Death Valley
Historic Resource Study
A History of Mining
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1. Inyo Independent, 9 December 1882; 2 June 1883; 26 September 1885. Enginnering and Mining Journal, 27 January 1883, p. 47; 21 April 1883, p. 226; Mining & Scientific Press, 22 March 1884, p. 212; 10 May 1884, p. 324. Report of the Director of the Mint . . . Year of 1883, p. 166. Report of the Director of the Mint . . . Year of 1884, p. 104. Ninth Annual Report California State Mining Bureau, (1889), pp. 238-39. John R. Spears, Illustrated Sketches of Death Valley . . . (1892), p. 160.

2. Index to Proof of Labor, Inyo County Courthouse, Arcturus/Ibex mine. Bullfrog Miner, 16 November 1906; 11 January, 5 & 19 April, 22 June, 31 August 1907. Rhyolite Herald, 18 January 1907, Death Valley Chuck-Walla, 1 May 1907, Inyo Register, 5 September 1907, Inyo Independent, 13 September 1907.

3. Rhyolite Daily Bulletin, 11 October 1907; Bullfrog Miner, 19 October, 16 November, 28 December 1907; 4 January, 8 & 22 February, 14, 21 & 28 March, 25 April, 30 May, 13 June 1908. Rhyolite Herald 15 & 22 November, 27 December 1907; 3 June 1908.

4. Bullfrog Miner, 22 May 1909, Rhyolite Herald, 26 January, 2 June, 18 September, 27 November 1909; 19 February, 9 April, 26 November 1910; 28 January, 2 December 1911.

5. Engineering and Mining Journal, 20 September 1902, p. 386; Rhyolite Herald; 12 January 1906; Bullfrog Miner, 12 January 1906; Death Valley Chuck-Walla, 1 May 1907.

6. Rhyolite Herald, 19 January, 2 February, 12 October, 16 November 1906; 18 January, 8 February, 5 April 1907; 23 September 1908; 28 August 1909; 7 January 1911; Bullfrog Miner, 15 March, 5 April 1907; 7 March 1908; 2 May, 28 August 1909.

7. Inyo Register, 29 July, 26 August 1915. Inyo Independent, 24 March 1916; California State Mineralogist, Fifteenth Report (1917), pp. 85, 96-97; Seventeenth Report (1921), p. 287.

8. Inyo Register, 29 July 1915. Inyo Independent, 25 September 1920; 21 January 1922; 22 March 1924.

9. Lauren A. Wright, Talc Deposits of the Southern Death Valley-Kingston Range Region California Special Report #95, California Division of Mines and Geology, (1968), pp. 52-60.

10. Rhyolite Herald, 5 April 1907. Bullfrog Miner, 5 April 1907.

11. Inyo Register, 21 March 1907; Bullfrog Miner, 29 June 1907. Quote from Death Valley Magazine, February 1908.

12. Bullfrog Miner, 23 & 30 November, 28 December 1907; 25 January, 15, 22 & 29 February 1908; Inyo Register, 5 March, 16 April 1908.

13. Ward C. Smith, Mineral Resources in and Near Death Valley National Monument, (1959?), Manuscript Report, Death Valley National Monument mining files. Letter, Mineral Production Company to National Park Service, 30 March 1959, Death Valley National Monument mining files. California Mining Journal, February 1960, p. 16.

14. L. F. Noble, et al, "Nitrate Deposits in the Amargosa Region, Southeastern California," USGS Bulletin #724, (1922), p. 11. Inyo Independent, 7 & 14 February, 1896.

15. San Francisco Chronicle, 8 October 1902, p. 3; 9 October 1902, p. 6; 14 October 1902, p. 1, Inyo Register, 9 October, 27 November 1902.

16. Inyo Register, 7 December 1905; 19 April 1906; Bullfrog Miner, 15 June, 6 July 1907; Greenwater Times and Greenwater Miner, quoted in Bullfrog Miner of 15 June 1907. Inyo Independent, 11 March 1910. Noble, Nitrate Deposits," pp. 12-13.

17. Noble, "Nitrate Deposits," pp. 9, 14-15, 50, 59.

18. Lauren A. Wright, J2 of the Superior Talc Area, Death Valley California Special Report #20, California Division of Mines and Geology, (1952), pp. 1-2, 5-7, 16-22. Lauren A. Wright, Talc Deposits of the Southern Death Valley-Kingston Range Region California Special Report #95, California Division of Mines and Geology, (1968), pp. 27, 63-67, 70-73, 78.

19. Harold O. Weight, Twenty-Mule Team Days in Death Valley (1955).

20. Rhyolite Herald, 8 Dec 1905; 22 Nov 1907; David G. Thompson, Routes to Desert Watering Places in the Mojave Region California USGS Water Supply Paper #490-B, (1921), pp. 97-99.

21. See above, Saratoga talc mines section; Benjamin Levy, "Death Valley Historic Background National Park Service, (1969), pp. 157-78.

22. D. A. Hufford, Death Valley Swamper Ike's Tradition Lore, (1902), p. 18. Levy, Death Valley, pp. 157-58. A, W. Scott, Jr., "Niter Lands of California," photograph album, Death Valley National Monument Library.

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Last Updated: 22-Dec-2003