Animal Life in the Yosemite
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AMERICAN BITTERN. Botaurus lentiginosus (Montagu)

Field characters.—Large size (height, standing, about 22 inches); heron-like build, but much smaller than Great Blue Heron. Plumage streaked light and dark rusty brown, closely resembling dead tules in general effect.

Occurrence.—Casual transient. Individuals seen by Donald D. McLean along Smith Creek, east of Coulterville, during the fall months.

The American Bittern, which is typically a bird of the tule swamps, does not often venture out into the open as does the Great Blue Heron. Its whole plumage blends so well in color with the dry tules in which it lives that it is ordinarily overlooked, save when flushed. Then it flies in typical heron fashion, with head drawn in, legs trailing behind, and broad wings slowly beating, to soon drop again into the marsh vegetation. This bird will not be found with regularity in the Yosemite section, because of the scarcity there of suitable cover.


Animal Life in the Yosemite
©1924, University of California Press
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology

grinnell/birds15.htm — 19-Jan-2006