City of Rocks
Historic Resources Study
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Almo, Idaho is a remarkable community where the list of current inhabitants and property owners echoes that of the original homesteaders. Families have lived here for generations. They are tied by kinship, a shared agricultural livelihood, and, to a large extent, by shared religious beliefs. They care about the place, are versed in its history, and are eager to share what they know. HRA would like to thank the following individuals for their help and hospitality during the conduct of this project. Kathleen Durfee, a ranger at the City of Rocks National Reserve and descendant of area patriarchs Myron B. Durfee and Henry R. Cahoon, introduced us to her neighbors and provided invaluable assistance during the field survey and archival-source review. Third-generation area residents Jim Sheridan, Melbert Taylor, and Lyonal Mooso eloquently described their childhood near the City of Rocks, the region's agricultural development, and their concerns for the area's future. Charles Twitchell, long-time Elba resident, took the time to discuss with us his recollection of the travel corridors through the City of Rocks. Almo residents Marion and Bud Ward (the latter a "distant relation" of early settler Charles R. Ward), provided room and board and shared their recollections of the region from their lifelong tenure there.

National Park Service Historian, Gretchen Luxenberg (who served as the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative for this project), and others in the Pacific West Field Area, Columbia-Cascade System Support Office, conducted a thorough review of the draft HRS. Dr. Merle Wells of the Idaho State Historical Society also reviewed the draft document and generously shared information collected during the course of many decades of historical research relative to southern Idaho in general and the City of Rocks in particular. We appreciate the corrections, comments and suggestions received from all reviewers and hope that we have addressed their concerns in this final draft.

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Last Updated: 12-Jul-2004