What Dreams We Have
The Wright Brothers and Their Hometown of Dayton, Ohio
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Chapter 1:

1August Frederic Foerste, An Introduction to the Geology of Dayton and Vicinity with Special Reference to the Gravel Ridge Area South of the City, Including Hills and Dales and Moraine Park, Dayton ([Indianapolis: The Hollenbeck Press, Printers], 1915), 75-77, 99-102 and Richard Edging, "Prehistoric Cultural Overview," in "Historic Resources Management Plan for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Fiscal Years 1993 through 1997," Submitted to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, December 1993, 2.

2Martha A. Potter, Ohio's Prehistoric Peoples (Columbus: Ohio Historical Society, 1968), 9-14 and Robert Silverberg, The Mound Builders (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1970), 174-176.

3Potter, Ohio's Prehistoric Peoples, 15-23 and Silverberg, Mound Builders, 174-176.

4Silverberg, Mound Builders, 10-13; Roger G. Kennedy, Hidden Cities: The Discovery and Loss of Ancient North American Civilization (New York: The Free Press, 1994), 61-62; and Edging, "Prehistoric Cultural Overview," 2-10.

5See both Silverberg, The Mound Builders and Kennedy, Hidden Cities for further information on the early theories of the origins of the earthen mounds.

6Silverberg, Mound Builders, 176-201 and Edging, "Prehistoric Cultural Overview," 13.

7Silverberg, Mound Builders, 189-190.

8Silverberg, Mound Builders, 186-188; Edging, "Prehistoric Cultural Overview," 12; and George W. Knepper, Ohio and Its People (Kent: The Kent State University Press, 1989), 10.

9Stephen C. Koleszar, Wright Brothers Memorial Mound Group National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form, 10 March 1971; E.D. Smith, National Cash Register Company, Plant Engineer to Carl Rust Parker, 29 August 1939, NCR Co. Dayton, Ohio, Job File 280, Olmsted Associates Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (hereafter referred to as LC); and Edging, "Prehistoric Cultural Overview," 14.

10Silverberg, Mound Builders, 179, 202-4, 222, 234.

11The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery was formerly named the Dayton Museum of Natural History.

12The Sun Watch Site was designated a National Historic Landmark on June 21, 1990.

13Silverberg, Mound Builders, 231-232 and Patricia S. Essenpreis, "An Introduction to the Fort Ancient Cultural Complexes of the Middle Ohio Valley," in A History of 17 Years of Excavation and Reconstruction - A Chronicle of 12th Century Human Values and the Built Environment, vol. 1, ed. James M. Heilman, Malina C. Lileas, and Christopher A. Turnbow, (Dayton: Dayton Museum of Natural History, 1988), 1-2, 7-8.

14Bruce W. Ronald and Virginia Ronald, Dayton: The Gem City (Tulsa: Continental Heritage Press, 1981), 16; Montgomery History Planning Committee, compiler, Montgomery County Ohio 1990 (Dallas: Taylor Publishing Company, 1990), 5; and Knepper, Ohio, 39.

15Christopher Gist's Journals with Historical, Geographical and Ethnological Notes and Biographies of his Contemporaries, ed. William M. Darlington (1893; reprint, with a introduction and bibliographic notes by Frank Monaghan, New York: Argonaut Press Ltd, 1966; for University Microfims Inc), 47.

16Knepper, Ohio, 29-30 and The History of Montgomery County, Ohio, Containing A History of the County; Its Townships; Cities; Towns; Schools, Churches, Etc.; General and Local Statistics; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men; History of the Northwest Territory; History of Ohio; Map of Montgomery County; Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, Etc., Etc. (1882; Reprint, Evansville, Ill.: Whipporwill Publications, 1989), 36, 220.

17Knepper, Ohio, 26 and History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 32-35.

18Bruce W. Ronald and Virginia Ronald in Dayton: The Gem City note that Célèron de Blainville has many spellings including Celoron de Blainville, suggested by Canadian records, and Celeron de Bienville, used in many early histories.

19Thomas H. Smith, An Ohio Reader: 1750 to the Civil War (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1975), 15; Knepper, Ohio, 27-28; and Rev. A.W. Drury, History of the City of Dayton and Montgomery County Ohio, Volume 1 (Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1909), 17-18.

20Ronald, Gem City, 17 and Drury, City of Dayton, 17-18.

21Knepper, Ohio, 42 and William Albert Galloway, Old Chillicothe: Shawnee and Pioneer History, Conflicts and Romances in the Northwest Territory (Xenia, Ohio: The Buckeye Press, 1934), 55-56.

22Knepper, Ohio, 39-46; History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 244-249; Robert Wilbur Steele and Mary Davies Steele, Early Dayton with Important Facts and Incidents from the Founding of the City of Dayton, Ohio to the Hundredth Anniversary, 1796-1896 (Dayton: United Brethren Publishing House, 1902), 19; and J.R. Dodge, Red Men of the Ohio Valley: An Aboriginal History of the Period Commending A.D. 1795; Embracing Notable Facts and Thrilling Incidents in the Settlement by the Whites of the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois (Springfield, Ohio: Ruralist Publishing Company, 1860), 241-244.

23Knepper, Ohio, 48-54.

24Knepper, Ohio, 59-62.

25James A. Rhodes, A Short History of Ohio Land Grants, 15, Non-NCR History Dayton, Intellectual Properties and Historical Services, NCR Corp., Dayton, Ohio (hereafter referred to as NCR); History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 59-62; Knepper, Ohio, 66-67; and Drury, City of Dayton, 61-62.

26Knepper, Ohio, 78-81 and History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 62.

27Jerry E. Clark, The Shawnee (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1993), 35-36 and R. David Edmunds, The Shawnee Prophet (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983), 31-32.

28History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 269; Stephen E. Haller, A "Genesis Map" of Early Dayton and the Miami Valley (Dayton: Montgomery County Records Center and Archives, 1994), 7; and Beverly W. Bond, Jr., "Memoirs of Benjamin Van Cleve," Quarterly Publication of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio 17, nos. 1 and 2 (January - June 1922): 56-58.

29Bond, "Memoirs of Benjamin Van Cleve," 58 and Steele, Early Dayton, 21-24.

30Haller, "Genesis Map," 7-8; History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 291-293; and Van Cleve Diary, p. 58.

31Steele, Early Dayton, 21; Haller, "Genesis Map," 9-10; "Dayton Township/Hamilton County General Tax List for 1798," Montgomery County Records Center, Dayton, Ohio (hereafter referred to as MCRC), microfilm; and Drury, City of Dayton, 83.

32Newcom's Tavern is now preserved at Carillon Historical Park in Dayton.

33Charlotte Reeve Conover, Dayton, Ohio: An Intimate History (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1932), 21 and Newcom Tavern, Dayton, Ohio, HABS No. O-627, Historic American Buildings Survey Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, LC.

34History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 551-552; Conover, An Intimate History, 15; and Van Cleve's Diary, p. 64.

35History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 558 and Conover, An Intimate History, 17.

36Conover, An Intimate History, 17-19; History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 352 and 557 and Steele, Early Dayton, 63-64.

37History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 308 and 561; Conover, An Intimate History, 21; Steele, Early Dayton, 86-87; and Ronald, Gem City, 26.

38History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 313.

39Charles Mosley Austin, History of Black People In Dayton and Montgomery County 1802 November-1887 July ([Dayton: C.M. Austin], 1987), 4-10.

40Margaret E. Peters, Dayton's African American Heritage (Virginia Beach: The Donning Company Publishers, 1995), 11 and Knepper, Ohio and Its People, 61, 88.

41Ronald, Gem City, 26 and History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 574.

42History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 319-327.

43"Short History of Dayton," 5-6 Non-NCR History Dayton, NCR and History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 328-329.

44History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 332-340.

45Conover, An Intimate History, 39-40 and Steele, Early Dayton, 131-132.

46Conover, An Intimate History, 32-33.

47Steele, Early Dayton, 136-139.

48"Miami and Erie Canal," 11 Non-NCR History Dayton, NCR and Conover, An Intimate History, 33-35.

49"Miami and Erie Canal," 11 Non-NCR History Dayton, NCR and Conover, An Intimate History, 35.

50History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 349-350.

51Conover, An Intimate History, 37-38 and Drury, City of Dayton, 155-159.

52History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 594 and Conover, An Intimate History, 74-77.

53History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 593-594; 604-637 and Steele, Early Dayton, 65; and Dayton, Illustrated: Published in Nine Parts ([Dayton]: International Publishing, 1889), 50-51.

54Norris Helwig, Woodland, 150 Years, ed. Mary Earl Rogers (Dayton: n.p., 1991), 1-4.

55M.E. Curwen, "Sketch of the History of Dayton," in Odell's Dayton Directory and Business Advertiser (1850; reprint, Dayton: Montgomery County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1987), 28-30.

56History of Montgomery County, Ohio, 595; Steele, Early Dayton, 185 and 194; Dayton, Illustrated, 51; and Charles F. Sullivan, "Third Street and Eaton Pike," 5 January 1943, Charles F. Sullivan Papers, Montgomery County Historical Society Collection, Dayton and Montgomery County Public Library, Dayton, Ohio (hereafter referred to as Dayton Library).

57Steele, Early Dayton, 202-211.

58Conover, An Intimate History, 86.

Chapter 2:

1Alfred S. Andrews, The Andrews, Clapp, Stokes, Wright, Van Cleve Genealogies (Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Andrews, 1984), 522 and Milton Wright, "The Wright Ancestry," MS-1: Wright Brothers Collection (hereafter called MS-1), Box 8, Wright State University Special Collections and Archives, Dayton, Ohio (hereafter called WSU).

2Milton Wright, "My Grand Parents," Box 8, MS-1, WSU.

3Milton Wright, "My Grand Parents and My Parents," February 1912, Box 8, MS-1, WSU and Alfred S. Andrews, The Andrews, Clapp, Stokes, Wright, Van Cleve Genealogies (Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Andrews, November 1984), 424.

4Howard R. Houser, ed., A Sense of Place in Centerville and Washington Township (Centerville: Centerville Historical Society, 1977), 8-12.

5Tom Crouch, The Bishop's Boys: A Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1989), 23 and Houser, A Sense of Place, 40-42.

6M. Wright, February 1912, "My Grand Parents and My Parents," MS-1; Fred Howard, Wilbur and Orville: A Biography of the Wright Brothers (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987), 3; and Fred C. Kelly, The Wright Brothers (New York: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1943; reprint, New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1989), 21-22.

7Milton Wright, "Ancestors," 6 April 1913, Box 8, MS-1, WSU.

8Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 22-23 and M. Wright, "My Grand Parents," Box 8, MS-1, WSU.

9Paul R. Koontz and Walter Edwin Rousch, The Bishops: Church of the United Brethren in Christ, (Dayton: Otterbein Press, 1950), 260-63.

10M. Wright, "Ancestors," Box 8, MS-1, WSU.

11M. Wright, "Ancestors," Box 8, MS-1, WSU and Koontz and Roush, Bishops, 2:64-65.

12Frank Conover, ed., Centennial Portrait and Biographical Record of the City of Dayton and Montgomery County, Ohio, containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with the Biographies and Portraits of the Presidents of the United States and Biographies of the Governors of Ohio (Dayton: A.W. Bowen & Co., 1897) 861-862; License to Preach and Exhort, 27 April 1850; MS-1, Box 8, WSU; Approved as preacher, 26 August 1853, MS-1, Box 8, WSU; Ordained as Preacher, 9 August 1856, MS-1, Box 8, WSU; and Funk, Mary Lou, "The Best and The Worst of Times: 1841-1889," in Trials and Triumphs: History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, ed. Paul R. Fetters (Huntington, IN: Church of the United Brethren in Christ, Department of Church Services, 1984), 178.

13Funk, "The Best and The Worst of Times," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 178.

14Teaching Qualifications, 7 April 1852, MS-1, Box 8, WSU and Milton Wright, undated, "Facts and Dates," MS-1. Box 8, WSU.

15Christian Conservator, 17 September 1913, quoted in Funk, "The Best and The Worst of Times," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 197.

16Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 32.

17Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 32-33.

18Koontz and Roush, Bishops, 2:67-68 and "Boy Problem as Exemplified by the Wright Family," Dayton Daily News, 16 June 1909.

19Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 35 and Milton Wright. Diaries 1857-1917. Comp. The Wright State University Libraries. (Dayton: Wright State University, 1999), 34.

20M. Wright, "Reminiscences," Wright Family Papers.

21Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 39 and Koontz and Roush, Bishops, 2:68.

22Crouch, Bishops Boys, 39.

23Crouch, Bishops Boys, 39-40 and M. Wright, Diary, 19 September 1864, MS-1, Box 10.

24M. Wright, Diary, 6 March 1868 and M. Wright, "Father Wright Tells About Wilbur and Orville as Children and as Men," Dayton Journal, 13 June 1909.

25The United Brethren Church opened a publishing house in Circleville, Ohio, in May 1834, and on December 31, 1834, W.R. Rhinehart edited the first issue of the Religious Telescope. The publishing operations were moved to Dayton in 1853.

26Koontz and Roush, Bishops, 2:68-69 and J. Balmer Showers, "A Century of Progress," Religious Telescope 100, no. 52 (29 December 1934): 8.

27Koontz and Roush, Bishops, 2:69-70; Funk, "The Best and The Worst of Times," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 245-248; and Crouch, Bishops Boys, 41-43.

28M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 54 and 795.

29"I.O.O.F," Daily State Gazette (Trenton, New Jersey), 16 May 1874.

30History of Montgomery County, 595 and Steele, History of Dayton, 194.

31While the plat map and other early Dayton maps and documents spell Hawthorne Street without an "e," the Wright family always included the "e" in their correspondence and writings. Since the park honors and commemorates the Wright brothers, it is appropriate to follow the spelling used by the Wright family.

32Crouch, Bishops Boys, 47.

33History of Montgomery County, 611-612, 616-617, 635 and A.D. Storms, compiler, The City of Dayton and Vicinity and Their Resources (Dayton: The Dayton Daily News, 1904), 93.

34Stanley R. Cichanowicz, "The Kossuth Colony and Jacob I. Moskowitz - An Experiment in the Settlement of Hungarian Immigrants in Dayton, Ohio," (Dayton Library, 1963, typed paper), 2-4 and Storms, City of Dayton, 101.

35Cichanowicz, "The Kossuth Colony," 4; Storms, City of Dayton, 101; and Alice M. Doren, "Foreigners in Dayton, An Investigation" (Dayton: Young Women's Christian Association, 1917), 3.

36Joey Brennan and Keith Williams, "Hey, I Wonder What the Neighborhood in Dayton, Ohio, Where the Wright Brothers Lived Was Like in 1900?" Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio, 25 April 1997.

37The family spelled Katharine various ways, but Katharine preferred it spelled with a K and two a's. Most likely she was named after both Milton and Susan's mothers, both of whom were named Catherine.

38Crouch, Bishops Boys, 48.

39Williams' City Directory for 1868-1869, 11 and Williams' City Directory for 1877-1878, 13-14.

40"Fox and Townball were Early Sports," Dayton Herald, 16 June 1909.

41"Fox and Townball were Early Sports," Dayton Herald, 16 June 1909.

42Kelly, Wright Brothers, 7.

43Herbert Shaw, "Contemplating the 40th Anniversary," Dayton Daily News, 12 December 1943.

44K. Wright to Henry Haskell, 18 May 1925, Katharine Wright Haskell Papers, Western Historical Manuscript Collection (hereafter referred to as Haskell Papers), University of Missouri at Kansas City, Kansas City, MO (hereafter referred to as UMKC), Microfilm.

45Kelly, Wright Brothers, 5-6.

46Koontz and Roush, Bishops, 2:70-71.

47Orville and Wilbur Wright, "The Wright Brothers' Aëroplane," The Century Magazine 76, no. 5 (September 1908): 641-642 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 56-57.

48O. and W. Wright, "Wright Brothers' Aëroplane," 641.

49O. and W. Wright, "Wright Brothers' Aëroplane," 641 and "Wright's Teacher Recalls Effort to Discourage Him," Dayton Daily News, 31 December 1933.

50Koontz and Roush, Bishops, 2:71-72.

51Kelly, Wright Brothers, 12-13, 25-26.

52Kelly, Wright Brothers, 12.

53Ivonette Wright Miller to Marvin W. McFarland, 19 August 1968, MS-216: Ivonette Wright Miller Papers, Box 6, WSU.

54Jeanette Whitesell, Untitled Reminiscences, Fitch Family Papers, Hugh A. Whitesell, Dayton, Ohio.

55Orville Wright to Milton Wright, 1 April 1881, Box 6, Wright Brothers Papers (hereafter referred to as Wright Papers), LC.

56K. Wright to H. Haskell, undated, number #20, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

57Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 65.

58Koontz and Roush, Bishops, 2:71-72.

59M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 200-201.

Chapter 3:

1Dayton: A History in Photographs, 31 and History of Montgomery County, 599.

2Conover, An Intimate History, 147-149.

3History of Montgomery County, 435-447 and Conover, An Intimate City, 133-134.

4Arthur G. Renstrom, Wilbur & Orville Wright: A Chronology Commemorating the Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Orville Wright, August 19, 1871 (Washington: Library of Congress, 1975), 4.

5Kelly, Wright Brothers, 29-30 and Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 5.

61880-1884, Wright Scrapbook Chronology, Box 6, Wright Brothers Collection: Accession 1623 (hereafter referred to as Acc. 1623), Research Library, Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Mich. (hereafter referred to as HFMGV) and Woodcut prints, Box 3, MS-1, WSU.

7Kelly, Wright Brothers, 30.

8Charlotte K. Brunsman and August E. Brunsman, Wright & Wright Printers: The Other Career of Wilbur and Orville (Dayton: The Trailside Press, 1989), 3-4.

9Kelly, Wright Brothers, 31.

10Kelly, Wright Brothers, 31-34.

11The Midget, April 1886, Dayton Library.

12Sines & Wright Business Card, Box 3, MS-1, WSU; "Wright Boys 'Born Inventors' Says Ex-Printing Partner," Dayton Journal, 9 February 1938; Charles J. Bauer, "Ed Sines, Pal of the Wrights," Popular Aviation, June 1938, 40; and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 32-33.

13The Annual Club of Ten Dayton Boys, Minute Book, 8 October 1887, Wright Brothers Collection, Dayton Library; "Regarding Printing Plants," 10 February 1937, Box 12, Acc. 1623, HFMGV; Kelly, Wright Brothers, 34; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 69.

14Brunsman, Wright & Wright Printers, 6.

15M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 264.

16Central High School Certificates for Wilbur Wright, Box 3, MS-1, WSU.

17"Wilbur Wright, of Airplane Fame, was "Star of Central High Football Team," Dayton Daily News, 18 December 1927.

18Charlotte K. Brunsman and August E. Brunsman, Three Wright Brothers & A "Last Man's" Club (Dayton: Privately Printed, 1991), 1-8.

19The Annual Club of Ten Dayton Boys continued until 1951 when Edgar W. Ellis, the last survivor, died. Wilbur Wright was the first in the club to die, Reuchlin Wright the second, Charles W. Olinger the third, William Andrews the fourth, Joseph Boyd the fifth, Wilbur E. Landis the sixth, Frank J. Gilbert the seventh, and Lorin Wright the eighth. Irvin G. Koogle resigned his membership.

20The Annual Club of Ten Dayton Boys, Minute Book, 9 October, 1886, Wright Brothers Collection, Dayton Library.

21The Annual Club of Ten Dayton Boys, Minute Book, 9 October, 1886, Wright Brothers Collection, Dayton Library and Williams' City Directory 1885-1886, 273.

22Milton Wright, "Father Wright Tells About Wilbur and Orville as Children and as Men," Dayton Journal, 13 June 1909.

23Lorin Wright to Katharine Wright, 12 November 1888, Box 5, Wright Papers, LC.

24Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 75-77 and M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 240-263.

25M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 259, 266.

26M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 245; Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1883-1884, 536; Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1884-1885, 576; The Annual Club of Ten Dayton Boys, Minute Book, 8 October 1887, Wright Brothers Collection, Dayton Library; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 69-71.

27M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 268, 324, 372; The Annual Club of Ten Dayton Boys, Minute Book, 8 and 13 October 1888, Wright Brothers Collection, Dayton Library; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 72.

281889, Wright Scrapbook Chronology, Box 6, Acc. 1623, HFMGV and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 34-35.

291889, Wright Scrapbook Chronology, Box 6, Acc. 1623, HFMGV and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 34-35.

30Orville Wright to Milton Wright, 20 July 1888, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

31Wilbur Wright, "Scenes in the Church Commission During the Last Day of Its Session," 1888, Box 8, MS-1, WSU; Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 11; Funk, "The Best and The Worst of Times," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 256-257; Daryl Melvin Elliott, "Bishop Milton Wright and the Quest for a Christian America" (Ph.D. diss., Drew University, 1992), 350-351 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 79.

32Funk, "The Best and The Worst of Times," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 256-257, 267 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 78-79.

33West Side News, 27 April 1889, Dayton Library.

34West Side News, 1 March 1889, Dayton Library.

35Marvin W. McFarland, ed., The Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright Including the Chanute-Wright Letters and Other Papers of Octave Chanute (1953, reprint; Salem, NH: Ayer Company Publishers, Inc., 1990), 2:1162.

36West Side News, 5 April 1890, Dayton Library.

37West Side News, 30 March 1889, Dayton Library; "Personals," High School Times 9, no. 4 (December 1889): 58; and Charles J. Bauer, Ed Sines, "Pal of the Wrights," Popular Aviation, June 1938, 78.

38West Side News, 11 January and 5 April 1890, Dayton Library and The Evening Item, 5 July 1890, Dayton Library.

39West Side News, 13 April 1889, Dayton Library.

40West Side News, 20 April 1889, Dayton Library.

41West Side News, 1 March 1889 and 5 October 1889, Dayton Library.

42West Side News, 27 April, 22 June, and 3 July 1889, Dayton Library.

43West Side News, 25 May, 9 November, 16 November, and 21 December 1889 and 5 May 1890, Dayton Library.

44West Side News, 1 June, 20 July, 21 September, 26 October 1889, Dayton Library.

45Kelly, Wright Brothers, 36.

46Wilbur Wright to Milton Wright, 23 August 1888, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 81.

47Funk, "The Best and The Worst of Times," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 270-275 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 81-82.

48M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 321.

49M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 321 and "Our Mother," West Side News, 3 July 1889, Dayton Library.

50"Our Mother," West Side News, 3 July 1889, Dayton Library.

51M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 340.

52M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 416.

53Milton Wright to Katharine Wright, 30 May 1888, Box 5, Wright Papers, LC and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 87-88.

54The Evening Item, Dayton Library and Tom Stevens, "Regarding Printing Plans," 10 February 1937, Box 12, Acc. 1623, HFMGV.

55"Our Parting Word," The Evening Item, 30 July 1890, Dayton Library.

56West Side News, 15 March and 5 April 1890, Dayton Library and The Evening Item, 28 July 1890, Dayton Library.

57Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1891-1892, 173, 389, 417, 527 and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1894-1895, 32, 197, 433, 523.

58McFarland, Papers of Wilbur & Orville, 2: 696.

59Virginia Cunningham, Paul Laurence Dunbar and His Song (New York: Biblo and Tannen, 1969), 42-43.

60Business Journals and Ledgers, 1892-1910, Wright Papers, LC, Microfilm, Reel 1 and Orville Wright to Milton Wright, 16 October 1891, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

61TID-BITS for Thanksgiving, 1890, Box 3, MS-1, WSU.

62Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1892-1893, 901; "Wilbur Wright, Plaintiff vs. Orville Wright Defendant," Box 3, MS-1, WSU: Orville Wright to Milton Wright, 27 September 1892, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC; and Wright, Business Journals and Ledgers, 1892-1910, Wright Brothers Collection, LC, Microfilm, Reel 1.

63"Wilbur Wright, Plaintiff vs. Orville Wright Defendant," Box 3, MS-1, WSU.

64Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 103.

Chapter 4:

1Herbert G. Gutman, The Black Family in Slavery & Freedom, 1750-1925 (New York: Pantheon Books, 1976), 3-44.

2Charles M. Austin, Paul Laurence Dunbar's Roots and Much More, ed. James B. George (Dayton: A Sense of Roots Publication, 1989), 11-16, 22 and Felton O'Neal Best, "Crossing the Color Line: A Biography of Paul Laurence Dunbar, 1872-1906" (Ph.D. diss., The Ohio State University, 1992), 28-29.

3Austin, Roots, 18-20 and Cunningham, Dunbar, 16.

4Certificate of Disability for Discharge, 1863, Civil War Pension Records, Joshua Dunbar - Matilda Dunbar Widows Claim Number 1091416 (hereafter referred to as Dunbar Pension Records), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C. (hereafter cited as NARA); Cunningham, Dunbar, 5; and Lida Keck Wiggins, The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar (Naperville, Ill.: J.L. Nicholas & Co., 1907), 25-26.

5Peabody's New National Combination Chronological, Analytical, Historical and Pictorial Holy Bible. Dayton, OH: Alvin Peabody, n.d. This is the Dunbar family bible that is on display at the Dunbar House State Memorial. Elizabeth Florence Dunbar's birthday is listed in the family bible as October 29, 1873. The county birth records list her name as "Liza Florence" and her birthday as March 26, 1874.

6Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1874-1875, 140; Court of Common Pleas Matilda Dunbar vs Joshua Dunbar, Dunbar Pension Records, NARA; and Certified Copy of the Marriage Record of Joshua Dunbar to Matilda Murphy, Dunbar Pension Records, NARA.

7"Paul Dunbar: The Poet in His Washington Home, His Theories and Views, and His Ambitions," The Philadelphia Times, 4 January 1902, Box 1, MSS-659: Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers (hereafter cited as MSS-659), Ohio Historical Society Library, Columbus, Ohio (hereafter cited as OHS).

8Paul M. Pearson, "Paul Laurence Dunbar," Talent, 16 (March 1906): 12.

9Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1878, 135; Insurance Maps of Dayton, Ohio, Volume 2 (1897: corrected, New York: New York Sanborn-Perris Map Co., June 1911), 16; and Jean Gould, That Dunbar Boy (New York: Dodd, Mead & company, 1958), 23.

10David A. Gerber, Black Ohio and the Color Line 1860-1915 (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1976), 104 and Martin Kelly, telephone conversation with author, 31 October 1995.

11Randall Haskins, "Dunbar's Neighborhoods in Dayton, OH," Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio, April 1996.

12Williams' Dayton Directory for 1881-1882, 144; Gould, That Dunbar Boy, 23; Haskins, "Dunbar's Neighborhoods"; and Martin Kelly, telephone conversation with author, 31 October 1995.

13Williams' Dayton Directory for 1882-1883, 158; Insurance Maps, Volume One, 14 and Haskins, "Dunbar's Neighborhoods."

14Gerber, Black Ohio, 206; Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1883-1884, 164; Haskins, "Dunbar's Neighborhoods"; and Cunningham, Dunbar, 8.

15Certificate of Church Membership, Box 1, MSS-659, OHS and Cunningham, Dunbar, 20-22.

16Adjutant, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers to Whom it May Concern, 20 December 1916, Dunbar Pension Records, NARA; Record of Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Who Are Now, and Have Been, Members of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, from July 1, 1885 to July 1, 1886 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1887), 38; and "Graves Registration Card: Joshua Dunbar," Dayton National Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio.

17Cunningham, Dunbar, 8-11 and "Mrs. Dunbar, Mother of Noted Dayton Poet, Taken by Death," Dayton Herald, 24 February 1934.

18"Paul Dunbar: The Poet in His Washington Home," Box 1, MSS-659, OHS.

19Dunbar to Mrs. A.S. Lanahan, 7 February 1898, Roll 2, MIC-25: Paul Laurence Dunbar Papers, Microfilm Edition (hereafter cited as MIC-25), OHS and "Paul Dunbar: The Poet in His Washington Home," Box 1, MSS-659, OHS.

20Cunningham, Dunbar, 20-21, 25, 37-38 and "Personals," The Midget, April 1886, Dayton Library.

21"Paul Dunbar: The Poet in His Washington Home," Box 1, MSS-659, OHS.

22Dunbar to Mrs. A.S. Lanahan, 7 February 1898, Roll 2, MIC-25, OHS.

23"Society Notes," High School Times 8, no. 6 (February 1889): 103; "Society Notes," High School Times 10, no. 1 (September 1890): 10; and "Society Items," High School Times 10, no. 6 (February 1891): 8.

24"Society Notes," High School Times 8, no. 4 (December 1888):68.

25Paul's poems appeared in the September and November 1888, September 1889, June 1890 and April 1891 issues of the High School Times.

26Tomfoolery, Box 1, Paul Laurence Dunbar Collection, Dayton Library and Gould, That Dunbar Boy, 78-79.

27Cunningham, Dunbar, 34-36; Gould, That Dunbar Boy, 67-68; and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1891-1892, 27.

28Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1887-1888, 194; Williams' Dayton City Directoryfor 1888-1889, 201; Haskins, "Dunbar's Neighborhoods"; and Gould, That Dunbar Boy, 62.

29Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1891-1892, 241; Cunningham, Dunbar, 55; Montgomery County Historical Society, "Who We Are... Riverdale," pamphlet, no date; and Katie Blatt, Special Projects Coordinator, Montgomery County Historical Society, Dayton, Ohio, telephone conversation with author, 23 October 1995.

30Paul Dunbar, "Our Martyred Solders," Dayton Herald, 2 June 1888; Paul Dunbar, "On the River," Dayton Herald, 13 July 1888; and Cunningham, Dunbar, 28-30.

31Best, "Crossing the Color Line," 49-53 and Cunningham, Dunbar, 49.

32Wright & Wright Job Printers Ledger November 1890 to June 30, 1898, Wright Brothers Business Journals and Ledgers 1890-1910, Wright Papers, LC, Microfilm.

33Dunbar to Mr. Faber, 9 June 1890, Roll 1, MIC-25, OHS and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1890-1891, 259.

34"Commencement Exercises Central High School at Grand Opera House Tuesday Evening, June 16, 1891," Box 1, Paul Laurence Dunbar Collection, Dayton Library and Gould, That Dunbar Boy, 93-94.

35Gossie Harold Hudson, "A Biography of Paul Laurence Dunbar," (Ph.D. diss., The Ohio State University, 1970), 45 and Untitled Article from September 1899, Box 1, MSS-659, OHS.

36C.W. Dustin, "Birth Anniversary Recalls Early Life of the Noted Poet," Dayton Forum, 5 July 1918.

37Dustin, "Birth Anniversary," 5 July 1918; A.N. Kellogg Newspaper Co. to Paul L. Dunbar, 19 December 1891, Roll 1, MIC-25, OHS; and Hudson, "Biography," 45-46.

38Wright & Wright Job Printers Ledger November 1890 to June 30, 1898, Wright Brothers Business Journals and Ledgers, 1890-1910, Wright Papers, LC, Microfilm.

39Deed Records, Book 184, Page 222, MCRC and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1892-1893, 252.

40Benjamin Brawley, Paul Laurence Dunbar Poet of His People (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1936), 19-21.

41Wiggins, Life and Works, 31-32 and Paul Laurence Dunbar to J.N. Matthews, 12 October 1892, Roll 1, MIC-25, OHS.

42Kenton Jackson, "Mrs. Dunbar Pays Tribute," Dayton Forum, 30 May 1930; "The Robert Burns of the Negro Race," The Watchword, 17 March 1900, 66; and Paul Laurence Dunbar to J.N. Matthews, 12 October 1892, Roll 1, MIC-25, OHS.

43Paul Dunbar, Oak and Ivy (Dayton: Press of the United Brethren Publishing House, 1893).

44High School Times 12, no. 5 (January 1893): 1-2; Brawley, Poet of His People, 25; and Cunningham, Dunbar, 82-83.

45Chas. A. Thatcher to Paul L. Dunbar, 21 April 1893, Roll 1, MIC-25, OHS and Cunningham, Dunbar, 90-91.

46Cunningham, Dunbar, 92.

47Brawley, Poet of His People, 32-33 and Cunningham, Dunbar, 92-105.

48Cunningham, Dunbar, 108-110.

49Dunbar to Douglass, 30 December 1893, General Correspondence, Frederick Douglass Papers, LC, Microfilm.

50P.L. Dunbar to H.A. Tobey, 13 July 1895 in Jay Martin and Gossie H. Hudson, ed., The Paul Laurence Dunbar Reader: A Selection of the Best of Paul Laurence Dunbar's Poetry and Prose Including Writings Never Before Available in Book Form (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1975), 430-431; "Alumni," High School Times 12, no. 7 (March 1893): 7; and Dustin, "Birth Anniversary."

51Rebekah Baldwin to Paul Laurence Dunbar, 15 September 1894, Roll 1, MIC-25, OHS.

52Letter quoted in Wiggins, Life and Works, 41-42.

53Brawley, Poet of His People, 33 and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1894-1895, 175, 268, 367, 601, 895.

54Paul L. Dunbar to Alice Ruth Moore, 13 October 1895, Roll 8, MIC-25, OHS.

55Best, "Crossing the Color Line," 144-145.

56Hudson, "Biography," 87-89 and Best, "Crossing the Color Line," 144-145.

57Wiggins, Life and Works, 48.

58Brawley, Poet of His People, 39-41.

59W.D. Howells, "Life and Letters," Harper's Weekly, 27 June 1896, 630; Brawley, Poet of His People, 48; and Hudson, "Biography," 80-81.

60Brawley, Poet of His People, 51.

61Cunningham, Dunbar, 151-157 and James B. Stronks, "Paul Laurence Dunbar and William Dean Howells," The Ohio Historical Quarterly, 67, no. 2 (April 1958): 99.

62Wiggins, Life and Works, 67-70 and Brawley, "Poet of His People," 63.

63Hudson, "Biography," 90.

64Cunningham, Dunbar, 167.

65There are no records available on this court case.

66Brawley, Poet of His People, 61 and Cunningham, Dunbar, 171.

67Cunningham, Dunbar, 172-173.

68Alice Ruth Moore to Matilda Dunbar, 12 May 1899, Roll 2, MIC-25, OHS; Brawley, Poet of His People, 61, 69; and Cunningham, Dunbar, 191-194.

69The subject of Paul's alcoholism is controversial. While scholars agree that Dunbar was an alcoholic near the end of his life because of the use of alcohol as a treatment for tuberculosis, some individuals argue that he consumed alcohol in excess prior to contracting tuberculosis. For more information see Cunningham, Dunbar, 106-108; Wiggins, Life and Works, 84; Best, "Crossing the Color Line," 197-200; Brawley, Poet of His People, 84; and Louis R. Harlan and Raymond W. Smock, eds., The Booker T. Washington Papers (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1972.

70Hudson, "Biography," 109-113 and Cunningham, Dunbar, 195-199.

71"A Warm Welcome to Paul Dunbar," Dayton Daily News, 3 March 1900; Banquet Invitation, Box 1, Paul Laurence Dunbar Collection, Dayton Library; "High School Notes and Comment," High School Times 19, no. 7 (March 1900): 16; and M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 523.

72"High School Notes and Comment," High School Times 19, no. 7 (March 1900): 16.

73Hudson, "Biography," 137-141 and Harlan and Smock, Washington Papers, 6: 387-388.

74Cunningham, Dunbar, 230-236; Hudson, "Biography," 137-141; and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1902-1903, 255.

75Deed Records, Book 263, Page 157, MCRC; Paul Laurence Dunbar House, HABS No. OH-218, Historic American Buildings Survey Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, LC; and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1904-1905, 423.

76Paul Laurence Dunbar House, HABS No. OH-218; "Copy of Abstract of Title To The Paul Lawrence Dunbar Home in Dayton, Ohio," Roll 2, MIC-25, OHS; and Tax Assessments, City of Dayton, 1886-1891, MCRC.

77Montgomery County Common Pleas Court Records, Case No. 23332, Samuel B. Ricketts vs Barrett H. Rannells, MCRC.

78Cathy Stang, "The 1900 Neighborhood of Paul Laurence Dunbar," Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio, August 1997.

79Hudson, "Biography," 146-147.

80Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1903-1904, 951 and Wiggins, Life and Works, 103-104.

81Cunningham, Dunbar, 257.

82"Doctors Have Given Up Dunbar, the Negro Poet," Pittsburgh Times, September 1904, Roll 4, MIC-25, OHS and Wm. A. Burns to Matilda Dunbar, 25 September 1904, Roll 8, MIC-25, OHS.

83Dayton Daily News, 16 December 1904, quoted in Hudson, "Biography," 144.

84Pearson, "Paul Laurence Dunbar," 13; Cunningham, Dunbar, 258; and Hudson, "Biography," 147.

85Wiggins, Life and Works, 121-122.

86J.H. Finley to Mrs. Dunbar, 17 February 1906, Roll 8, MIC-25, OHS and Wiggins, Life and Works, 122.

87Paul Laurence Dunbar," Dayton Journal, 10 February 1906; "Final Tribute to Memory of Paul Laurence Dunbar," Dayton Journal, 12 February 1906; and J. Cortez Cooper, "Paul Laurence Dunbar 'The Poet'," (M.A. Thesis, The Ohio State University, 1931), 10-11.

88J.H. Finley to Mrs. Dunbar, 17 February 1906, Roll 8, MIC-25, OHS and Alice M. Dunbar to Dr. Burns, 14 February 1906, Roll 2, MIC-25, OHS.

89"Mrs. Dunbar, Mother of Noted Dayton Poet, Taken By Death," Dayton Herald, 24 February 1934.

90"Monument to Dunbar, Poet, is Unveiled," Dayton Herald, 26 June 1909.

91"Dunbar Fund," Dayton Daily News, 28 June 1909 and Clark to Malinda Dunbar, 28 February 1906, Roll 2, MIC-25, OHS.

92Ozell Bradford personal communication with author, April 1995; Dunbar Story Telling Group, interview by Dayton Stories Project, tape recording, 13 June 1995, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio; and Cooper, "Dunbar," 2-3.

93O. Bradford, personal communication; "Sum Obtained For Mother of Colored Poet by Tea May Reach Total of $500," Dayton Daily News, 24 April 1926; "Mother of Famous Dayton Poet Will Be Guest at Tea," Dayton Journal, 18 April 1926; Grace Acker Varney, "Mother of A Great Negro Poet: Born In Slavery, Destined to Honor, Part One," The Watchwork, 1 September 1935, 5; and Untitled Article on Matilda Dunbar, Undated, The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar, The Schomburg Collection, The New York Public Library, Microfilm, 16-17.

94Last Will and Testament of Matilda J. Dunbar, Will Book 91, Page 120, MCRC; Ray Luce, "The Paul Laurence Dunbar House. America's First Publicly Owned Afro-American Historic Site," CRM Bulletin, no. 1 (1990): 15-18; and Amended Bill No. 450, State of Ohio Senate (23 July 1936).

95Luce, "Paul Laurence Dunbar House," 15-18 and Untitled Article on Matilda Dunbar, Undated, The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar, The Schomburg Collection, The New York Public Library, Microfilm, 12-16.

96Geneva C. Turner, "School Names: For Whom Is Your School Named," 16, no. 8 The Negro History Bulletin (May 1953): 188.

Chapter 5:

1Cherry, "Trails and Triumphs," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 302-303.

2Wilbur Wright to Katharine Wright, 18 September 1892, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

3Harold R. Cherry, "The Trails and Triumphs," in Trials and Triumphs, 306-307.

4Cherry, "Trails and Triumphs," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 308, 326.

5Cherry, "Trails and Triumphs," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 308-309.

6Cherry, "Trails and Triumphs," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 311-312.

7Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 83-86.

8"Birthplace," Acc. 1623, Box 12, HFMGV and Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 10.

9Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 117-122.

10Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 10.

11Renstrom, Chronology, 5.

12Jay Pridmore and Jim Hurd, The American Bicycle, (Osceola, Wisconsin: Motorbooks International Publishers & Wholesalers, 1995), 22-32.

13Pridmore, The American Bicycle, 36-40.

14Pridmore, The American Bicycle, 10-12, 42.

15Wilbur Wright to Katharine Wright, 18 September 1892, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

16Wilbur Wright to Katharine Wright, 18 September 1892, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC and Fred C. Fisk, "The Wright Brothers' Bicycles," The Wheelman, no. 17 (November 1980): 2.

17Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 107.

18M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 385-386, 390 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 107-108.

19This does not include the bicycles that the Wright brothers manufactured under their own label and began selling in 1896.

20Kelly, Wright Brothers, 38-39.

21Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1890-1891, 827; Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1891-1892, 824; Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1892-1893, 870; and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1893-1894, 924.

22"Van Cleve, Wright Cycle Company," Acc. 1623, Box 12, HFMGV.

23The Annual Club of Ten Dayton Boys, Minute Book, 14 October 1893, Wright Brothers Collection, Dayton Library.

24Kelly, Wright Brothers, 41-42 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 109.

25Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 9-10.

26Thomas R. Coles, "The 'Wright Boys' As A Schoolmate Knew Them," Out West 32 (January 1910): 36-38.

27"Ed Ellis Tells of the Boys' Characteristics," Dayton Herald, 16 June 1909.

28Jess B. Gilbert, "A Tribute," in Ivonette Wright Miller, Wright Reminiscences (Dayton: The Air Force Museum Foundation, Inc., 1978):183-184.

29Wilbur Wright to Milton Wright, 12 September 1894, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC; Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1892-1893, 853; and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1895-1896, 948.

30In their book The Wright Brothers from Bicycle to Biplane, Fred C. Fisk and Marlin W. Todd discuss Fisk's discovery of a probable location for the Wright brothers bicycle business previous to 1034 West Third Street. Advertisements in the Dayton Evening Press for March and April 1893 show the location of the shop as 1015 West Third Street. There is no other information to substantiate this newly discovered bicycle shop location.

31Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1893-1894, 907.

32Wilbur Wright to Milton Wright, 12 September 1894, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

33Wilbur Wright to Milton Wright, 12 September 1894, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC and Milton Wright to Wilbur Wright, 15 September 1894, Box 5, Wright Papers, LC.

34Wilbur Wright to Milton Wright, 2 October 1894, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

35Wilbur Wright to Milton Wright, 2 October 1894, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC and Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1892-1893, 895.

36Snap-Shots at Current Events, Dayton Library.

37Check Stub No. 1002, Box 4, MS-1, WSU and Jill York O'Bright, et al., "Wright Cycle Company and Wright and Wright Printing National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form," 18 January 1990.

38M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 434.

39Dayton Daily Times, 15 November 1895.

40M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 446,447 and "W.C.A.-Y.M.C.A.," Dayton Journal, 2 January 1896.

41Snap-Shots, 29 February 1896, Dayton Library.

42Orville Wright to Milton Wright, 8 October 1895, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC and "Van Cleve, Wright Cycle Company," Acc. 1623, Box 12, HFMGV.

43Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 112-113; M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 450; and "Van Cleve, Wright Cycle Company," Acc. 1623, Box 12, HFMGV.

44M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 453; "Van Cleve, Wright Cycle Company," Acc. 1623, Box 12, HFMGV; and Pridmore, The American Bicycle, 52-53.

45"Van Cleve, Wright Cycle Co., Dayton, O.," Library, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, England and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 113.

46"Van Cleve, Wright Cycle Co., Dayton, O.," Library, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, England and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 113.

47"Van Cleve, Wright Cycle Co., Dayton, O.," Library, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, England; Tom Russell, interview by Susan Bennet, tape recording, 24 April 1967, Box 2, Oral History Project, Wright Brothers Transcripts, University of Dayton Archives, Dayton, Ohio; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 113-114.

48This furnace was located on the second floor of the bicycle shop at 1127 West Third Street. Later, Charlie Taylor and Tom Russell reconfigured it into an annealing furnace for annealing the pistons and cylinders of the airplane engines.

49Kelly, Wright Brothers, 41-44.

50Mary Ann Johnson, A Field Guide to Flight on the Aviation Trail in Dayton, Ohio (Dayton: Landfall Press, 1986), 41-43 and Check Stub No. 1296, Box 4, MS-1. WSU.

51Elizabeth Hamburger, interview by author, tape recording, 3 July 1995, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio and "Dead Aviator's Friends Recite His Many Acts of Kindliness," Dayton Journal, 31 May 1912.

52Kelly, Wright Brothers, 39.

53Kelly, Wright Brothers, 40.

Chapter 6:

1Wilbur Wright to Milton Wright, 25 August 1896, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

2Milton Wright to Katharine Wright, 31 August 1896, Box 5, Wright Papers, LC.

3M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 458, 460.

4Evening Item, 26 July 1890, Dayton Library; Kelly, Wright Brothers, 45-46; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 142-145.

5Kelly, Wright Brothers, 46 and McFarland, Papers, Vol. 1, 3-4.

6Wilbur Wright to The Smithsonian Institution, 30 May 1899, Box 49, Wright Papers, LC.

7Richard Rathbun to Wilbur Wright, 2 June 1899, Box 49, Wright Papers, LC; Wilbur Wright to Secretary Smithsonian Institution, 14 June 1899, Box 49, Wright Papers, LC; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 162.

8Tom Crouch, A Dream of Wings: Americans and the Airplane, 1875-1905 (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981), 162.

9Crouch, Dream of Wings, 162-164 and Charles H. Gibbs-Smith, A History of Flying (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954), 195,197.

10Crouch, Dream of Wings, 163-165 and Charles H. Gibbs-Smith, The Invention of the Aeroplane (1799-1909) (New York: Taplinger Publishing Co. Inc., 1965), 23-25.

11Crouch, Dream of Wings, 22-27; Phil Scott, The Shoulders of Giants: A History of Human Flight to 1919 (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 1995), 84-86; and Gibbs-Smith, Invention of the Aeroplane, 28-29.

12Crouch, Dream of Wings, 175-202 and Gibbs-Smith, Invention of the Aeroplane, 28-29.

13Gibbs-Smith, Invention of the Aeroplane, 28-30 and Peter L. Jakab, Visions of A Flying Machine: The Wright Brothers and the Process of Invention. (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990), 43-44.

14Crouch, Dream of Wings, 42-50, 150-153; Scott, Shoulders of Giants, 89-92; and Gibbs-Smith, Invention of the Aeroplane, 21, 43-45.

15Crouch, Dream of Wings, 255-293 and Gibbs-Smith, Invention of the Aeroplane, 43-45.

16O. and W. Wright, "The Wright Brothers' Aeroplane," Century Magazine, 641-642.

17W. Wright, "Some Aeronautical Experiments," 18 September 1901 in McFarland, Papers, 1:99-103 and Gibbs-Smith, History of Flying, 224.

18Crouch, Dream of Wings, 35-36.

19Gibbs-Smith, Invention of the Aeroplane, 2-3, 5-9 and Sir George Cayley's Aeronautics 1796-1855 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1962), 3-6 and 16-19.

20Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 28-30 and Harrison, Mastering the Sky, 50.

21Frederick J. Hooven, "The Wright Brothers' Flight-Control System," Scientific American 239, no. 5 (November 1978): 167 and Crouch, Dream of Wings, 35-37.

22Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 26.

23Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 26 and Gibbs-Smith, Invention of the Aeroplane, 21.

24Gibbs-Smith, History of Flying, 193-194.

25Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 171-172 and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 67-68.

26Kelly, Wright Brothers, 48-49 and McFarland, Papers, 1:8.

27Hooven, "The Wright Brothers' Flight-Control System," 167 and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 49-50.

28Hooven, "The Wright Brothers' Flight-Control System," 167.

29McFarland, Papers, 1:8-9.

30Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 55-57.

31McFarland, Papers, 1:9-11; Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 173; and M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 508.

32Frederick W. Fansher, Deposition, Regina Cleary Montgomery et al. vs. Wright-Martin Aircraft Company, 13 January 1920, Biographical Technical Files, Archives, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C. (hereafter referred to as NASM); John K. Meyers, Deposition, Regina Cleary Montgomery et al. vs. Wright-Martin Aircraft Company, 13 January 1920, Biographical Technical Files, Archives, NASM; McFarland, Papers, 1:11-12; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 173-174.

33McFarland, Papers, 1:11-12.

34W. Wright to M. Wright, 9 September 1900, Box 7, Wright Papers, LC and McFarland, Papers, 1:12.

35Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 182.

36W. Wright to Octave Chanute, 13 May 1900 in McFarland, Papers, 1:15-19.

37O. Chanute to W. Wright, 17 May 1900 in McFarland, Papers, 1:19-21.

38Joseph J. Dosher to W. Wright, 16 August 1900 in Fred C. Kelly, ed, Miracle at Kitty Hawk (New York: Da Capo Press, 1996), 25.

39William J. Tate to W. Wright, 18 August 1900 in Kelly, Miracle at Kitty Hawk, 25-26.

40W. Wright, 10 August 1900 in McFarland, Papers, 1:22 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 183.

41W. Wright to M. Wright, 3 September 1900, Box 7, Wright Papers, LC.

42K. Wright to M. Wright, 5 September 1900, Box 7, Wright Papers, LC and K. Wright to H. Haskell, 18 May 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

43K. Wright to M. Wright, 5 September 1900, Box 7, Wright Papers, LC.

44K. Wright to M. Wright, 26 September 1900, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; O. Wright to K. Wright, 26 September 1900, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC; and O. Wright to K. Wright, 14 October 1900, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

45W. Wright to O. Chanute, 16 November 1900, in McFarland, Papers, 1:40-44.

46O. and W. Wright, "The Wright Brothers' Aeroplane," 644-645 and F.E.C. Culick, "The Origins of the First Powered, Man-Carrying Airplane," Scientific American 241, no. 1 (July 1979):93.

47Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 100-101.

48Culick, "The Origins of the First Powered, Man-Carrying Airplane," 93-94 and Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 99-102.

49Samuel Finn, interview by S. B., tape recording, 21 February 1967, Box 1, Oral History Project, Wright Brothers Transcripts, University of Dayton Archives, Dayton, Ohio; K. Wright to M. Wright, 28 September 1900, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; K. Wright to M. Wright, 5 September 1900, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; and K. Wright to M. Wright, 4 October 1900, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC.

50K. Wright to M. Wright, 28 September 1900, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; K. Wright to M. Wright, 5 September 1900, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; K. Wright to M. Wright, 4 October 1900, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; K. Wright to M. Wright, 2 October 1901, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; and Wilkinson Wright, interview by author, tape recording, 11 May 1995, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

51O. Chanute to W. Wright, 23 November 1900 in McFarland, Papers, 1:44-45; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 26 November 1900 in McFarland, Papers, 1:45-46; and Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 55-56.

52W. Wright to O. Chanute, 19 March 1901 in McFarland, Papers, 1:53; O. Chanute to W. Wright, 26 March 1901 in McFarland, Papers, 1:53; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 12 May 1901 in McFarland, Papers, 1:54; and O. Chanute to W. Wright, 15 May 1901 in McFarland, Papers, 1:54-55.

53W. Wright to O. Chanute, 17 May 1901 in McFarland, Papers, 1:55.

54Renstrom, Chronology, 8 and Footnote 8, McFarland, Papers, 1:57.

55Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 27,70 and Radio Extra, 1938, Box 1, Charles Taylor Papers, Institute Archives, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (hereafter referred to as Cal Tech.)

56Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 27,70.

57Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 27.

58Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's, 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 27.

59W. Wright to O. Chanute, 12 May 1901 in McFarland, Papers, 1:54 and Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 102-103.

60W. Wright's Diary A in McFarland, Papers, 1: 71.

61Renstrom, Chronology, 9.

62Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 112-113.

63Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 62-67.

64O. Chanute to W. Wright, 29 August 1901 in McFarland, Papers, 1:91; K. Wright to M. Wright, 3 September 1901, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; and K. Wright to M. Wright, 25 September 1901, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC.

65Cherry, "Trails and Triumphs," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 327-333 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 215-216.

66K. Wright to M. Wright, 3 September 1901, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; K. Wright to M. Wright, 12 October [1901], Box 4, Wright Papers, LC; and Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 69.

67O. and W. Wright, "The Wright Brothers' Aeroplane," 647 and Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 118.

68Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 76-79.

69Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 122.

70Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 221-222.

71Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 149; James P. Harrison, Mastering the Sky: A History of Aviation from Ancient Times to the Present (New York: Sarpedon, 1996), 49; and Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 126-127.

72Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 123-124.

73Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 125-126.

74Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 27 and Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 127-142..

75Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 75-77 and Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 127-130.

76Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 216-217.

77K. Wright to M. Wright, 2 October 1901, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC.

78I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 2-3.

79I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 113-114, 146.

80I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 3-4.

81Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 149-152.

82K. Wright to M. Wright, 20 August 1902, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC.

83K. Wright to M. Wright, 20 August 1902, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC.

84Cherry, "Trails and Triumphs," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 327-333 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 216-217.

85Renstrom, Chronology, 10-11.

86Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 168 and Culick, "The Origins of the First Powered Man-Carrying Machine," 95.

87Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 168-170.

88Kelly, Wright Brothers, 81 and Jakab, Visions of A Flying Machine, 113.

89Kelly, Wright Brothers, 81-82.

90Kelly, Wright Brothers, 82-83 and Jakab, Visions of a Flying Machine, 174-175.

91K. Wright to Wilbur and O. Wright, 14 September 1902, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC and K. Wright to O. Wright, 5 October 1902, Box 4, Wright Papers, LC.

92O. Wright, "Orville Wright Tells How Heavier-Than-Air Flying Machine Was Born," Aviation Progress, 8 October 1927 and Renstrom, Chronology, 11.

93O. and W. Wright, "The Wright Brothers' Aeroplane," 647-648.

94O. and W. Wright, "The Wright Brothers' Aeroplane," 647-648 and Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 68.

95Radio Extra, 1938, Box 1, Taylor Papers, Cal Tech.

96Benjamin D. Foulois, From the Wright Brothers to the Astronauts: The Memoirs of Major General Benjamin D. Foulois (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968), 62.

97Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 68 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 242-244.

98Untitled Transcript, Box 1, Taylor Papers, Cal Tech; Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 27; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 242.

99Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's, 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 27.

100"Building the Original Wright Motor," The Slipstream 9, no. 5 (May 1928): 9-11; Renstrom, Chronology, 11; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 244-245.

101For information on how Charlie Taylor built the engine and a biography of his life see Howard DuFour's book, Charlie E. Taylor: The Wright Brothers Mechanician.

102Renstrom, Chronology, 11 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 244-245.

103Renstrom, Chronology, 11.

104Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 246.

105Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 68 and Renstrom, Chronology, 12.

106Renstrom, Chronology, 12 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 255.

107Renstrom, Chronology, 12-13.

108Crouch, Dream of Wings, 255-293 and Gibbs-Smith, Invention of the Aeroplane, 43-45.

109Renstrom, Chronology, 13.

Chapter 7:

1Kelly, Wright Brothers, 106.

2Kelly, Wright Brothers, 106-107 and I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 5-6.

3Kelly, Wright Brothers, 104-105.

4"Machine That Can Really Fly," Cincinnati Enquirer, 18 December 1903.

5Kelly, Wright Brothers, 104-105.

6"Dayton Boys Emulate Great Santos-Dumont," Dayton Daily News, 18 December 1903; "The Wright Boys Are Coming Home," Dayton Daily News, 18 December 1903; "Wright Flyer," Dayton Journal, 19 December 1903; and "Dayton Boys Fly Airship," Dayton Herald, 18 December 1903.

7Kelly, Miracle at Kitty Hawk, 120; Renstrom, Chronology, 14; and M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 600.

8Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 68.

9Kelly, Wright Brothers, 110-111; Statement by Wright Brothers to the Associated Press, 5 January 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:409-411; and Wilbur Wright to Octave Chanute, 8 January 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:412-413.

10McFarland, Papers, 1:Footnote 2, 413 and Wilbur Wright to Octave Chanute, 8 January 1904, in McFarland, Papers, 1:412-413.

11Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 275-276.

12O. Wright, Diary, 4-5, 14 and 22 January 1904, Wright Papers, LC, Microfilm and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 276.

13Kelly, Wright Brothers, 120-121.

14This engine is on display at the Engineer's Club in Dayton, Ohio.

15O. Wright, Diary, 11-12 January 1904; Williams' Dayton City Directory for 1903-1904, 875; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 273.

16O. Wright, Diary, 22 January 1904 and W. Wright to O. Chanute, 1 March 1904, in McFarland, Papers, 1, 421-422.

17William P. Huffman interview by Shelby E. Wickam and Virginia L. Julian, 2 December 1977, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base History Office, Dayton, Ohio and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 122-123.

18W. Wright to O. Chanute, 21 June 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:441-442.

19U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Tri-Services Cultural Resources Management Center, "Historic Resources Management Plan for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Fiscal Years 1993 Through 1997," Submitted to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, December 1993, Appendix C-2 and Griffith Brewer, "The First Aerodrome," Library, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, England.

20Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 279 and O. Wright's Sketch Books, Box 3, MS-1, WSU.

21Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 153; Renstrom, Chronology, 15; and Statement by George W. Warner, 10 December 1964, Box 96, Wright Papers, LC.

22Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 280 and M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 607.

23W. Wright to O. Chanute, 18 January 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:415-416 and O. Wright, Diary, 19 January 1904.

24W. Wright to O. Chanute, 15 May 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:434-435 and W. Wright to O. Chanute, 20 May 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:435-436.

25O. Wright to William E. Shea, 10 November 1926, Box 49, Wright Papers, LC; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 27 May 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:437-438; and Renstrom, Chronology, 15.

26M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 608.

27Charles Taylor to F.S. Lahm, 27 March 1931, Box 1, Taylor Papers, Cal Tech; Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 70; and Renstrom, Chronology, 15.

28Renstrom, Chronology, 15 and W. Wright to George Besancon, 17 November 1905, Box 9, Wright Papers, LC.

29"Farmer Saw Wrights Fly Before the World Did: He Had Faith in Them," Dayton Herald, 17 June 1909 and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 76.

30"Farmer Saw Wrights Fly Before the World Did: He Had Faith in Them," Dayton Herald, 17 June 1909; Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 285; and Wilbur Wright, Diary, 9 November 1904, Wright Papers, LC, Microfilm.

31W. Wright to O. Chanute, 28 August 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:452-453; W. Wright, Diary, 7 September 1904; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 18 September 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:455-456; and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 126-129.

32W. Wright to O. Chanute, 18 September 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:455-456; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 5 October 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:459-460; and Renstrom, Chronology, 15.

33A.I. Root, "Our Homes," Gleanings in Bee Culture 33, no. 1 (1 January 1905): 36-39 and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 142-143.

34W. Wright to O. Chanute, 5 October 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:459-460.

35W. Wright, Diary, 15 October 1904 and Memorandum by O. Chanute, 15 October 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:462.

36Wilbur Wright's Summary of the Experiments of 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:469-472.

37W. Wright to O. Chanute, 15 November 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:464-465 and Renstrom, Chronology, 15.

38W. Wright to O. Chanute, 5 October 1904 in McFarland, Papers, 1:459-460 and W. Wright to Alfred F. Zahm, 22 December 1905, Box 59, Wright Papers, LC.

39Alfred Gollin, No Longer An Island: Britain and the Wright Brothers 1902-1909 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1984), 68-70.

40Renstrom, Chronology, 16; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 1 June 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:494-495 and Roger E. Bilstein, Flight in America: From the Wrights to the Astronauts, rev. ed. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994), 15.

41W. and O. Wright to Congressman Robert M. Nevin, 18 January 1905 in Kelly, Miracle at Kitty Hawk, 135-136; G.L. Gillispie to W.; and O. Wright in Kelly, Miracle at Kitty Hawk, 136-137 and W. Wright to George Spratt, 12 April 1905, Box 50, Wright Papers, LC.

42W. Wright to O. Chanute, 1 June 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:494-495 and Gollin, No Longer An Island, 90-93.

43Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 294-295 and Renstrom, Chronology, 16.

44W. Wright to O. Chanute, 2 March 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:479; W. Wright to George Spratt, 12 April 1905, Box 50, Wright Papers, LC; W. Wright, Diary, 23 May, 1905; and Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 166.

45W. Wright to O. Chanute, 26 March 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:482-483; O. Chanute to W. Wright, 16 March 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:482; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 11 March 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:480-481; and W. Wright to George Spratt, 12 April 1905, Box 50, Wright Papers, LC.

46Henry M. Weaver to Frank P. Lahm, 6 December 1905, Box 37, Wright Papers, LC and George W. Warner, Statement, 10 December 1964, Box 96, Wright Papers, LC.

47Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 295-296 and Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 168.

48Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 70 and Henry M. Weaver to Frank P. Lahm, 6 December 1905, Box 37, Wright Papers, LC.

49W. Wright, Diary, 14 July 1905.

50Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 297.

51W. Wright to O. Chanute, 19 October 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:516-517.

52Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 181-182.

53M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 632, 633 and Renstrom, Chronology, 17.

54Henry M. Weaver to Frank P. Lahm, 6 December 1905, Box 37, Wright Papers, LC.

55Jack Jones, "Daytonian, 88, Recalls Wrights' Test Flights," Dayton Daily News, 4 September 1978.

56W. Wright, Diary, 17 October 1905; Kelly, Wright Brothers, 144-145; and "The Flight of a Flying Machine," Dayton Daily News, 6 October 1905.

57Cherry, "Trails and Triumphs," in Trials and Triumphs, ed. Fetters, 327-333.

58Captain Alfred Hildebrandt, "The Wright Brothers Flying Machine," American Magazine of Aeronautics (January 1908): 13-16; Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 184; and W. Wright to O. Chanute, 19 October 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:515-517.

59Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 184; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 30 October 1905 and O. Chanute to W. Wright, 30 October 1905 in McFarland, Papers, 1:519; and Renstrom, Chronology, 150.

60W. And O. Wright to Carl Diensbach, 17 November 1905, Box 22, Wright Papers, LC.

Chapter 8:

1Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 303-304.

2Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 189-190 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 306-307.

3Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 191-193.

4Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 191-193.

5Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 191-193.

6Henry M. Weaver to Frank P. Lahm, 6 December 1905, Box 37, Wright Papers, LC; Williams' Dayton City Directory 1907-1908, 456; and Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 191-193.

7M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 636.

8M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 636 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 309.

9Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 309.

10Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 309 and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 190-191.

11Kelly, Wright Brothers, 187-189.

12W. Wright to O. Chanute, 1 April 1906 in McFarland, Papers, 2:706-707 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 310-311.

13Kelly, Wright Brothers, 191.

14Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 200 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 311-312.

15Marriage Records, Montgomery County, Volume 35, Page 92, MCRC and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 121-122.

16M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 644, 648, 656.

17Bill Robie, For the Greatest Achievement: A History of the Aero Club of America and the National Aeronautic Association (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993), 2-3, 13.

18Robie, Greatest Achievement, 16.

19W. Wright and O. Wright to Aero Club of America, 12 March 1906, Box 1, Taylor Papers, Cal Tech and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 312-313.

20W. Wilbur to O. Chanute, 1 April 1906 in McFarland, Papers, 2:706-707 and "The Wright Aeroplane and Its Performances," Scientific American, 7 April 1906, Vol. XCIV, No. 14, 291-292.

21M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 654 and "The Wright Aeroplane and Its Performances," Scientific American, 7 April 1906, Vol. XCIV, No. 14, 291-292.

22Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 328.

23W. Wright to O. Chanute, 1 December 1906 in McFarland, Papers, 2:741 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 328-330.

24Prof. Baldwin's Airship Soars Majestically to Dizzy Heights," Dayton Journal, 6 September 1906 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 314.

25Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 314.

26"Capt. Baldwin Makes Another Flight," Dayton Journal, 7 September 1906 and M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 649.

27Kelly, Wright Brothers, 160-161.

28M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 658; "Newest Invention of Wright Brothers Will Carry Their Aeroplane on Water," Dayton Herald, 21 March 1907; Williams' Dayton City Directory, 1907-1908, 232; M. Wright to Reuchlin Wright, 18 March 1907, Box 5, Wright Papers, LC; M. Wright to W. Wright and O. Wright, 18 November 1907, Box 5, Wright Papers, LC; and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 160-161.

29W. Wright to M. Wright, 20 July 1907 in McFarland, Papers, 2:803-804.

30W. Wright to M. Wright, 20 July 1907 in McFarland, Papers, 2:803-804 and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 195-196.

31O. Wright to O. Chanute, 2 June 1907 in McFarland, Papers, 2:767-768; W. Wright to O. Wright, 16 May 1907 in McFarland, Papers, 2:759-760; and M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 663.

32W. Wright to O. Chanute, 16 May 1907 in McFarland, Papers, 2:760-761 and Wright Brothers to Board of Ordinance and Fortification, War Department, 17 May 1907 in McFarland, Papers, 2:761.

33Kelly, Wright Brothers, 203-209.

34Contract with Signal Corps, United States Army, Box 2, MS-1, WSU and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 208-212.

35Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 348.

36Kelly, Wright Brothers, 212-213 and Renstrom, Chronology, 27.

37Renstrom, Chronology, 27.

38M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 676; W. Wright to K. Wright, 19 May 1908 in McFarland, Papers, 2:881-882; and Renstrom, Chronology, 27.

39O. Wright to W. Wright, 7 June 1908 in McFarland, Papers, 2:892-894 and Renstrom, Chronology, 27.

40W. Wright to O. Wright, 17 June 1908 in McFarland, Papers, 2:900-901.

Chapter 9:

1Renstrom, Chronology, 30-31.

2W. Wright to K. Wright, 20 September 1908 in McFarland, Papers, 2:925-926 and Renstrom, Chronology, 32.

3Dr. Stanley Mohler, telephone conversation with author, 15 August 1997. This fracture went untreated, for, at that time, the technology did not exist to treat the injury. This fracture caused Orville severe pain throughout the remainder of his life.

4M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 684.

5M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 684-685; O. Wright to W. Wright, 14 November 1908, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC; and Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 280.

6Renstrom, Chronology, 37-39.

7M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 693 and "Guns Boom, Whistles Blow, Crowd Cheers When the Wrights Arrive," Dayton Herald, 13 May 1909.

8"Hawthorn Street Is In Gala Attire," Dayton Herald, 13 May 1909; Williams' City Directory for 1909-1910, 1029; Andrews, Andrews, Clapp, Stokes, 525; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 291.

9"Aeroplane Club Seems Destined to become of International Force," Dayton Herald, 16 June 1909 and "Aero Club Extends Sympathy," Dayton Journal, 31 May 1912.

10"Wright Workshop Keeps A Grinding," Dayton Herald, 13 May 1909; W. Wright to O. Chanute, 6 June 1909 in McFarland, Papers, 2:953-954; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 391.

11Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 391.

12W. Wright to O. Chanute, 6 June 1909 in McFarland, Papers, 2:953-954 and O. Chanute to W. Wright, 16 June 1909 in McFarland, Papers, 2:955-956.

13Court of Honor to Blazen Triumphal Entry of Aeroplanists," Dayton Herald, 15 May 1909 and "Make Noise and Help Open Big Celebration," Dayton Herald, 16 June 1909.

14"Tears Come to Wilbur's Eyes," Dayton Herald, 17 June 1909 and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 258-259.

15Renstrom, Chronology, 41; Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 296-297; and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 258-259.

16M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 695 and "Celebration Program is Completed," Dayton Herald, 16 June 1909.

17"Every Detail of Friday Parade Was Carried Out; Pageant A Big Success," Dayton Herald, 19 June 1909; and "Auto Parade Swell Event," Dayton Herald, 19 June 1909.

18Renstrom, Chronology, 42.

19Renstrom, Chronology, 43.

20Foulois, Wright Brothers to the Astronauts, 65-66 and Renstrom, Chronology, 43.

21Renstrom, Chronology, 43.

22Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 313-314, 403-404.

23Edward A. Deeds to W. And O. Wright, 16 July 1909, Box 21, Wright Papers, LC.

24Kelly, Wright Brothers, 265.

25Kelly, Wright Brothers, 268-269.

26Certificate of Incorporation of The Wright Company, Box 85, Wright Papers, LC; Agreement Concerning Patents and Inventions, Box 2, MS-1, WSU; and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 270-271.

27Kelly, Wright Brothers, 271-272.

28Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 49-51.

29Fred Kreusch, interview by S.B., tape recording, undated, Box 1, Oral History Project, Wright Brothers Transcripts, University of Dayton Archives, Dayton, Ohio; Dayton Daily News, 24 February 1910; and Jinz Lawrence, "Wright Brothers' Machinist Retires," Box 1, MS-157, WSU.

30Other early Wright employees included Red Thorne, Shorty Wolfe, and Sam Nook.

31Tom Russell, interview by Susan Bennet, tape recording, 24 April 1967, Box 2, Oral History Project, Wright Brothers Transcripts, University of Dayton Archives, Dayton, Ohio.

32Fred Kreusch, interview by S.B., tape recording, undated, Box 1, Oral History Project, Wright Brothers Transcripts, University of Dayton Archives, Dayton, Ohio and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 49-51.

33"Wright Flyers," Box 102, Wright Papers, LC and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 46-48.

34Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 65-66.

35O. Wright to W. Wright, 15 June 1908 in McFarland, Papers, 2:897-898; Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 27; and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 272-273.

36"Aviation History Re-Cap of Events in Montgomery-1910," Box 5, MS-216, Ivonette Wright Miller Papers, WSU; Kelly, Wright Brothers, 274-275; Walter R. Brookins, "Learning to Fly Under the Wrights," in Dedication of the Wright Brothers Home and Shop in Greenfield Village by The Edison Institute (Dearborn: The Edison Institute, 1938), 45-53; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 426.

37O. Wright to E.A. Deeds, 17 October 1916, Box 21, Wright Papers, LC; Statement by George W. Warner, 10 December 1964, Box 96, Wright Papers, LC; and Janet R. Bednarek, "The Wright Brothers' 1910 Hangar on Huffman Prairie," n.d., United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

38"Memo. Of Instructions for Aviators on the Road," Box 85, Wright Papers, LC; Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 27; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 427-429.

39Frank Coffyn, Interview by Kenneth Leish, Columbia University Oral History Collection, Part IV, New York Times Oral History Program, Columbia University, New York, New York.

40Frank Coffyn, Interview by Kenneth Leish, Columbia University Oral History Collection, Part IV, New York Times Oral History Program, Columbia University, New York, New York.

41Renstrom, Chronology, 50.

42"The Wright School of Aviation," (1912) Box 102, Wright Papers, LC and "The Wright School of Aviation," (1914) Box 97, Wright Papers, LC.

43A complete list of the pilots trained at Huffman Prairie Flying Field is located at the Wright Brothers Memorial on Wright Brothers Hill in Dayton.

44H.H. Arnold, Global Mission (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1949), 15-20, 32.

45Arnold, Global Mission, 26-27.

46Tom Russell, interview by Susan Bennet, tape recording, 24 April 1967, Box 2, Oral History Project, Wright Brothers Transcripts, University of Dayton Archives, Dayton, Ohio; M. Wright, Diary, 25 May 1910; Renstrom, Chronology, 50; and Arnold, Global Mission, 27.

47Col. E.A. Deeds, "My Acquaintance With Orville Wright," History Non-NCR Wright Brothers, NCR.

48M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 718, 720, 723 and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 280-281.

49"May Establish Memorial to Noted Airman," Dayton Herald, 31 May 1912.

50Kelly, Wright Brothers, 276.

51The Wrights' Time to Fly: The Family Remembers Huffman Prairie, prod. and ed. Mike Priest and Bev Priest, MBC Productions, Dayton, 1985 and M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 735.

52William Conover, interview by S.B., tape recording, 4 February 1967, Box 1, Oral History Project, Wright Brothers Transcripts, University of Dayton Archives, Dayton, Ohio and Kelly, Wright Brothers, 281.

53Kelly, Wright Brothers, 281.

54Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 70.

55W. Wright to Charles Taylor, 25 September 1911, Box 1, Taylor Papers, Cal Tech and W. Wright to Charles Taylor, 5 November 1911, Box 1, Taylor Papers, Cal Tech.

56Charles E. Taylor, "My Story of the Wright Brothers," Collier's 122, no. 26 (25 December 1948): 70 and Wright Brothers to C.E. Taylor, 1 April 1912, Box 52, Wright Papers, LC.

57Orville Wright sold this property to the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church in November 1917.

58"Warranty Deed, Edmund S. Lorenz to Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright," Box 3, MS-1, WSU; "Warranty Deed, Clifford C. Harman and Ina G. Harman, his wife to Orville Wright," Box 3, MS-1, WSU; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 476-477.

59W. Wright to O. Wright, 26 May 1911 in Kelly, Miracle at Kitty Hawk, 382; Graham Justus, "Hawthorn Hill Has A Special Place in World History," NCR Factory News, June 1965, 2-3; and The Wrights' Time to Fly: The Family Remembers, prod. and ed. Mike Priest and Bev Priest, MBC Productions, Dayton, 1985.

60M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 748 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 448-449.

61Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 448-449.

62M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 748-749 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 448-449.

63"Fighting Grim Death to Last, Brave Airman Gently Falls Asleep," Dayton Evening Herald, 30 May 1912.

64"Wright Partakes of Nourishment After A Fall in His Temperature" Dayton Journal, 30 May 1912.

65M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 749.

66M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 749.

67"Body of Wilbur Wright to Lie in State Before Church Service," Dayton Journal, 1 June 1912.

68"Body of Wilbur Wright to Lie in State Before Church Service," Dayton Journal, 1 June 1912 and "Final Tribute to World Renowned Inventive Genius," Dayton Journal, 2 June 1912.

69J.C. Eberhardt, "The Death of Wilbur Wright;" 1 The Aero Club of America Bulletin, no. 6 (July 1912): 4-5 and "Final Tribute to World Renowned Inventive Genius," Dayton Journal, 2 June 1912.

70"Business and Traffic to Stop During Funeral of World Renowned Air-Man," Dayton Journal, 1 June 1912; "Railway Traffic to be Suspended and Bells to Toll During Funeral of Wilbur Wright," Dayton Daily News, 31 May 1912; and J.C. Eberhardt, "The Death of Wilbur Wright," 1 The Aero Club of America Bulletin, no. 6 (July 1912): 4-5.

71J.C. Eberhardt, "The Death of Wilbur Wright," 1 The Aero Club of America Bulletin, no. 6 (July 1912): 4-5 and "Final Tribute to World Renowned Inventive Genius," Dayton Journal, 2 June 1912.

72Wilbur Wright, Last Will and Testament, Box 103, Wright Papers, LC.

73Wilbur Wright, Last Will and Testament, Box 103, Wright Papers, LC.

74R. Wright to M. Wright, 22 July 1912, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC; R. Wright to M. Wright, 6 October 1912, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC; M. Wright to R. Wright, 13 October 1912, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC; and O. Wright to R. Wright, 16 August 1912, Box 6, Wright Papers, LC.

75M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 750.

Chapter 10:

1K. Wright to Henry Haskell, 18 June 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm and K. Wright to H. Haskell, 22 June 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

2M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 743-796 and Carl Beust, Memorandum, 18 December 1953, Wright Brothers Research, Carillon Historical Park, Dayton, OH (hereafter referred to as CHP).

3M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 780, 782 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 477.

4K. Wright to H. Haskell, 28 January 1926, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm; Wilkinson Wright, interview, 11 May 1995; and Graham Justus, "Hawthorn Hill Has A Special Place in World History," NCR Factory News (June 1965):4.

5M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 784.

6The base of information used to compile "An Architectural and Historical Investigation of the Mound-Horace Area, Dayton, Ohio," was the 1880, 1900, and 1910 U.S. Census. Data from the 1890 U.S. Census was not available for this study since the majority of the document, and all of the Ohio portion of the census, was destroyed by fire.

7Fred Mitchell, "An Architectural and Historical Investigation of the Mound-Horace Area, Dayton, Ohio," Submitted to Montgomery County Historical Society and The 2003 fund Committee by Historic Preservation Associates, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 1993, 10-15.

8Mitchell, "Mound-Horace Area," 10-11.

9Mitchell, "Mound-Horace Area," 11-13.

10Loren S. Gannon, West Third Street Historic District National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form, 2 September 1987.

11K. Wright to H. Haskell, 16 October 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm; K. Wright to H. Haskell, 22 December 1924, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm; Charles J. Bauer, "A Washerwoman's Recollections of the Wrights," Dayton Daily News, 11 November 1936; Deed Records, Book 750, Page 283, MCRC; Deed Records, Book 231, Page 361, MCRC; and Wilkinson Wright, interview by author, tape recording, 5 September 1996, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

12K. Wright to H. Haskell, 16 October 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm and Charles J. Bauer, "A Washerwoman's Recollections of the Wrights," Dayton Daily News, 11 November 1936.

13K. Wright to H. Haskell, 15 March 1926, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

14K. Wright to H. Haskell, 12 January 1926, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

15Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 455-456.

16Grover Loening, Takeoff Into Greatness: How American Aviation Grew So Big So Fast (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1968), 54-55.

17Loening, Takeoff Into Greatness, 55-56.

18Loening, Takeoff Into Greatness, 58.

19K. Wright to H. Haskell, 22 December 1924, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm and Loening, Takeoff Into Greatness, 56.

20Loening, Takeoff Into Greatness, 49 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 252.

21Loening, Takeoff Into Greatness, 63 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 461.

22Loening, Takeoff Into Greatness, 63 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 461-465.

23Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 461-465.

24Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 465-466.

25Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 468 and Charlotte K. and August E. Brunsman, 4 April 1990, "Friendship Carved in Stone," Photocopy.

26I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 15 and Brunsman, "Friendship Carved in Stone."

27Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 43-45.

28Wilkinson Wright, interview, 11 May 1995.

29Wilkinson Wright, interview, 11 May 1995.

30Susan Wright, interview by author, tape recording, 9 May 1996, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

31Wilkinson Wright, interview, 11 May 1995.

32The National Cash Register Company took a multitude of photographs of Orville's laboratory on 16 February 1948. The negatives are located in the NCR Archives at the Montgomery County Historical Society, Dayton, OH.

33Wilkinson Wright, interview, 11 May 1995.

34Wilkinson Wright, interview, 11 May 1995.

35M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 772 and I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 16-17.

36Edward and Eugena Roof, interview by author, tape recording, 28 June 1995, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

37Peters, Dayton's African American Heritage, 145-164.

38John Wohlslagel, interview by author, tape recording, 9 November 1995, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

39Robert Reese, Sr., interview by author, tape recording, 7 December 1995, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

40Don Dugan, interview with author, tape recording, 8 November 1995, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

41I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 34-35.

42Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 473.

43Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 473.

44Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 473.

45Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 473-474.

46K. Wright to H. Haskell, 26 December 1923, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

47Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 478.

48K. Wright to H. Haskell, 1 July 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 479.

49Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 479-480.

50Andrews, Andrews, Clapp, Stokes, Wright, Van Cleve Genealogies, 550.

51I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 21-22.

52Andrews, Andrews, Clapp, Stokes, Wright, Van Cleve Genealogies, 571.

53K. Wright to H. Haskell, 3 June 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

54M. Wright, Diaries: 1857-1917, 820 and I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 19.

55Col. E.A. Deeds, "My Acquaintance with Orville Wright," History Non-NCR Wright Brothers, NCR and "A Close Tie," NCR World 3, no. 4 (September-October 1970): 11.

56K. Wright to H. Haskell, 8 May 1926, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

57Col. E.A. Deeds, "My Acquaintance with Orville Wright," History Non-NCR Wright Brothers, NCR.

58Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 23-25.

59The best account of Orville's feud with the Smithsonian Institution is in chapter 35 of The Bishop's Boys by Tom Crouch. Unless other endnotes are included all material for this topic was gleaned from this source.

60After December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville packed the plane and stored it in their Dayton bicycle shop and then Orville's laboratory. It was reassembled for the first time in 1916 for exhibit at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was also exhibited in 1917 at the Pan-American Aeronautic exhibition in New York City; the June 1918 meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers in Dayton; and the 1919 Aeronautical Exposition in New York City. The last time it was reassembled was at South Field in Dayton in 1921 for testimony in Regina Cleary Montgomery et al vs. Wright Martin Aircraft Company Suit.

61K. Wright to H. Haskell, 2 December 1924, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

62K. Wright to H. Haskell, 14 May 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

63K. Wright to H. Haskell, 11 May 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm; K. Wright to H. Haskell, 13 May 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm; and K. Wright to H. Haskell, 14 May 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

64I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 23-24.

65I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 23-25 and Wilkinson Wright, interview, 11 May 1995.

66K. Wright to H. Haskell, 13 June 1925, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

67K. Wright to H. Haskell, 14 May 1926, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

68K. Wright to H. Haskell, 9 February 1926, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm and K. Wright to H. Haskell, 15 May 1926, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

69"Miss Katharine Wright Is To Wed Henry J. Haskell, Kansas City Star Editor," Dayton Journal, 20 November 1926.

70Henry C. Haskell to John B. Crane, 17 November 1977, Haskell Papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

71I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 25.

72I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 25.

73I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 25-26.

74I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 31.

75I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 31-32 and K. Wright to H. Haskell, 5 June 1925, Haskell papers, UMKC, Microfilm.

76This book was eventually published by John R. McMahon under the title The Wright Brothers: Fathers of Flight by Little, Brown and Company in 1930.

77Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 475-476.

78I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 31-33. These two books are still available in reprint editions. The Wright Brothers: A Biography is published by Dover Publications, Inc. and Miracle at Kitty Hawk: The Letters of Wilbur and Orville Wright by Da Capo Press.

79I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 37-40 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 523-524.

80I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 37-40; "Noted Inventor Dies In Sleep Four Days After Heart Attack," Dayton Daily News, 31 January 1948; and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 523-524.

81I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 39-40 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 524.

82A.S. Kany, "Famous Inventor Dies In Sleep of Heart Attack," Dayton Herald, 31 January 1948 and Gordon Jost, "1,500 Mourners In Final Tribute to Orville Wright," Dayton Journal, 2 February 1948.

83Gordon Jost, "1,500 Mourners In Final Tribute to Orville Wright," Dayton Journal, 2 February 1948.

84Marj Heyduck, "Impressive Ceremonies Mark Wright Funeral," Dayton Herald, 3 February 1948 and A.S. Kany, "Famous Inventor Dies In Sleep of Heart Attack," Dayton Herald, 31 January 1948.

85"50 Pallbearers Are Named For Wright Funeral," Dayton Daily News, 1 February 1948.

86A.S. Kany, "Famous Inventor Dies In Sleep of Heart Attack," Dayton Herald, 31 January 1948.

87Marj Heyduck, "Impressive Ceremonies Mark Wright Funeral," Dayton Herald, 3 February 1948.

88See Appendix C for the text of the article.

89Kelly, Wright Brothers, 323-333.

90I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 40-41.

91I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 40-41.

92Last Will and Testament of Orville Wright, Folder 1, SC-15: Wrights: Copies of Wills, WSU.

93Last Will and Testament of Orville Wright, Folder 1, SC-15: Wrights: Copies of Wills, WSU.

94Last Will and Testament of Orville Wright, Folder 1, SC-15: Wrights: Copies of Wills, WSU.

95Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 525.

96Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 525-526.

97Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 525-526.

98Patrick B. Nolan and John A. Zamonski, The Wright Brothers Collection: A Guide to the Technical, Business and Legal, Genealogical, Photographic, and Other Archives at Wright State University (New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1977) and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 525.

99I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 41-42.

100I. Miller, Wright Reminiscences, 41-42.

101Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 516.

Chapter 11:

1Bilstein, Flight in America, 17-18.

2Bilstein, Flight in America, 26-31.

3Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Statistics for Principal Cities and Metropolitan Districts, vol. 1 of Census of Manufactures, 1914 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1918); Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Reports of States, with Statistics for Principal Cities, vol. 9 of 14th Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1920, Manufactures, 1919 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923); Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of the Census, Reports for States, with Statistics for Principal Cities, vol. 9 of 13th Census of the United States Taken in 1910, Manufactures, 1909 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1912); and Bilstein, Flight in America, 34.

4This article is quoted in Roger E. Bilstein, Flight in America, 29.

5Bilstein, Flight in America, 26-31.

6Bilstein, Flight in America, 33-34.

7Lois E. Walker and Shelby E. Wickam, From Huffman Prairie to the Moon: The History of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: Office of History, 2750th Air Base Wing, Air Force Logistics Command, 1986), 33-34.

8Walker and Wickam, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 25-27.

9Walker and Wickam, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 25-27.

10Walker and Wickam, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 27-29.

11Walker and Wickam, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 72-77.

12Walker and Wickam, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 51-54.

13Walker and Wickam, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 51-54, 82.

14Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 97 and Slaton, "Aeronautical Engineering at Wright-Patterson," 2-5.

15William L. Sanders, "Air Research Born 50 Years Ago At McCook Field," Dayton Daily News, 13 February 1963 and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 94-97.

16Elsbeth E. Freudenthal, The Aviation Business: From Kitty Hawk to Wall Street (New York: The Vanguard Press, 1940), 17, 35-37; Bilstein, Flight in America, 26-31, 35-36; and Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Reports of States, with Statistics for Principal Cities, vol. 9 of 14th Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1920, Manufactures, 1919 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923).

17Walker and Wickam, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 23.

18"History of Inland," June 1948, Harvey Geyer Collection, Montgomery County Historical Society, Dayton, Ohio and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 469.

19Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 466-469.

20Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 466.

21Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 469.

22General Motors Corporation, "Dayton-Wright Airplanes, Commercial and Pleasure Aircraft of Distinction," Box 97, Wright Papers, LC; Dayton-Wright Company, Box 12, Acc. 1623, HFMGV; and The Dayton-Wright Airplane Co., "An Achievement," Library, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, England.

23The Dayton-Wright Airplane Co., "Some Interesting Facts & Photographs," Box 100, Wright Papers, LC and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 469.

24Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 469-470.

25Walker and Wickham, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 25 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 470.

26The Dayton-Wright Airplane Co., "Some Interesting Facts & Photographs," Box 100, Wright Papers, LC; The Dayton-Wright Airplane Company, "An Achievement," Library, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, England; and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 58-60, 62-65.

27The Dayton-Wright Airplane Company, "An Achievement," Library, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, England.

28Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 470.

29General Motors Corporation, "Dayton-Wright Airplanes, Commercial and Pleasure Aircraft of Distinction," Box 97, Wright Papers, LC.

30Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 471.

31Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 471.

32Freudenthal, Aviation Business, 62-63.

33General Motors Corporation, "Dayton-Wright Airplanes, Commercial and Pleasure Aircraft of Distinction," Box 97, Wright Papers, LC.

34Dayton Wright Company, "Learn to Fly" Box 21, Wright Papers, LC.

35Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 471 and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 48-49.

36Howard, Wilbur and Orville, 420.

37Freundenthal, Aviation Business, 63.

38William L. Sanders, "Air Research Born 50 Years Ago At McCook Field," Dayton Daily News, 13 February 1963 and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 94-97.

39"How Dayton Had Campaign To Provide the Wright Field," Aviation Progress, 8 October 1927; Minutes of Meeting of the Dayton Air Service Committee, held at the County Club, Wednesday, October 25th, 1922, Box 1, MS-136, Dayton Air Service Incorporated Committee (hereafter MS-136), WSU; Program Dedication of Wright Field, 12 October 1927, Aviation, NCR; and Walker and Wickham, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 104-105.

40"How Dayton Had Campaign To Provide the Wright Field," Aviation Progress, 8 October 1927; Minutes of Meeting of the Dayton Air Service Committee, held at the County Club, Wednesday, October 25th, 1922, Box 1, MS-136, Dayton Air Service Incorporated Committee (hereafter MS-136), WSU; and Program Dedication of Wright Field, 12 October 1927, Aviation, NCR.

41Program Dedication of Wright Field, 12 October 1927, Aviation, NCR.

42Program Dedication of Wright Field, 12 October 1927, Aviation, NCR.

43Freudenthal, Aviation Business, 63, 66-68.

44Dick Korns, "Al Johnson Foster Local Aviation Grown," Business News, 20 November-3 December 1995.

45"Data Concerning Ohio Air Ports," The Slipstream 8, no. 9 (September 1927): 40; Dick Korns, "Al Johnson Foster Local Aviation Grown," Business News, 20 November-3 December 1995; and Tony D'Elia, "Johnson's Airplanes and Supplies," Electron, 3 June 1994.

46Dick Korns, "Al Johnson Foster Local Aviation Grown," Business News, 20 November-3 December 1995 and Tony D'Elia, "Johnson's Airplanes and Supplies," Electron, 3 June 1994.

47D. Earl Dunlap, "The Johnson Twin-60," The Slipstream 8, no. 1 (January 1927): 22-24 and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 112-113.

48"Johnson's Airplane and Supply Co.," Dayton Daily News, 16 December 1928.

49Lieutenant Frank S. Patterson was the son of the founder of The National Cash Register Company John H. Patterson's brother, Frank Patterson.

50Sanders, "Air Research Born 50 Years Ago at McCook Field," Dayton Daily News, 13 February 1963 and Walker and Wickham, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 82.

51Walker and Wickham, Huffman Prairie to the Moon, 257, 293.

52Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Aeronautical Systems Center, Public Affairs Division, "A Short History of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, PAM #95-139," October 1995.

53Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 78-81.

54"Dayton Boasts of Sixth Air Station," The Slipstream 9, no. 3 (March 1928): 17,33; Tony D'Elia, "Johnson's Airplanes and Supplies," Electron, 3 June 1994; and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 111.

55Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 113.

56Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 111.

57Boesen, Victor, William P. Lear: From High School Dropout to Space Age Inventor (New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1974) and Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 109-110.

58Bob Hollenbaugh and John Houser, Aeronca - A Photo History (Destin, FL: Aviation Heritage Books., 1993), 1-4.

59Hollenbaugh and Houser, Aeronca, 1-4.

60Hollenbaugh and Houser, Aeronca, 81.

61Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 107.

62Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 108-109.

63Williams' City Directory 1944, 5.

64Information provided to the author by Jack Wilhelm, WACO Historical Society, Inc., Troy, Ohio.

65Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 105-106.

Chapter 12:

1Herbert A. Shaw, "Wright Museum Plans 40 Years Old," Dayton Daily News, 16 September 1952.

2"May Establish Memorial to Noted Airmen," Dayton Herald, 31 May 1912.

3"May Establish Memorial to Noted Airmen," Dayton Herald, 31 May 1912.

4"The Wright Memorial," Dayton Journal, 2 June 1912 and "The Proposed Wright Memorial," Aero Club of America Bulletin (July 1912): 5.

5Record of the Proceedings of the Incorporators, Members and Trustees of the Wright Memorial Commission, 27 February 1913, MS-134: Wright Memorial Commission (hereafter referred to as MS-134), WSU.

6Agreement between Wright Memorial Commission and Gutzon Borglum, 27 February 1913, MS-134, WSU.

7G. Borglum to Major Squier, Acting Chief Signal Officer, 13 October 1908, #18067-529, RG 111: Office of the Chief Signal Officer, NARA and G. Borglum to E.F. McDonald, 10 February 1941, Box 1, Taylor Papers, Cal Tech.

8L.E. Olwell to E.A. Deeds, 14 October 1912, MS-134, WSU.

9Unsigned letter to Olmsted Brothers, 15 October 1912, MS-134, WSU.

10Don Colburn, Wright Brothers Hill National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form, 1 September 1994.

11O.B. Brown to W. Kelsey Schoepf, 16 October 1912, MS-134, WSU and O.B. Brown to E.A. Deeds, 10 January 1913, MS-134, WSU.

12A.M. Kittredge to G. Borglum, 6 May 1913, Box 130, Gutzon Borglum Papers, LC and Record of the Proceedings of the Incorporators, Members and Trustees of the Wright Memorial Commission, 27 February 1913, Box 1, MS-134, WSU and Certificate of Dissolution of a Domestic Corporation, 17 May 1920, Box 1, MS-134, WSU.

13Minutes of Meeting of the Dayton Air Service Committee, held at the County Club, Wednesday, October 25th, 1922, Box 1, MS-136, WSU and Records of Proceedings of the Incorporators, Members and Trustees of The Wilbur and Orville Wright Memorial Commission, Box 1, MS-134, WSU.

14William R. Chapman and Jill K. Hanson, Wright Brothers National Memorial Historic Resource Study (Atlanta: Southeast Field Office, National Park Service, January 1997), 42.

15Chapman, Wright Brothers, 42-43.

16Chapman, Wright Brothers, 43-55.

17"In Honor of the Wrights," Slipstream 8, no. 11 (November 1927): 9-10.

18"Wright Memorial Site Criticized," Slipstream 9, no. 1 (January 1928): 7.

19Charles B. Hosmer, Jr., "Preservation-A Historical Perspective," in Cultural Resources Management ed. by Ronald W. Johnson and Michael G. Schene (Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1987), 6-7 and David Lowenthal, The Past is A Foreign Country (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985), 328.

20James V. Piersol to Fred Black, 20 December 1935, Box 1, MS-157: Wright Brothers (hereafter referred to as MS-157), WSU; James V. Piersol, "Faith and Flight," Box 1, MS-157, WSU; and Edsel Ford to O. Wright, 23 December 1935, Box 3, Acc. 1623, HFMGV.

21E.G. Liebold to O. Wright, 17 July 1925, Box 27, Wright Papers, LC; Frank Campbell to O. Wright, 9 March 1928, Box 27, Wright Papers, LC; and J.V. Piersol to F. Black, 20 December 1935, Box 1, MS-157, WSU.

22J.V. Piersol to F. Black, 20 December 1935, Box 1, MS-157, WSU.

23E. Ford to O. Wright, 23 December 1935, Box 3, Acc. 1623, HFMGV and J.V. Piersol to F. Black, 3 February 1936, Box 3, Acc. 1623, HFMGV.

24"Ford Visits Orville Wright to See Plane's Birthplace while Intact," Dayton Daily News, 27 October 1936 and "Orville Wright's Birthplace Interests Ford, but He Denies Decision to Purchase Is Reached," Dayton Daily News, 28 October 1936.

25"Ford Hauls Away 'Native Soil' of Wright Home," Dayton Herald, 15 July 1937 and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 508-509.

26The Edison Institute, Dedication of the Wright Brothers Home and Shop in Greenfield Village (Dearborn: The Edison Institute, 1938) and Crouch, Bishop's Boys, 508-509.

27"Daytonians Stirred to New Appreciation of Wright Brothers by Removal of Old Building," Dayton Journal, 5 July 1936.

28"Science Hall Suggested As Wright Honor," Dayton Daily News, 9 July 1936.

29The Dayton Air Service Incorporated Committee to The United States of America, Recorded 12 August 1924 in Wright Brothers Files, Aeronautical System Center Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio and "Science Hall Suggested As Wright Honor," Dayton Daily News, 9 July 1936.

30"Science Hall Suggested As Wright Honor," Dayton Daily News, 9 July 1936 and "Bicycle Shop Not Only Building of Historical Interest," Dayton Journal, 12 July 1936. The date of demolition of the 1910 hangar is based on aerial photos of the area at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

31The Dayton Air Service Incorporated Committee, 4 May 1938, Box 1, MS-136, WSU.

32The Dayton Air Service Incorporated Committee, 4 May 1938, Box 1, MS-136, WSU and Assistant Treasurer to E.A. Deeds, 25 June 1941, History Non-NCR Wright Brothers, NCR.

33"Wright Brothers' Memorial Park Approved by Grant from Miami Conservancy District," Dayton Herald, 22 September 1938.

34Olmsted Brothers to E.A. Deeds, 26 April 1938, Box 1, MS-134, WSU; Olmsted Brothers to Arno B. Cammerer, 9 June 1938, Job #9519, National Park Service Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site, Brookline, MA (hereafter referred to as Olmsted Site); and Notes of Special Meeting of the Directors of the Wilbur and Orville Wright Memorial Commission held on 7 October 1938, Box 1, MS-134, WSU.

35P.R. Jones, Wright Memorial, 14 February 1913, Job File 5771, Olmsted Associates Papers, LC.

36Olmsted Brothers to Arno B. Cammerer, 9 June 1938, Job #9519, Olmsted Site and Olmsted Brothers to Conrad L. Wirth, 22 July 1938, Job #9519, Olmsted Site.

37R.E. Schenck to T.J. McVey, 5 June 1937, Box 163, Entry 115, Record Group 35 Civilian Conservation Corps (hereafter referred to as RG 35), NARA.

38Don Colburn, Wright Brothers Hill National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form, 1 September 1994.

39E.D. Smith to Carl Rust Parker, 29 August 1939, Job File 280, Olmsted Associates Papers, LC.

40This pylon was removed in June 2002.

41Dedication Program for Wright Brothers Hill, 19 August 1940, Miscellaneous Deeds Articles, Deeds Collection, NCR; "Wright Hill Dedicated in Dayton," US Air Services 25, no. 9 (September 1940): 10; and "Dedicate Wright Memorial at Dayton," The NCR News, Undated, History Non-NCR Wright Brothers, NCR.

42Untitled Memorandum, Box 23, Wright Papers, LC.

43The historical society is now called the Montgomery County Historical Society. The Dayton Historical Society and the Montgomery County Historical Society merged in 1947.

44Untitled Memorandum, Box 23, Wright Papers, LC; W.M. Petit to The Dayton City Plan Board, 28 November 1941, Box 23, Wright Papers, LC; and H.W. Starick to H.A. Schultz, 26 December 1941, Box 23, Wright Papers, LC.

45Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 70-71.

46Press Release for 25 February 1948, History Non-NCR Carillon Park, NCR.

47Press Release for 25 February 1948, History Non-NCR Carillon Park, NCR.

48Press Release for 25 February 1948, History Non-NCR Carillon Park, NCR.

49Zenas Crane to W. and Orville Wright, 11 November 1911, Box 18, Wright Papers, LC and Wright Brothers to Z. Crane, 18 November 1911, Box 18, Wright Papers, LC.

50O. Wright to F. Campbell, 11 February 1928, Box 27, Wright Papers, LC; Samuel G. Colt to O. Wright, 20 May 1915, Box 18, Wright Papers, LC; and O. Wright to Z. Marshall Crane, Box 18, Wright Papers, LC.

51O. Wright to Z. Crane, 29 January 1913, Box 18, Wright Papers, LC; Z. Crane to O. Wright, 5 February 1913, Box 18, Wright Papers, LC; S.G. Colt to O. Wright, 21 February 1914, Box 18, Wright Papers, LC; and O. Wright to S.G. Colt, 27 August 1914, Box 18, Wright Papers, LC.

52Carl Beust to O. Wright, 25 August 1947, Box 63, Wright Papers, LC.

53McFarland, Papers, 2:1192; Press Release for 25 February 1948, History Non-NCR Carillon Park, NCR; and "Historical Building Moved to New Site," NCR Factory News, September 1949, 2.

54"U.S. Shrine At Wright's Home Urged," Dayton Herald, 6 February 1948; "Wright Residence Proposal Rejected," Dayton Daily News, 17 February 1948; and "Won't Buy Wright Home During Present Session," Dayton Daily News, 10 February 1948.

55November 11, 1948 Press Release, 50 History Non-NCR Hawthorn Hill, NCR and The Wrights' Time to Fly: The Family Remembers, prod. and ed. Mike Priest and Bev Priest, MBC Productions, Dayton, 1985.

56"Letters Urge 'Wright Av.' In Dayton At Once," Dayton Daily News, 6 February 1948.

57"Wright Memorial Route Proposed," Dayton Herald, 2 February 1948.

58"Wright Way' Will Be Dedicated Here," Dayton Daily News, 29 February 1948.

59"Bicycle Shop Replica Eyed at Carillon," Dayton Journal Herald, 20 October 1965 and "Wright Cycle Shop Returning as Ghost," Dayton Daily News, 14 April 1970.

60Jack Jones, "Building Linked to Aviation," Dayton Daily News, 27 December 1972; "U.S. Lists Wright Lab as 'Historic'," Dayton Journal Herald, 10 May 1973; and Henry Harris, "Rescuer Sought for Orville's Lab," Dayton Daily News, 24 January 1974.

61Henry Harris, "Rescuer Sought for Orville's Lab," Dayton Daily News, 24 January 1974; Steve Sidlo, "Rescue of Wright's Lab Up in Air," Dayton Daily News, 16 December 1975; and "Wright Lab Facade Saved," Dayton Journal Herald, 5 January 1977.

62"The First Ten Years: 1981-1991 A Tenth Anniversary History of Aviation Trail," 1; Aviation Trails Meeting #1, 25 February 1981, Box 6, Gerald Sharkey Papers (hereafter referred to as Sharkey); Aviation Trail Meeting #17, 17 February 1982, Box 6, Sharkey; and By-Laws of Aviation Trail Inc., Box 6, Sharkey and Articles of Incorporation of Aviation Trail, Minute Book 1981-1982, Aviation Trail Incorporation, Dayton, Ohio (hereafter referred to as ATI.)

63The First Ten Years: 1981-1991 A Tenth Anniversary History of Aviation Trail," 1 and Mary Ann Johnson, interview by author, tape recording, 21 February 1996, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

64M.A. Johnson, interview.

65Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 39-40 and 45-46.

66Johnson, Field Guide to Flight, 40-41.

67M.A. Johnson, interview and Gerald Sharkey, interview by author, tape recording, 16 February 1996, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio.

68"The First Ten Years: 1981-1991 A Tenth Anniversary History of Aviation Trail," 3.

69"The First Ten Years: 1981-1991 A Tenth Anniversary History of Aviation Trail," 3-5; M.A. Johnson, interview; and G. Sharkey, interview, 16 February 1996.

70"The First Ten Years: 1981-1991 A Tenth Anniversary History of Aviation Trail," 3-5; M.A. Johnson, interview; and G. Sharkey, interview, 16 February 1996.

71"The First Ten Years: 1981-1991 A Tenth Anniversary History of Aviation Trail," 5 and Gaede-Serne-Zofcin Architects, Cleveland, Ohio, "Master Plan Study for the Hoover Block, Dayton, Ohio," Submitted to Aviation Trail Incorporated, 1987.

72"The First Ten Years: 1981-1991 A Tenth Anniversary History of Aviation Trail," 6 and Aviation Trail Inc., "Development Plan for the Wright Brothers Inner West Enterprise Zone, Draft," March 1982, Revised May 1982.

73G. Sharkey, interview, 16 February 1996; J. Bradford Tillson, interview by author, tape recording, 29 February 1996, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Dayton, Ohio; and Aviation Trail Board of Trustees #102, 15 March 1989, Box 1, Sharkey.

74G. Sharkey, interview, 16 February 1996 and J.B. Tillson, interview.

75National Park Service, "Study of Alternatives, Dayton's Aviation Heritage, Ohio," submitted to The 2003 Fund Committee, April 1991, 1-2.

76The incorporation papers name the committee as The 2003 Fund Inc. although it is commonly referred to as The 2003 Committee.

77G. Sharkey, interview, 16 February 1996; J. B. Tillson, interview and 2003 Fund Inc., Articles of Incorporation, Box 1, Sharkey.

78In the legislation designating Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, this district is erroneously referred to as Wright Dunbar Historic District.

79National Park Service, "Study of Alternatives, Dayton's Aviation Heritage, Ohio," submitted to The 2003 Fund Committee, April 1991, 1-2 and "The 2003 Committee/The 2003 Fund, Release, Friday, October 6," 6 October 1989, Box 2, Sharkey.


What Dreams We Have
©2003 Ann Honious.
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