USGS Logo Geological Survey Circular 838
Guides to Some Volcanic Terrances in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Northern California

(The Geologic Events that created a Natural Fortress)


Fuller, R. E., 1931, The aqueous chilling of basalt lava on the Columbia River Plateau; American Journal of Science, v. 21, p. 281-300.

Murray, Keith A., The Modocs and Their War: University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1958, 346 p.

(An objective, interesting, and well-written account by a historian and sociologist who has served as a Park Ranger at Lava Beds National Monument).

Riddle, Jeff C., The Indian History of the Modoc War: First printed in 1914; republished in 1974 by Urion Press, Eugene, Oregon, 1974, 295 p.

(A fascinating book written in simple, straightforward language by the son of the Modoc woman Toby (Winema) Riddle, who served as interpreter during the Peace meetings. Jeff Riddle knew all of the Modoc warriors and his reports of conversations among them in their own language give a vivid picture and a new dimension of many of the deliberations among the Indians, and also between Modocs and whites).

Thompson, Erwin M., The Modoc War: Argus Hooks, Sacramento, Calif., 1971, 188 p. plus illustrations and maps.

(A comprehensive account with particular emphasis on numbers, distribution, personnel, and objectives of the various military units engaged in a struggle. Outstanding documentation by notes and references to many little known army, newspaper, and private records that are not easily available).

Waters, A. C., and Fisher, R. V., 1971, Base surges and their deposits: Capelinhos and Taal volcanoes; Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 76, p. 5596-5614.

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Last Updated: 28-Mar-2006