This report offers a history of the furniture used
by enlisted men in barracks and guardhouses of the United States
Army before 1880. It approaches the subject along three
avenues--administrative history, the history of regulations, and
the observations of people who were there--and then reconciles the
three bodies of information in a summary chapter. More than half
the report is appendixes, which are intended to be, as completely
as possible, a convenient source book on the subject. The reader
is warned in advance that many of the footnotes are substantive; I
apologize to those who believe (as I do) that expansions of the
text ought to appear at the bottoms of pages, but the economic
facts of life forbid that.
There is much in this report that may surprise
some readers, especially those of an antiquarian bent. We today
are accustomed to an Army that is highly bureaucratized, with a
rule or regulation governing every aspect of the soldier's life.
Rigid specifications, centralized procurement, and general issues
now make every barrack room more or less identical to every
But that was not always the case. During the 19th
century the Army only haltingly moved from an age of handicrafts
without policy to one of polict without handicrafts. As a result,
the only thing uniform about the Army was its uniform. Except for
clothing and hardware procured and distributed from central
sources, most of the Army's material inventory was assembled
locally and without guidance from above. It was not until the
1870s that the Army's managers began seriously to address the
refinement of specifications and the imposition of uniform
standards servicewide. Accordingly, no two army posts--or barrack
rooms or even bunks--were the same for the first full century of
the Army's existence.
David A. Clary