Animal Life in the Yosemite
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SHOVELLER. Spatula clypeata (Linnaeus)

Field characters.—Size medium for a duck, smaller than Mallard; bill broad at end, spoon-shaped; outer surface of wing with patch of blue and one of green. Male: Head and neck metallic green; breast and under surfaces of wings white; belly cinnamon. Female: Chiefly dull brown.

Occurrence.—Casual visitant. Noted on Merced River below Sentinel Bridge, December 26, 1914.

Only one instance of occurrence of the Shoveller ('spoonbill') was recorded by our party, as given above; yet this species is apt to be seen on the open streams and lakes of the Yosemite region at almost any time during the year. The flock observed was wary; when flushed the birds flew up the Valley and returned down the river, high overhead. The huge bill, the light under surface of the wings, light color throughout of the females, and the dark head and under parts of the males were all seen distinctly.


Animal Life in the Yosemite
©1924, University of California Press
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology

grinnell/birds12.htm — 19-Jan-2006