator for the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office.

All of the staff at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument were most helpful to us in our initial site visits, providing access to their library holdings, files, and museum collection. Columbia Cascades Support Office staff at the Cultural Resources office were most supportive and patient, steering us in the right direction when most needed.

Dr. Stephen Dow Beckham kindly lent his acknowledged expertise in Oregon history to the project at a crucial juncture. He synthesized an assembled collection of data on the John Day country and mounted considerable new research at the Bureau of Land Management and elsewhere, weaving all into a comprehensive overview of the region. Early in the project, researcher Pat Erigero performed the important task of assembling documentary materials, organizing data, and outlining the thematic structure of this report. She worked with the staff of the Oregon Historical Society identifying extensive photographic materials. Research assistant Paula Hungar provided new energy and invaluable production skills to the completion of the final report. Without her, the polished finished product would not have been possible.

Florence K. Lentz
Cultural Resource Consulting
Ellensburg, Washington
August, 2000

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Last Updated: 25-Apr-2002