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Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Twentieth Reunion. Chattanooga, Tennessee. 1889. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Company, 1890. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Twenty-first Reunion, Toledo, Ohio, 1890. Cincinnati: Robert Clark and Company, 1891. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Twenty-second Reunion. Columbus, Ohio. 1891. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Company, 1892. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Twenty-third Reunion, Chickamauga Park, Georgia. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Company, 1892. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Twenty-four Reunion, Cleveland, Ohio, 1893. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Company, 1894. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Twenty-fifth Reunion, Chattanooga, Tennessee,1895. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Company, 1896. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Twenty-sixth Reunion, Rockford Illinois, 1896. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Company, 1897. Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Twenty-Seventh Reunion, Columbus, Ohio, 1897. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Company, 1898. Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Twenty-eighth Reunion, Detroit, Michigan, September 26 and 27, 1899. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Company, 1900. Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Twenty-ninth Reunion, Chattanooga, Tennessee, October 9, 10, 1901, Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Company, 1901. Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Thirtieth Reuion, Louisville, Kentucky, October 8, 9, 1902. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Company, 1902. Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Thirty-first Reunion, Washington, D.C., October 14, 15, 16, 1903. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Company, 1904. South Carolina Chickamauga Commission. Ceremonies at the Unveiling of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield, May 27th, 1901. Together with a Record of the Commission Who Suggested and were Instrumental in Securing and Erecting the Monument, etc. N.p., 1901. Stewart, S.F. Brief of Turchin's Brigade in reply to Brief of Minnesota Monument Commission, dated February 10, 1911. Evanston, Illinois: Historical Committee, Turchin's Brigade, 1911. Tennessee Monuments and Markers: Report of the Tennessee Chickamauga Park Commission, Chattanooga: Chickamauga Park Commission, 1898. Tucker, Glenn. Chickamauga: Bloody Battle in the West. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1961. Turchin, John B. Chickamauga. Chicago: Fergus Printing Company, 1888. United Confederate Veterans, First Annual Convention. Chattanooga: Privately printed, 1890.
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