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Historical Background

Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings

Suggested Reading

Colonials and Patriots
Survey of
Historic Sites and Buildings

B. National Historic Sites in Non-Federal Ownership

Scattered throughout the United States are a number of National Historic Sites in non-Federal ownership. Many are not units of the National Park System but, as authorized by the Historic Sites Act of 1935, are administered under the provisions of cooperative agreements to which the Secretary of the Interior is a party. In order to retain the designation of National Historic Site, the other parties to the agreement must maintain the property in a manner consistent with good preservation practices, and for this purpose they may receive technical assistance from the National Park Service. The Federal Government also normally provides a bronze plaque for mounting at the site. All sites so designated have been approved by the Advisory Board as meeting the criteria of exceptional historical value.

Gloria Dei Church National Historic Site (Independence NHS), Pa.

Touro Synagogue National Historic Site, R.I.

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Last Updated: 09-Jan-2005